From: rexy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 09:33:57 -0400
Subject: Communiqué of the Spokespersons of the FARC-EP

Communiqué of the Spokespersons of the FARC-EP
               (January 13, 2002)

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, FARC-EP, inform the national and
international public:

1.  Now that the decision of president Andres Pastrana to end the process of
dialogue and negotiation with the FARC – People’s Army, in spite of the
effort made on Jan. 11 and 12 with the presence of James Lemoyne, special
advisor of the UN Secretary General, is known, we propose to the president
that he effect the formal hand over of the urban centers of the five
municipalities in a public ceremony, the same way we received them, with the
presence of the representatives of the international community, the business
associations, the workers, campesinos, political parties and diverse
entities that throughout these three years have made their contributions to
this attempt at national reconciliation and reconstruction.

2.  The 48-hour ultimatum given by the president, ending at 9:30 pm on
January 14, unilaterally changes everything agreed upon during these three
years and as such eliminates the possibilities of the current process that
in spite of its difficulties counts valuable mechanisms to its credit.  The
principal one is the Common Agenda for Change Toward the New Colombia, as
well as the proposals exchanged by the parties concerning cease-fire and
cessation of hostilities, the document of recommendations of the commission
of notables, the San Francisco de la Sombra Accord and the draft worked out
with the facilitator of the United Nations who consulted continuously with
the president.

3. Once again, the selfish interests of a rich and privileged minority have
been placed ahead of the interests of 40 million Colombians.  For the
moment, the same old warmongers have managed to impose their will in order
to block the possibilities of peace with social justice.

4.  Mr. President: it is your responsibility as head of state and government
to guarantee the lives and safety of the residents of the demilitarized
zone.  We shall carry out our commitment to withdraw from the urban centers,
as you and Chief Commandant Manuel Marulanda agreed at the beginning of the

5.  To the country and the world we reiterate our will to continue using all
the forms of struggle for the changes Colombia needs in order to achieve
reconciliation and reconstruction of the nation.  This has been our banner
and we will continue to wave it.  The pursuit of the political solution
belongs to Colombians and it shall always be the best road to follow in the

6.  We call upon all Colombians to fight in an organized manner to achieve
the economic, political and social changes Colombia requires.

For the FARC-EP, the spokespersons,

Raúl Reyes
Joaquín Gómez
Carlos Antonio Lozada
Simón Trinidad
Andrés París

Mountains of Colombia

January 13, 2002

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