TODAY'S NEWS (January.16.2002 Juche 91)



Cultural society inaugurated in Peru

Rodong Sinmun on global independence

Repeal of "Security Law" urged in S. Korea

New varieties of ferro-alloy developed

Revolutionary hymn "Star of Korea"

Korean literature and art have long history

U.S. urged to opt for its forces' pullback from South Korea

Rodong Sinmun on ten-point programme of great national unity

Credentials to Kim Yong Nam

For Spanish-speaking people


origen de literatura y arte

corriente de independencia es indetenible

lo apremiante es retirada de tropas norteamericanas de surcorea


Cultural society inaugurated in Peru
     Pyongyang, January 16 (KCNA) -- An inaugural ceremony of the Huacho,
Peru, cultural society for the study of the Juche idea was held on January
8. Delfina Cano Gonzales, member of the council of Huacho Province, said in
an address made at the ceremony that the Juche idea which was founded by
President Kim Il Sung and has been developed and enriched by leader Kim Jong
Il is a guideline clearly indicating the road for the progressive people in
the 21st century to follow to achieve independence and progress.
    Noting that the Juche idea has been embodied in the Korean-style
socialist society centered on the popular masses, he stressed that the
Peruvian people can turn their country into an independent, democratic and
popular country only when the society deeply studies the Juche idea and
widely disseminates it among them.
    Humberto Barbamitrani, deputy governor of the province, was elected
honorary chairman of the society and Delfina Cano Gonzales, a member of the
council, chairman at the ceremony.
    A letter to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the ceremony.


Rodong Sinmun on global independence
     Pyongyang, January 16 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today runs an article on
the prospect of global independence in the 21st century. The struggle for
global independence is not smooth at all, but the orientation of historic
development toward independence and the trend of the times can never change,
the paper says, and goes on:
    Though the international situation remains complicated and the balance
of forces changes, the struggle of the people for independence is bound to
go on. 
    After the end of the cold war the united states, styling itself as the
"only one superpower," left no stone unturned to build a uni-polar world,
but big countries and many countries worked hard to prevent any specified
power from strengthening its position of domination and monopoly. As a
result, the political structure of the world has begun gradually turning
into a multi-polar structure.
    The U.S. remains the main target of the struggle for the global
independence in the 21st century.
    It has persistently pursued its strong-arm strategy to dominate the
world by taking advantage of its strategic position unchallenged in the
west. That is why it has long been the main target of the struggle of the
anti-imperialist forces for independence.
    After the emergence of the bellicose bush administration the attitude of
the U.S. challenging the efforts for multi-polar world and independence of
humankind has become more arrogant and reckless than ever before. The U.S.
can never stem the trend of the times nor block its development.
    The U.S. seeks to set up a monopolistic international order of
domination and plunder as well as unlimited expansion of market through
"globalization," but the moves are bound to meet fiasco.
    It is the trite method of the imperialists to find a way out of crisis
in aggression and war. The moves of the U.S. imperialists are getting all
the more pronounced in reckless state terrorism and war of aggression on the
plea of "combating terrorism."
    The Korean people strongly desire to remain a dignified independent
people, not slaves.
    Leader Kim Jong Il's idea of attaching importance to military affairs,
army-based policy, is the best and most correct revolutionary idea and
political mode that reflect the changed international circumstances and the
requirements of the times.
    The idea and policy that enjoy the support of the world are an
all-powerful treasured sword that makes it possible to turn misfortune into
a blessing. They are a sure guarantee for the accomplishment of the cause of
global independence.


Repeal of "Security Law" urged in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, January 16 (KCNA) -- 13 organizations under the northwestern
district council of trade unions of the Pusan regional headquarters of the
(South) Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, an organization of solidarity
with the General Student Council of Dong-a University in South Korea,
reportedly demanded the repeal of the "Security Law," an evil law against
humanity, and a stop to labeling the South Korean federation of university
student councils as an "enemy-benefiting organization". In a joint statement
on Jan. 11 they said that the "Security Law" brands the desire for an
independent world, peace and great unity as "enemy-benefiting act" and the
fellow countrymen as "enemy" and incriminates the people. With this immoral
law, the anti-reunification conservative forces are seeking their power and
comfort, the statement pointed out.
    Those forces should admit that their days are numbered and step down, it


New varieties of ferro-alloy developed
     Pyongyang, January 16 (KCNA) -- Vanadium steel and ternary compound
ferro-alloy were recently developed in the DPRK. Vanadium steel is high
quality steel made of carbon, silicon, vanadium, phosphor and sulfur
produced in an electric furnace by the three-stage steel-making method.
    This ternary compound ferro-alloy contains silicon, calcium and barium.
    Meanwhile, various ferro-alloy manufacturing methods including a method
of producing silicic steel with oxidized calcinated pellets were developed.


Revolutionary hymn "Star of Korea"
     Pyongyang, January 16 (KCNA) -- A revolutionary hymn "Star of Korea" is
very popular in the DPRK. This song, the first of its kind dedicated to the
leader in Korea, was created in the 1920s by the young communists who held
President Kim Il Sung in high esteem as the guiding star of revolution and a
central figure for unity.
    In general, literary works depicting preceding leaders of the working
class were produced in the last period of their activities or after their
    But the song "Star of Korea" was created in the early period of Kim Il
Sung's revolutionary activities. It means that the creation of the song was
timed to coincide with the start of the revolutionary activities of the
president, the leader of the working class.
    This was something unprecedented in the world history of revolutionary


Korean literature and art have long history
     Pyongyang, January 16 (KCNA) -- Korean literature and art date back to
the primitive age. Unique culture developed in Korea on the basis of its
common tradition, language and custom from the primitive age.
    Conspicuous in the primitive art were songs and dances.
    Such old Korean documents as "historical records of three kingdoms" and
"history of three kingdoms" and such Chinese documents as "historical
records," "Chinese literature" and "the chronicles of the three kingdoms"
say that the primitive Korean tribes regarded songs and dances as an
inseparable part of their life and activities.
    It is recorded in old Chinese documents such as "literature in late
China" that Korean music and dances developed from very remote times and
considered as beautiful and were popular in china since 2000 B.C.
    The major style of the primitive literature were songs and mythological
    The traces of the primitive myths can be found in mythological stories
about the foundation of ancient kingdoms, including "mythological story
about Tangun" and "fable of haemosu," and heritages of fables in medieval
    Korea's primitive songs can find their traces in the fact that the "song
of tortoise" was carried in the "history of three kingdoms".


U.S. urged to opt for its forces' pullback from South Korea
     Pyongyang, January 16 (KCNA) -- It is most urgent and important to
defuse the tensions on the Korean peninsula in order to achieve durable
world peace, observes Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary reiterating
the call for the withdrawal of the U.S. forces from South Korea. It goes on:
    The tensions on the Korean peninsula have been further escalated since
the "September 11 incident" in the united states. This is attributable to
the U.S. hostile policy towards the DPRK and its military presence in South
    The U.S. is to totally blame for the hard-won atmosphere of peace and
reunification waning and the tensions increasing from the onset of the new
    The showdown between the DPRK and the U.S. and the north-south
confrontation can never be defused nor can peace on the Korean peninsula and
global peace and security be guaranteed unless the U.S. drops its hostile
policy towards the DPRK and pulls its forces out of South Korea.
    There is neither reason nor justification for the U.S. to keep its
forces in South Korea any longer now that the cold war era is over and the
world greeted a new century.
    The U.S. persistent insistence on its forces' continued presence in
South Korea would only more saliently reveal its true colours as the enemy
of peace and invite international isolation and self-destruction.
    The U.S. is well advised to face up to the trend of the times towards
independence in the new century and properly understand the mindset of the
world people, drop its hostile policy towards the DPRK at an early date and
pull its forces out of South Korea.


Rodong Sinmun on ten-point programme of great national unity
     Pyongyang, January 16 (KCNA) --The ten-point programme of the great
national unity serves as a highly important guideline, a patriotic banner
for national reunification as it indicates a road of achieving the country's
independent and peaceful reunification by the efforts of the nation, says
Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. In the ten-point programme of the
great unity of the whole nation published in April Juche 82 (1993) President
Kim Il Sung advanced an idea of achieving the great unity of the whole
nation regardless of ideology, political system, political views and
religious belief for the independent and peaceful reunification of the
country and clearly indicated the final goal and ideological basis of the
great national unity and principles and ways of achieving the great national
unity, the article notes, and goes on:
    The ten-point programme is a banner of broad-based national unity and
reunification that puts into limelight the national demands for
independence, the life and soul of the nation, and calls for uniting as one
all the people who are concerned about the destiny of the nation and want
the reunification of the country.
    It is a most reasonable and realistic reunification programme for
reunification which enables the north and the south of Korea to settle all
the issues arising in achieving national unity and reunification in the
spirit of mutual respect and concession in the interests of the nation under
the conditions where different ideas and systems exist in the two parts of
    For its noble idea, profound logic, broad-based nature of the unity and
realistic ways of putting it into practice the ten-point programme is a most
fair and aboveboard great charter and political platform acceptable to any
Korean who loves the country and nation and wants reunification.
    The Korean people should hold Kim Jong Il in high esteem as a central
figure of the leadership and unity and remain true to the ten-point
programme of the great unity of the whole nation and the five-point policy
of the great national unity. Only then will the great national unity and
national reunification come true without fail.


Credentials to Kim Yong Nam
    Pyongyang, January 16 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium
of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, received credentials from new
iranian ambassador jalaleddin namini mianji at the Mansudae Assembly Hall
today. Present there was Kim Yong Il, vice-minister of foreign affairs.
    Kim Yong Nam had a talk with the ambassador after receiving the


For Spanish-speaking people

origen de literatura y arte
     pyongyang, 16 de enero (atcc) -- la literatura y el arte de corea
dieron inicio a la epoca primitiva, primer periodo de creacion de cultura de
la humanidad. desde aquella epoca en corea se desarrollaba la homogenea
cultura a base de la misma sangre, lengua y costumbre.
    la cancion y el baile eran muy importantes en artes primitivas.
    los registros historicos de corea y de china transmiten que las tribus
primitivas de corea habian considerado canciones y bailes como parte
inseparable de su vida y actividades.
    documentos antiguos de china transmiten que la musica y bailes de corea
se habian desarrollado desde la antiguedad y eran muy hermosos y que se
habian difundido ampliamente en china desde el ano 2000 antes de nuestra
    la forma principal de la literatura primitiva es canciones y mitos.
    lo demuestran los patrimonios-narraciones sobre la fundacion de estados
antiguos y narraciones medievales.


corriente de independencia es indetenible
     pyongyang, 16 de enero (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" inserto en
el numero de hoy un articulo individual referido a la perspectiva de la
causa de independencia del mundo en el siglo 21. el articulo senala:
    la lucha por realizar la causa de independencia del mundo no es tan
favorable como el barco con el viento en popa y toda vela, pero son
inmutables la direccion del desarrollo de la historia y la tendencia de la
epoca a la independencia.
    por muy complicada que sea la situacion internacional y muy cambiable
que sea la correlacion de fuerzas es natural que se prosiga la lucha de los
pueblos por la independencia.
    despues de la guerra fria ee.uu. autodenominandose la "unica
superpotencia" maniobro perversamente para establecer el mundo
unipolarizado. pero las potencias y otros numerosos paises actuaron
animadamente para impedir que se fortalezcan la posicion dominacionista y el
derecho exclusivo de una potencia determinada, gracias a lo cual la
estructura politica del mundo comenzo a cambiarse paulatinamente por la
estructura de multipolarizacion.
    ee.uu. es objeto de la lucha principal en el cumplimiento de la causa de
independencia del mundo en el siglo 21. este pais persiguio abiertamente la
estrategia de dominio al mundo a base de sus fuerzas valiendose de su
posicion estrategica que toma al ocupar la supremacia absoluta en el mundo
occidental. por eso desde hace tiempo que ee.uu. sigue siendo objeto de la
lucha principal de las fuerzas independientes antimperialistas.
    despues de la aparicion de la belicosa administracion bush se torna mas
arrogante y temeraria la actitud de ee.uu. de desafiar a la
multipolarizacion del mundo y a la causa de independencia de la humanidad.
sin embargo, ee.uu. no puede variar el angulo de direccion de la historia ni
detener el desarrollo de la epoca.
    a traves de la "globalizacion" pretende ampliar ilimitadamente el
mercado y establecer un orden internacional monoplolista para el dominio y
el saqueo, pero le sale el tiro por la culata.
    los imperialistas tienen el metodo rutinario de encontrar en la agresion
y la guerra una salida a su crisis.
    los imperialistas norteamericanos con el lema de "contraterrorismo"
perpetra mas abiertamente el temerario terrorismo estatal y la guerra
    el coreano aspira ardientemente a vivir dignamente como un pueblo
    la idea de dar prioridad a los asuntos militares y la politica de
priorizacion militar del dirigente kim jong il son la mas ventajosa y
poderosa idea revolucionaria y el modo de politica que reflejan la situacion
internacional y la demanda de la epoca cambiada de hoy.
    esta idea y politica con que simpatizan las gentes del mundo son un arma
universal para convertir la adversidad en una circunstancia favorable y un
mal en beneficio y una firme garantia para el triunfo de la causa de
independencia del mundo.


lo apremiante es retirada de tropas norteamericanas de surcorea
     pyongyang, 16 de enero (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en un
comentario de hoy senala que es la tarea mas apremiante e importante aliviar
la tirantez en la peninsula coreana a fin de preservar la paz duradera del
mundo y vuelve a exigir la retirada de las tropas norteamericanas de
surcorea. el comentario se refiere a que se exacerba la tension en la
peninsula coreana despues del "incidente del 11 de septiembre" en estados
unidos y puntualiza que su causa reside precisamente en la politica de
hostilidad a la rpdc de ee. uu. y la presencia de las tropas norteamericanas
en surcorea. 
    el comentario senala:
    se entenebrece el ambiente de la paz y la reunificacion preparado a
costa de tantos esfuerzos y vuelve a tornarse tensa la situacion en el nuevo
siglo, lo que se debe enteramente a ee. uu..
    mientras ee.uu. se obstine en su politica de hostilidad a la rpdc y
mantenga sus tropas en surcorea sera imposible que se elimine el estado de
confrontacion entre la rpdc y los ee. uu., entre el norte y el sur de corea
y que se preserven la paz y la seguridad del mundo para no hablar de la paz
de la peninsula coreana.
    ya ha pasado la epoca de la guerra fria y ha advenido el siglo 21. ee.
uu. no tiene motivo ni pretexto para mantener sus tropas en surcorea.
    cuanto mas se obstine ee. uu. en mantener sus tropas alli tanto mas
pondra al desnudo su naturaleza de perturbador de la paz y aproximara su
aislamiento internacional y ruina.
    ee.uu. debe evaluar correctamente la tendencia de la epoca a la
independencia y la opinion publica del mundo en el nuevo siglo, abandonar
cuanto antes su politica de hostilidad a la rpdc y retriar sus tropas de

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