PFLP Press Releases

12 January 2002

Ramallah: The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine has commented on
the recent statements of US Secretary of State Colin Powell in which he
described the savage Israeli aggression against the houses of refugees in
Rafah and the destruction of the Gaza Airport as "legitimate defensive
action" in response to attempts by the Palestine Authority to obtain
weapons. The Popular Front said that these remarks are a reiteration of the
American position of support for the Sharon government and its glaring and
organized terrorism against the Palestinian people.

The Popular Front condemned the Palestine Authority's resort to arresting
brothers whom Israel accuses of being involved in the arms ship operation.
The Popular Front calls on the Authority to release those brothers and all
the other militants it has detained and to stop cooperating with the mockery
of a cease-fire that has only increased the viciousness of the Zionist
aggression and the sense of superiority and arrogance of the Sharon
government, while reinforcing America's inclination to raise the level of
its pressure on the Palestine Authority and increase its scorn for it.

The Popular Front's statement called on all the forces of the Palestinian
people to act in self-defense and activate the intifada and the resistance
to the occupation army and to the bands of settlers.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Information Department
Press Office
12 January 2002. 


9 January 2002

We are now observing two anniversaries dear to our ongoing struggle:

the 14th anniversary of the outbreak of the December Intifada, and the 34th
anniversary of the founding of the Popular Front for the Liberation of
Palestine. These occasions tell stories written in the blood of our sons and
daughters--hundreds of martyrs, wounded, and prisoners who have given
themselves to the cause of liberation.

These anniversaries evoke great pride as the resolve of our people continues
to manifest itself in a heroic resistance movement that has entered its
fifteenth month and will continue until the national rights of Palestinians
have been irrevocably affirmed.

Our people are demonstrating unflagging resolution, steadfastness, and
determination to drive out the Zionist occupiers as the precursor to
attaining the national and democratic aims of our cause, which grows greater
with each day and every Palestinian fatality. The American-supported
occupation poses a relentless, escalating assault, and our intifada remains
the target of American collaboration with the Zionists, who are intent on
returning our people to the circle of fruitless Oslo negotiations and thus
forcing us to yield to Sharon's unacceptable dictates. To further mock our
quest for self-determination, our enemies have adopted the strategy of
creating derision within Palestinian ranks. Yet our unity has been, must be,
and will remain the most indispensable pillar of our people's defiance, and
the modus vivendi of our final victory.

We of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine are committed, as
avidly as ever, to securing the national rights of our people and upholding
our responsibility to our people and their courageous intifada. With
unbounded admiration for those Palestinian who have sacrificed themselves in
our common cause, we call for the following.

First: To remain steadfast despite the international situation that has
evolved in the aftermath of September 11th and in the face of America's
declaration of war on Afghanistan and states alleged to support terrorism.
This situation entails highly adverse factors for our national struggle,
which outsiders condemn as a form of terrorism when they themselves continue
to precipitate the conditions which justify our most extreme forms of
activism. Therefore, it is imperative that we hold fast to the struggle in
defense of our people and our cause, striving for and expanding our national
rights and supporting our Intifada .

Second. To abandon all illusions regarding the role of America, which for
over half a century has repeatedly proven its commitment to the Zionist
aggressors and in recent months has affirmed its devotion to them. We insist
that the Palestine Authority not be coerced back into the vicious and
self-defeating cycle of negotiations based on the Oslo accords.

Third. For the Palestine Authority and the Palestine Liberation Organization
to cease bowing before Israeli and American pressure. We call for a
cancellation of the so-called state of emergency, for a halt to the pursuit
and arrest of militants, for the immediate release of all the political
prisoners detained for their opinions or their resistance to the occupation.
We call for a general mobilization of our people and their national forces
to confront the escalating aggression of the terrorist Sharon government.

Fourth. For the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization,
national forces, and popular organizations to begin a comprehensive dialogue
to reach agreement for a unified political and combat strategy to safeguard
our unity, bolster our people's defiance, and develop their intifada against
the Zionist occupation and the many totalitarian injustices that it entails.
We call for the agreement between all Palestinian factions to be the basis
for building a supreme, collective leadership authority for our people as a
step toward the democratic construction of fully independent Palestinian

Fifth. For the condemnation of the position of many Arab governments not
merely content to observe the Zionist aggression, but insistent upon
offering themselves as go-betweens, giving mistaken advice to our people on
behalf of the Zionist government's desire for our compliance with American
efforts to broker peace at our expense.

Sixth. For the international community to compel Israel, which wields a form
of state terrorism against the masses of our people, to comply with and
implement international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention, and to provide
temporary international protection as a preparation for the implementation
by the Zionist government of the resolutions of international legality that
give our people their rights to return, self-determination, and the
establishment of their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital. This
responsibility lies foremost of all with the United Nations General Assembly
which, most admirably, has called for all countries with embassies in
Jerusalem to remove them.

Finally, we of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine must
emphasize that our general secretary has served in the front lines of our
people's resistance and thereby set an example for us all. We pledge to our
people upon the graves of the fallen that we will carry forth our resistance
until all the aims of our national, democratic revolution are achieved.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki
Phone +358-40-7177941
Fax +358-9-7591081
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