From: Miroslav Antic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Published on Sunday, January 13, 2002 in the London Daily Telegraph

Pentagon Warns of War Lasting Six Years

by David Wastell in Washington

AMERICAN military chiefs believe that the global war against terrorism
will last at least six years.

Pentagon officials are being advised to draw up budgets and plans to buy
new equipment on the assumption that the struggle against al-Qa'eda and
other international terrorist groups will endure until 2008, and perhaps
even longer.

Donald Rumsfeld, the defense secretary, has won President Bush's backing
for a sharp increase in military spending.

Extra money will be allocated for more of the weapons that have proved
useful in Afghanistan, such as unmanned surveillance and attack

The increased spending will continue whether or not Osama bin Laden is
found soon.

It follows signs that the Pentagon is wearying of the intense public
interest in the hunt for the al-Qa'eda leader, and Mullah Omar, the
Taliban leader.

John McCain, a senator and former chairman of the armed services
committee, said on his return from a trip to the Afghan region that he
felt frustrated that bin Laden was still at large.

He added, however: "He's on the run now. I think he's a threat so long
as he's alive, but it's a far different scenario than the one where he
had sanctuary and was able to operate with a financial network and a
network of terrorists throughout the world."

After four weeks in which the Pentagon and the media were constantly on
tenterhooks for the imminent capture of bin Laden, a change of tack
ordered by Mr Rumsfeld has become evident.

Officials say that they will no longer even hint at where they think he
might be.

There have also been reports of clashes between the Pentagon and the CIA
over the quality of intelligence emanating from Afghanistan.

Some military officials feared there was a "missed opportunity" when the
Pentagon ordered US Central Command to rely on local Afghan forces
rather than US troops to try to intercept and capture bin Laden after
the assault on al-Qa'eda's Tora Bora mountain hideouts.

Not only did bin Laden apparently escape, but so have a series of
Taliban leaders over the past two weeks, almost certainly including
Mullah Omar, raising questions about the competence or possible
corruption of the Afghan forces.

Although no politician is yet prepared to risk publicly differing with
Mr Bush over the administration's handling of the war, some advisers
fear that public patience over the failure to catch bin Laden will
evaporate if the hunt drags on too long - or if there is a fresh
terrorist attack on the US.

C Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited 2002


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