Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2002 04:55:48 -0500
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Subject: RHC Weekend-12/13 January 2002

RHC Weekend-12/13 January 2002

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

Radio Havana Cuba - Weekend News Update - 12/13 January 2002












Havana, January 12 (RHC)-- The Cuban government has announced its
official position on the transfer of Afghan prisoners of war to the
U.S. Naval Base at Guantánamo -- expressing its willingness to
preserve the atmosphere of détente and mutual respect that has
prevailed in that area over the past several years.

Emphasizing the illegal nature of the area's occupation by the United
States since 1903, the statement released late Friday night notes
that following the victory of the Cuban Revolution in 1959, the naval
base was "the source of numerous frictions between Cuba and the
United States."

The official declaration of the Cuban government points out that the
U.S. Naval Base at Guantánamo "is the exact place where American and
Cuban soldiers stand face to face," therefore it is the place where
serenity and a sense of responsibility are most required. The
statement goes on to say that while the Cuban people have always been
willing to fight and die in defense of the island's sovereignty, "the
most sacred duty of our people and their leaders has been to preserve
the nation from avoidable, unnecessary and bloody wars."

Cuba's official statement notes that the U.S. base at Guantánamo is
also the place where it would be easy for those wanting to provoke
conflicts between the two countries to undertake plans aimed at
encouraging aggressive actions against the Cuban people. "In the
past, shots were often fired from that facility into Cuban territory,
and several Cuban soldiers died as a result. Counterrevolutionaries
found safe haven and support there."

The official declaration also points out that "following unilateral
decisions by leaders of the U.S. government throughout the
revolutionary period in Cuba, tens of thousands of immigrants --
Haitians and Cubans who tried to make it to the United States by
their own means -- were taken to that military base. Throughout more
than four decades, the naval base at Guantánamo has been put to
multiple uses, none of them justifying its presence on the island.
But Cuba could do absolutely nothing to prevent it."

The Cuban government's position regarding the transfer of Afghan
prisoners of war to the U.S. Naval Base at Guantánamo notes that
"conditions have never existed for a calm, legal and diplomatic
analysis aimed at the only logical and fair solution" to the illegal
occupation of the Base: the return to Cuba of that portion of its
national territory.

The statement emphasizes that a basic principle of Cuba's policy
regarding this bizarre and potentially dangerous problem between
Havana and Washington has been to not make the claim a major issue,
not even a specially important issue. Cuba "has been particularly
thoughtful about applying a cautious and equable policy" in relation
to the U.S. naval base.

Specifically regarding Washington's decision to take Afghan prisoners
of war to Guantánamo, the official statement notes that, as in the
past, Havana was not consulted -- but there was a gesture in
providing ample and detailed information on the steps that would be
taken to accommodate the prisoners and ensure that the security of
the Cuban people would not in anyway be jeopardized.

The Cuban government reiterates that despite the fact that the two
countries hold different positions as to the most efficient way to
eradicate terrorism, the difference between Cuba and the United
States lies in the method and not in the need to put an end to

And, while the transfer of foreign war prisoners by the U.S.
government to one of its military facilities - located in an area of
Cuba over which Havana has no control - does not abide by the
provisions that regulated is inception, the Cuban government will not
place any obstacles in the way of the operation.

"Cuba will make every effort to preserve the atmosphere of détente
and mutual respect that has prevailed in that area over the past
several years."


Washington, January 12 (RHC)-- U.S. President George W. Bush went
over the heads of Senate opposition to appoint a controversial,
right-wing Cuban-American to a high-ranking position in the State
Department. The White House officially notified Congress of the
long-threatened appointment of Otto Reich on Friday and publicly
announced the decision without further comment.

Bush named Otto Reich as Assistant Secretary of State for Latin
America -- the top diplomatic post for the region. According to
reports from Capitol Hill, because the U.S. president exercised his
authority while Congress is in recess, Reich will only be allowed to
serve until Congress recesses again at the end of the year.

Bush nominated Otto Reich for the State Department position last
March, but the Senate Foreign Relations Committee refused to give
Reich a confirmation hearing. Committee head, Senator Christopher
Dodd, a Democrat from Connecticut, was outspokenly opposed to the
career diplomat -- questioning his close ties to Miami's right-wing
Cuban-American community.

Dodd and others in the House and Senate also accused Otto Reich of
running an illegal, covert propaganda effort against Nicaragua's
Sandinista government during the administration of President Ronald
Reagan. From 1983 to 1986, Otto Reich headed the so-called Office of
Public Diplomacy for Latin America and the Caribbean. He was also
accused of directly lobbying in favor of the contras, who killed tens
of thousands of Nicaraguans during their war against the Sandinistas.


Havana, January 12 (RHC)-- Cuba is carefully following developments
in Argentina and has issued an official statement, calling for
solidarity and respect.

According to the statement from the Cuban government, huge pressures
are being exerted from outside Argentina in response to measures
taken by President Eduardo Duhalde. The statement says that the lack
of comprehension and solidarity on the part of certain governments
and transnational corporations within the international financial
system and its institutions has been made evident.

The statement, released in Havana on Friday, notes that Argentina --
the showcase of neo-liberal philosophy, has gone bankrupt. And the
real intentions of the predators of the Latin American peoples have
been exposed.

The government statement goes on to say that the enterprises and
banks that obtained juicy profits from the sweat and sacrifice of
that sister nation, the speculators and thieves who plundered that
nation's heritage and brought the country to bankruptcy, and the
governments of certain developed countries that are now pressuring in
defense of their interests should accept that the Argentinean people
deserve an opportunity to restore their nation.

Cuba says it is confident that Argentina will be able to overcome the
difficult situation in which it currently finds itself, and expresses
its sympathy for and support of all decisions by the Argentinean
government which are effectively leading to the unrestricted defense
of national interests, including the recovery of production and
national industry, the promotion of its exports, jobs, the protection
of its workers, its indispensable and much-needed entry into MERCOSUR
and improved living standards for its people.

"At this difficult time, and as always, Cuba stands solidly with the
people of Argentina."


Havana, January 12 (RHC)-- A contingent of nearly 11,000 thousand
men and women in the Cuban capital on Saturday began an all-out war
against the Aedes Aegypti mosquito -- carrier of dengue fever.

In a meeting Friday evening with representatives of these men and
women, Cuban President Fidel Castro officially assigned them to their
mission: to eliminate any possibility of a new epidemic of dengue on
the island. The Cuban leader explained that all the necessary
resources have been earmarked to carry out such an important task.

Fidel Castro underscored that the task is not a simple one, taking
into account current outbreaks in many regional nations. He recalled
that the last dengue epidemic in Cuba was registered in 1981. The
Cuban leader said that 20 years ago, dengue was introduced in the
framework of the U.S. bacteriological warfare against the island.

The disease was once again news on the island in 1997. This time, it
was as a consequence of the economic and tourist opening and the
arrival in Cuba of people from areas where dengue is very common. The
leader of the Cuban Revolution explained that, as a result, a serious
situation was created island-wide; 16 years had passed since the last
outbreak of dengue in 1981 and the disease struck by surprise. Fidel
stressed that thanks to the involvement of the entire people in the
campaign to destroy mosquito breeding grounds, the disease was
eradicated in a relatively short period of time.

Members of the contingent -- which the Cuban leader described as "an
army of soldiers and doctors who will wage a battle to protect their
people from disease" -- were selected from among the most outstanding
workers and students in Havana.

Also on hand at Friday's meeting were officials from the Health
Ministry and other health services in the Cuban capital. During the
session, which was broadcast on national television, experts
explained in detail every step and objective of the campaign, in
which all Havana residents will also play a decisive role,
particularly in the destruction of areas where mosquitoes breed.

The Cuban president asked a number of questions to make sure that
every aspect of the campaign was fully understood. He showed
particular interest in the strategy for each and every Havana
municipality, which he said must respond to the specific situation
and characteristics of every individual area.

Over the next weeks and months, 11,000 men and women will be visiting
every single home, work place and building to search and destroy any
potential area where mosquitoes can breed. During the meeting Friday
night in Havana, participants thanked the Cuban president and, in
general, the island's authorities for their tireless efforts to
improve and preserve the health levels of their people. And they
stressed that this is only possible under a socialist revolution.


Havana, January 12 (RHC)-- The Basque Country's Regional Advisor for
Social Affairs, Javier Madrazo, arrived in the Cuban capital on
Thursday to begin a five-day visit to the island.

According to reports published Friday, Cuba and the Spanish
autonomous Basque region will sign a development cooperation
agreement amounting to 5.3 million dollars. The accord, which will be
signed during the visit of Javier Madrazo, will be in force for three
years and will be automatically renewed at the end of its term.

During his stay in Havana, the Basque Country official will tour
Cuban centers currently implementing bilateral cooperation projects
-- particularly in the fields of technology, education, housing and


Havana, January 12 (RHC)-- Relations between Cuba and Lombardy have
been strengthened, according to Roberto Formigoni, the president of
the Italian region. Formigoni arrived in Havana Thursday evening for
an official visit.

The Italian dignitary was received at Havana's José Martí
International Airport by Deputy Foreign Minister Angel Dalmau and
other high-ranking Cuban officials.

Speaking with journalists upon his arrival, the Lombardian president
said he is convinced that his visit will contribute to further
strengthen bilateral relations with the Caribbean island, not only in
the economic field but in the cultural area as well.

Regarding potential sectors for future cooperation, the Italian
official pointed to the area of health -- where Cuba has won
international recognition -- and small businesses, in which Lombardy
is among the world's leaders. He also pointed to construction,
especially the island's housing program and mentioned the
inauguration of newly-constructed family homes in the Cuban capital.


Havana, January 12 (RHC)-- A Mexican parliamentary delegation
visiting the Cuban capital toured places of historic interest on
Saturday. The group, which is made up of 140 deputies, began the
second day of its official visit to Cuba with a tour of the José
Martí Monument, located in Revolution Square. On Friday, they met
with Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque and held talks with
the President of the Cuban Parliament, Ricardo Alarcon.

The Mexican legislators also visited the Latin American School of
Medicine on Saturday, and later attended an official reception
offered by the National Assembly of People's Power -- also known as
the Cuban Parliament.

Sunday's agenda includes a tour of the Museum of the Revolution and a
meeting with Eusebio Leal, Havana historian and president of the
Cuba-Mexico Friendship Association.


Washington, January 12 (RHC)-- The father of a victim of terrorism
on the streets of Washington, DC is demanding that the man who killed
her more than 25 years ago be indicted. In an article published in
Saturday's edition of The Washington Post, Murray Karpen, insists
that more than enough evidence exists for the United States to bring
former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet to justice.

Karpen's article notes that his daughter, Ronni Karpen Moffitt, was
killed in 1976 by a car bomb, detonated as the automobile she was
riding in entered Sheridan Circle in the U.S. capital. Killed with
her, on their way to work at the Institute for Policy Studies, was a
former Chilean diplomat, Orlando Letelier.

Murry Karpen says that the FBI traced the murders to the very top of
the Chilean government. It managed to grab Michael Townley, a Chilean
secret police agent, who confessed that his superiors had ordered him
to plan and execute the terrorist act in Washington. The Justice
Department later indicted several of the assassins, including General
Manuel Contreras, Pinochet's right-hand man and the head of the
Chilean secret police.

The Op-Ed article goes on to say that Augusto Pinochet escaped
indictment, despite the fact that the FBI agents who investigated and
the assistant U.S. attorney who tried the case believed it
"inconceivable" that such an act of international terrorism could
have been carried out in the capital of the United States without
Pinochet's authorization. But the Justice Department did not pursue
the investigation, presumably because he was a sitting head of state
whom the United States had helped gain power in a bloody 1973
military coup.

Murry Karpen writes that he has learned from Washington sources that
the FBI found sufficient evidence to indict Pinochet for his role in
blowing up Orlando Letelier's car. But the indictment apparently sits
unsigned on the desk of the U.S. attorney.

The father of Ronni Karpen Moffitt said he is baffled that after
almost 25 years, faced with horrific new evidence of the consequences
of not combating terrorism, the U.S. government would still hesitate
to indict Pinochet. He writes: "President Bush has made himself clear
on the subject of terrorism. But is his Justice Department being
selective about which terrorists it prosecutes?" And The Washington
Post article concludes: "It's time to close the murder case of this
act of terrorism."

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