From: "Stasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [Peoples War] Palestine: Hamas to Resume Attacks if Blockade on
Arafat Continues  - Xinhua

Hamas to Resume Attacks if Blockade on Arafat Continues

Xinhuanet 2002-01-16 01:38:38

   GAZA, January 15 (Xinhuanet) -- Islamic Hamas movement warned on
Tuesday that if Israel continues the blockade on Palestinian leader
Yasser Arafat, its armed wing would carry out a series of attacks
that would shake the state of Israel.
   Hamas armed wing Izel El Dein El Kassam called in a leaflet for
building up a national Palestinian army "to bring security to the
residents and protect them and defend their rights, and put a plan
for the continuation of the Intifada."
   The leaflet said that Hamas armed wing would strongly react into
the "Zionist enemy depth, if the enemy would not end closure and
the measures imposed of Palestinian president Yasser Arafat."
  "Our reaction would be by carrying out a number of attacks that
would shake the Zionist entity and make its people's (Israelis)
life like hill," said the Hamas statement.
   After Arafat's speech on December 16 to all Palestinian
militants, in which he urged them to stop suicide bombing attacks
against Israel, Hamas was among the first groups to announce its
commitments to Arafat's call.
   Hamas had said that attacks into Israel would be stopped, but
Israeli soldiers and Jewish settlers into Gaza and the West Bank
would become a target for their militants.
   Two Hamas militants were killed after they shot dead four
Israeli soldiers few days ago near Rafah town between southern Gaza
Strip and Israel.
   Arafat promised that he would continue cracking down on militant
groups. The Palestinian security forces had already detained dozens
of militants from Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
   "We call upon the Palestinian authority to stop all its measures
of arresting our members, and we urge the Palestinian officials to
stop saying that arresting the Mujahidin is for the high interest
of the Palestinian people," said the leaflet.
   Hamas said that "the crime of killing Raed Carmi," Fatah
militant in Tulkarem, on Monday and the demolition of homes in
Rafah and in east Jerusalem "would never pass easily."
   Hamas reiterated in the leaflet that it would continue to "
resist" the Israeli military occupation until the end of it in the
Palestinian territories.
   "No one single Zionist would enjoy calmness and security as long
as the Palestinian lands are occupied and the rights are
confiscated," the Hamas leaflet warned.


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