January.13.2002 Juche 91



People in Maehyang-ri win trial on appeal

Meeting for realizing national independence held

Mt. Paektu society inaugurated in Mongolia

New Year's posters

Rodong Sinmun on purpose of founding U.S. special missile unit

Rodong Sinmun on three charters for reunification

Japan hit for war preparations for reconquest


People in Maehyang-ri win trial on appeal
     Pyongyang, January 13 (KCNA) -- Jon Man Gyu, chairman of the Measure
Committee for the Compensation for Damage Done to People at Maehyang-Ri in
South Korea, and 13 other people won a trial on an appeal related to the
compensation for the damage done by the bombing ground of the U.S. troops,
Seoul-based MBC said. The Seoul district court admitted that the people in
Maehyang-ri, Hwasong county, Kyonggi Province, have suffered big disasters
and pain from strafing and bombing drills of the U.S. fighters since the
farm lands in the heart of the village and the sea off it turned into the
firing range of the U.S. troops in 1952 and adopted a decision that the
authorities should pay compensation to the inhabitants.
    They won a case against the authorities over compensation in April last


Meeting for realizing national independence held
    Pyongyang, January 13 (KCNA) -- A meeting to frustrate anti-DPRK war
moves of the U.S. aimed at destroying the June 15 joint declaration and
realize national independence was reportedly held in Seoul on Jan 6. Present
there were over 400 students under the south headquarters of the National
Alliance of Youth and Students for the Country's Reunification and the Seoul
District Federation of General Student Councils and members of the
headquarters of the movement for the return of U.S. military base in
    At the meeting the reporter and speakers said that the meeting is the
gathering of the struggle for implementing the June 15 joint declaration and
denouncing the U.S. and anti-reunification forces, obstacles to the
    They said that the U.S. is trying to provoke a war on the Korean
peninsula after the war in Afghanistan, noting the U.S. troops should quit
this land at an early date.
    At the end of the meeting the participants conducted a propaganda work
among the citizens.


Mt. Paektu society inaugurated in Mongolia
    Pyongyang, January 13 (KCNA) -- The Mt. Paektu Society involving Juche
idea study organizations in Mongolia was inaugurated in Ulaan Baatar. The
society will study theoretical and practical issues of Juche philosophy and
experience of the DPRK and conduct activities including support to Korea's
    The chief of the information centre of Academy of Science of Mongolia
was elected chairman of the society and the rector of the Mongolian
University of oriental philosophy and human studies, the executive chairman.


New Year's posters
    Pyongyang, January 13 (KCNA) -- Many posters were created to inspire the
working people to carrying out the tasks set forth in the new year's joint
editorial. Many computer posters were produced by the Mansudae Art Studio.
    Among them are posters "Long live the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il",
"Long live sun's nation shining with the august name of leader", and "arms,
eternal banner of socialism of our style". the posters reflect the firm will
of the Korean army and people to accomplish the revolutionary cause of
Juche, holding President Kim Il Sung in high esteem, firmly united around
Kim Jong Il. 
    Posters created by other fine art studios call for glorifying the year
2002 as a year of demonstrating the revolutionary stamina of the Korean
    Among them are posters "Let us thoroughly embody the viewpoints that our
leader, idea, army and political system are most valuable" and "the whole
army, forward as one on the order of the supreme commander"


Rodong Sinmun on purpose of founding U.S. special missile unit
    Pyongyang, January 13 (KCNA) -- The United States has set up a special
missile unit, arguing about "ballistic missile threat" from the DPRK and
tried to implicate South Korea in the missile defense system in a bid to
make a forestalling attack on the DPRK to dominate the whole of Korea and
seize the Asia-Pacific region with it as a springboard to put the world
under its domination. Rodong Sinmun says this in a signed commentary today.
    The U.S. considers the MD as a basic means to realise its ambition for
world domination, the paper notes, and goes on:
    The U.S. deems it necessary to invade the northern half of Korea and
seize the Asian continent in order to realise its design for world
    This is why the U.S. is working hard to reinforce its aggression forces
in and around Korea and put the region into the framework of the MD, talking
about "threat" from the DPRK.
    The formation of the U.S. special missile unit is to make a missile
attack on the DPRK in an "emergency" on the Korean peninsula.
    The DPRK is ready enough to undertake a war against the United States.
    If the U.S. imperialists dare to provoke the DPRK, they will face a
bitter defeat. 


Rodong Sinmun on three charters for reunification
    Pyongyang, January 13 (KCNA) -- The three charters for national
reunification set forth by President Kim Il Sung and formulated by leader
Kim Jong Il serve as an undying guideline that should be tackled by all the
Koreans for national reunification. Rodong Sinmun stresses this in a bylined
article today. 
    The charters involve the three principles of national reunification, the
ten-point program of great national unity for the country's reunification
and the proposal for founding the DFRK.
    The article says:
    The three charters for national reunification and, their embodiment, the
June 15 north-south joint declaration provide a sure guarantee for the
accomplishment of the cause of the independent reunification of the nation.
    The three principles of national reunification -- independence, peaceful
reunification and great national unity -- represent a cornerstone of
national reunification as they indicate the basic stand and ways of settling
the issue of national reunification by the Korean people themselves.
    Those principles are the basic principles of national reunification that
make it possible to reunify the country by the Korean people themselves in
conformity with their will and interests.
    The ten-point program of the great national unity for the reunification
of the country is a political program for achieving the unity of all the
Koreans and building up the driving force of national reunification. The
program gives a comprehensive exposition of the goal, ideological basis,
principle and way of great national unity.
    The proposal for founding the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo shows
the general picture of a Unified State and a way of putting it into
practice. The proposal indicates a basic way of reunifying the country in
the most fair and smooth way under the conditions that the north and the
south tolerate the existence of their different ideas and systems.
    The June 15 North-South Joint Declaration is a milestone for national
reunification. preservation and implementation of the declaration means
defending and realizing the three charters.
    The concrete method of reunifying the country may alter according to a
change in situation. The basic principle and stand in the efforts to reunify
the country can never be changed.
    All the Koreans in the north and south of Korea and abroad should wage a
nationwide struggle under the banner of the three charters for national
reunification and the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration so as to open a
decisive phase in the movement for the independent reunification of the
nation this year. 


Japan hit for war preparations for reconquest
    Pyongyang, January 13 (KCNA) -- Japan, a defeated nation, emerged a
dangerous force of aggression in the wake of the "September 11 incident" as
it did in the past century. Rodong Sinmun says this in a bylined article
    It goes on: 
    On the plea of "support" to the U.S. in "combating terrorism" the
Japanese reactionaries are trying to realise the overseas dispatch of the
"self-defence forces" and pave the way for a war of aggression by law so as
to take the road of overseas military aggression.
    Japan's theatre of military operations spread from the region
surrounding Japan to any part of the world under the "anti-terrorism special
law" adopted on October 29 last year.
    Japan is the second biggest country, after the U.S. in terms of military
expenditures. It is ready to turn the "SDF" into a one million-strong army
at a time in the "event of contingency."
    The Japanese cabinet approved the military budget for fiscal 2002
amounting to 4,950 billion yen (in Japanese currency) and has put spurs to
the modernization of military equipment.
    Japan's efforts for the militarisation of space and large-scale military
maneuvers are a clear proof of a dangerous entity of the Japanese
militarists who try to turn Japan into a military power and seek overseas
    With a view to putting down the anti-war forces the Japanese militarists
work hard to create an atmosphere of terror in the society and spearhead the
fascist suppression of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan
and the Japanese people.
    Korea is the first target of Japan's overseas aggression.
    Japan intends to take the road of a war for re-conquest by participating
in another Korean war to be provoked by the U.S. imperialists and
cooperating with them in the war.
    The "law on emergency in the areas surrounding Japan" rigged up by Japan
to participate in a joint operation with the U.S. is aimed at coping with
the "event of contingency" on the Korean peninsula.
    The Japanese reactionaries who are watching for a chance for the
reconquest of Korea are trying to expand aggression to Asia with Korea as a
    If Japan takes the road of a war for reconquest, ignoring the lesson of
history and the changed realities, it will suffer a more miserable defeat
than in the past. Then it will not emerge again in the world.

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