DHKP Bulletin
No: 18 Date: January 1, 2002


2001: The imperialists saw that they could not make the world's peoples
2002: Imperialism's attacks and the resistance by the world's peoples will

2001 was a year of hunger, war, tyranny and resistance. There were a number
of important developments. Theories, claims and policies were put to the
test. The clouds of error hanging over the last 10 years began to be
dispelled. The class struggle intensified in every corner of world, in every

But what makes the year 2001 important in world history is not that the
class struggle continued but that the reality of its continuation was seen
in all dimensions. 2001 has this significance: it was the end of a period
which started at the beginning of the 1990s, when the collapse of the USSR
gave rise to sermons about the eternal victory of capitalism and the end of
the class war. From now on, imperialism no longer utters cries of triumph
over revolutionary struggles, national and class liberation struggles and
socialism. On the contrary, it is gazing at a nightmare. More than two years
ago it gave this nightmare a name when it said "the 21st century will be the
century of uprisings." The nightmare grew worse in 2001. The nightmares were
of city squares echoing to the slogans of "death to capitalism". It was
confronted by the anger of the world's peoples, expressed in various forms.

Also, a nightmare for it was that it could not eliminate the ideology of
socialism, nor physically eliminate the revolutionaries as easily as had
been hoped. This was what they saw. The armed and unarmed struggles for
revolution and for the national liberation of the peoples continued.
People's liberation wars went on in the countries of Latin America, Africa
and Asia, from Turkey to Colombia, from Sri Lanka and Palestine to Nepal.

On the world scale, hundreds of thousands came out against the pro-American
new world order of "globalisation" and the system's economics and
politics... On September 11, the anger of the oppressed struck at America's
economic and military heart.... For over a year there has been a great
resistance to the policies of imperialism and Turkey's oligarchy, who were
trying to bring about surrender. And the worldwide banditry by imperialism
and the policies of terror and oppression in imperialist centres. were the
main aspects of the reality of class war in 2001. Theories about "the death
of socialism" , "farewell to the proletariat" and the end of the class war
were put to rest. This was because the source of the theories, that
imperialism had changed its spots, was undermined by imperialism itself.
Imperialism leaves people hungry. It burns, destroys and kills. Who can
claim the contrary? Who can defend nonsense about "imperialism intervening
to bring human rights and democracy to other countries" in a world where it
leaves 1.2 billion people hungry and, bandit-like, rains bombs down on poor
countries? How can those who defend it make their freakish theories

Resistance and the class struggle bear the stamp of history. And 2002 bears
its imprint. We felt bitterness, we longed for our disappeared, we lamented
that we were not able to organise more powerfully when imperialism fired
missiles and used more powerful weapons to massacre the impoverished
peoples, we experienced the misery of the hungry.But these are not what
placed their stamp upon the year, rather it was our will and the developing
struggle for justice and against hunger. This is how the history is written.
The darkness of tyranny replaces with the light of resistance if there is
resistance against tyranny. This is what we remember from the year 2001. We
have seen millions go out onto the streets shouting slogans against
capitalism. Those revolutionaries who sacrificed themselves for socialism,
independence and freedom are lights illuminating us with the inheritance
they have left. No day was empty; no price paid was in vain. Those who
resisted the bombs of imperialism and the bullets and massacres of the
oligarchy made 2001 a year notable for resistance and struggles.

On a world scale, the honour and confidence of resistance belongs to us

During the 365 days of 2001, Turkey experienced a historic resistance. What
we resisted was the pro-American world order. What we resisted were the
pro-American policies aimed at making the peoples of Turkey surrender. We
defended values and spirit of sacrifice produced by a thousand years of
people's rebellions. This resistance happened in the face of the most
multi-faceted oppression in Turkey's history. The resistance was a
barricade, not only against tyranny but all the ideological and cultural
influences aimed at bringing about surrender. It played the role of
breakwater against the wave of liquidation. This is one of the points
concretising that the resistance played the role of a barricade. While
tyranny was attacking us in waves of assaults and some were securing
themselves in the shallow waters of enemy, we were struggling against
tyranny. We are continuing to struggle against the furious waves.

Our march to victory or death shows the peoples of the world a necessary
coastline. Where that coastline is, there is also independence and freedom,
bread and justice. These are things that the peoples of the world need like
they need air and water. We will bee that coastline.2001 was a year in which
we became more sure of ourselves. On a world scale, and in our country. In
the face of such encirclement, we were able to resist and were not defeated.
Let no one doubt that the ideology and beliefs which make such resistance
possible are the strongest ideology and beliefs in the world. The content of
the resistance spread beyond the frontiers of Turkey. It boosted the morale
of the world's people. It showed that the values of the people lived on, the
fight for socialism continued, as well as their spirit of sacrifice. And the
spirit of sacrifice is now the nightmare of the imperialists and the
collaborationist oligarchy.

In the world and Turkey; there is no place left for deceived and the
deceivers. There is no place left for faint-heartedness. There will be
resistance and fighting. Those who resist will win.

The revolutionary ideology is an ideology which means winning a good future
for our people. Have we not seen the USA's attacks on Afghanistan? Was that
"stone age" ideology a revolutionary ideology or an imperialist ideology?
Who defends the stone age by condemning four billion people to hunger and
poverty? A state of poverty, in which they are even deprived of safe
drinkable water? The Marxist-Leninists were right. And they will continue to
be right. The reality of imperialism is exposed by none other than the

Today in Turkey and the world, the question "Where are we going?" does not
permit faint-hearted or inadequate answers. The ruling classes in the world
and Turkey want to establish an absolute police system to keep the peoples
under their control and tutelage. It is no simple matter to get 1, 2 or 3
billion people to accept being hungry. The oligarchy in Turkey feels the
same need for policies to keep 65 million people hungry. In our country and
the world as a whole, imperialist state terror is on the increase. Nowadays,
this is not even a secret on a world scale. Everything is being done in the
most backward, primitive and coarse manner. Imperialism's aggressiveness,
exploitation and fight for more markets is there for all to see. The errors
and attempts to mislead others about the nature of imperialism spring either
from imperialism itself or from reformist intellectuals who wish to maintain
a place within the system by upholding the status quo. Imperialism openly
makes people go hungry; its only weapons are repression and violence. That
is what it does. Is this a secret in the world? Have the theories of
Marxism-Leninism not stated that? Imperialism's human rights manoeuvres in
Afghanistan, "one bomb, one food package", are unforgettable. The people are
not taken in by it, though. Those who drop food packages alongside bombs
show that their conception of humanity is the kind appropriate to Bush. The
propaganda and theories about the "cold war being over" and "a unipolar
world" were shown to be empty and false, as were the political analyses that
our country, "in this new period", could democratise itself and eliminate
the Susurluk state by going into the European Union. Recent developments
have dealt a major blow to this admiration for the EU and the dream of using
it for democratisation. Leave democratisation alone; it merely another way
of making our country dependent on imperialism. This is a level where the
IMF directly and openly rule and interfere in internal policies including
assigning ministers. And you don't need to be a political scientist to see
that our country is not going to become a democracy, rather it will be
thoroughly dependent on imperialism, which, alongside its collaborators,
will be able to plunder in a more unrestrained fashion. You don't need a
road map to see that. These theories are belong to the revisionist-reformist
left, which lost their support when the Soviet union was collapsed, lost
their credibility as long as the people of the world are concerned. The city
squares of 2001 bear witness to that. Millions demonstrated against the
imperialism's World Bank and the IMF and their policies, at national and
international level. The masses wanted justice and bread in the face of
frightening inequality between countries and people. This reality of hunger
and injustice was experienced in the most blatant manner, from the poorest
countries of South Asia and Africa to the imperialist centres themselves.
However, 10 years of propaganda were not able to make the minds of the
masses surrender. In places forced to experience hunger and injustice, the
most limitless imperialist propaganda cannot destroy the people's demand for
bread and justice; nor will it be able to.

Imperialism's response to the demands of the masses was armoured cars,
bullets and new repressive laws. This was the reality hiding behind the
claim that the bullets fired at Genoa were an "exceptional" or "unrelated"
occurrence. This was also shown after the September 11 events when the
opportunity was taken to make changes in anti-terror laws. Imperialism's
democracy mask fell away. When there is a struggle against the system, the
imperialists want to annihilate it, and they stop being champions of
democracy, and in hundreds of thousands of actions, many of them violent,
they have shown that they are continuing the traditions of Hitler; in fact
nothing at all separates them from Hitler's policies. In our country, like
in the rest of the world, hundreds of thousands of labouring people have
come out onto the city squares to oppose the IMF. Perhaps those who came out
onto the city squares did not want power. Perhaps they did not see the
paramount need to oppose tyranny. But they wanted bread. They will see that
the more they want it, they will see that tyranny is neither distant nor
ignores them. They will see that bread is in between teeth of rulers as long
as they continue to demand it. This is why the rulers afraid of. Because
they were afraid, they could not even tolerate the masses going out into the
streets following the initiatives of pro-system parties and trade unions,
but used repression and legal sanctions to terrorise the struggles for
rights and freedom. Fearing that they could no longer deceive the masses by
wrapping themselves in demagogy about "democratisation", they brought out
new repressive laws. So as not to be caught unprepared by the growth in the
people's struggle, the system set up new counter-revolutionary
organisations. It armed them. They were established to carry out torture and
murder policies. But whatever preparations are carried out by the
imperialists and the collaborationist oligarchy, they will be futile against
the actions of hundreds of thousands, millions of people. The peoples of
Turkey and the world will make the struggle for justice and against hunger

The events in Argentina are just the latest example of this, and a small
one. There will be many Argentinas. Becauise the neo-colonial countries are
all having IMF policies inflicted on them. Because even in the imperialist
centres the people's bread is reduced with every passing day, and rights are

The alternative of revolution and socialism will again be put on the world's

The last months of the year 2001 were a nightmare for imperialism and its
collaborators, despite America's "victory in Afghanistan". The oligarchy in
Turkey was not able to liberate itself from its nightmare despite opening
the F-Type prisons and despite major repression of the masses when they went
out to demonstrate. The bourgeois media gave expression to this truth when
it said in headlines on December 31, "Oh, it's over!" All the imperialists
and their collaborators feel the same way. Look at the statements by the
spokesmen of the authorities; you will see nothing other than sentences
expressing their low morale and lack of belief. Yes, they got off cheap.
This is what the reason behind "Oh, it's over!". This is what we see when we
see the things from the eyes of the rule which condemn the people to
starvation and tyranny. But in future years they will not get off so easily.
The city squares will be choked with people. The people's anger and violence
will lash out in various forms. Leaving a year that was a nightmare for
them, they enter a year full of greater nightmares, all the more
demoralised, all the more unsure of themselves. And for this reason they
will be all the more aggressive.

There can be no doubt that the coming years will be a period in which
revolutions will be supported again, and the socialist alternative will be
in demand. This is not merely an optimistic desire, but the scientific and
social reality. The slogans of "death to capitalism" shouted from an
American city like Seattle, all the way to the streets of Genoa, caused them
to hesitate, wondering where it would end. Because counter-revolutionary,
capitalist restoration in the socialist countries and the propaganda based
on it had created a transitory period in which this alternative "was
removed". This was a period where socialism could be made to sound bad even
among socialists. But 2001 was marked by signs that this was starting to be
overcome. Historical and social truth, the realities of economics and
sociology put forward the alternatives for humanity: capitalism or
socialism. Any roads other than these are nothing but fabrications. Let
nobody develop theories about the end of history, globalisation, or the
victory of democracy. Beliefs borrowed from capitalism and bourgeois
ideologues purport to explain today and tomorrow. But those in our country
and the world who, in connection with globalisation, talk of "capitalist
democracies not connected to imperialism" and "democratic republics", must
be politically blind. For there is no third way!
This is a war of life and death.

Yes, the start of the 21st century is shaped by a fight bearing this name.
Capitalism, or, to put it another way, imperialism plundering the world
under the name of globalisation, can also see the probability of its own
end. So on a world scale, this is a part of its programme, working to stave
off this probability, a programme of aggressiveness, imperialist terror,
hanging, cutting down, burning, destroying, imprisoning. Look how even in
the imperialist centre of Europe, the discontent of the masses is such that
propaganda about the "social state" is no longer listened to. The policy of
unlimited plunder and massacre also create the basis of a popular movement
which can only settle when the power is conquered. In this war of life and
death the greatest disadvantage of the peoples in the world is lack of
organisation and fragmentation. Our two basic duties are, within our
national frontiers and on a world scale, to encourage the peoples to
organise themselves, and to unite at every level against the imperialists
who themselves are today united and focused around the USA.

It is possible and necessary for everyone to act against imperialism. Every
resistance will bring morale and strength to the four corners of the earth.
Every resistance will increase the peoples' self-confidence and give them
the courage to want power. At the start of the 1990s the imperialist media
shouted out to the world at the top of its voice, in a kind of bombardment,
"socialism is dead!" And it was the start of a time in which the world's
people were left hopeless and without recourse. But peoples who are hopeless
and without recourse can be turned into mere individuals, be corrupted and
deprived of their organisations. It is a fact that they succeeded for a
decade.  2001, on the contrary, was a turning point in this period. The
world's peoples cannot be left hopeless and without recourse. Because even
in a period when imperialist propaganda and the reformist sectors whose
minds had surrendered to it did their best to blacken it with their theories
about civil society, we protected hope and the way out of the impasse, we
gave life to dying hope and we defended dying socialism. And this will again
envelop the masses. The billions who want to be free from hunger and who
want justice have need of hope, and the revolutionaries are that hope.

We can never draw a rose-tinted picture of 2002. As part of this war of life
and death, there will be no limits to imperialism's repression, massacres,
bans and terror. It would not be wrong to say that we are entering a more
violent period of the struggle. The class struggle will find its balance and
the road to people's liberation will be opened at the point when the
unlimited tyranny of imperialism receive the courageous reaction of the
people who eliminate selfishness and fear. The great resistance, which
started on October 20, 2000 and is still continuing is just the spirit of
sacrifice and courage which the world's people need at this point. The
peoples' traditions of sacrificing themselves for freedom and independence
are old ones, but in the last years these traditions have been most strongly
expressed in our resistance. At the start of the 1990s, the revolutionary
movement in Turkey played an important role by not abandoning itself to the
counter-revolutionary wave that gripped the world, and by resisting the
imperialist terror at the start of the 21st century, it will give strength
to and boost the morale of the peoples' resistance. Again, we are among
those that imperialism wants to make surrender with its policies of hunger
and massacres. We celebrate the new year 2002 with the wish that the peoples
of our country and the world will in this year continue to struggle in a
more organised and more valiant fashion. Our wish is the policy of our
Party. We will strive to make this struggle and this resistance more
organised and valiant in the days and months ahead; in this new year we
appeal to all the world's revolutionaries to step up their efforts in this


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