
Taiwan Authorities Making Dangerous Moves Towards "Taiwan Independence".
Taiwan authorities are continuing their "Taiwan independence" platform, and
have recently staged a series of "gradual Taiwan independence" activities.

Taiwan authorities are continuing their "Taiwan independence" platform, and
have recently staged a series of "gradual Taiwan independence" activities.
The first of such activities was to change the nameplate of its Information
Office in order to eliminate the map of China on the original plate.
Next, an official order came into effect which urged all Taiwan institutions
stationed outside the island to use the word "Taiwan" instead of "China" in
their official name.
The English section of a Taiwan non-governmental institution producing
annual records has been forced to make such a change, or have its subsidy
At the same time, the Taiwan authorities and the Democratic Progressive
Party of Taiwan alleged to have made amendments to the constitution. Lee
Teng-hui has announced a draft document of the so-called Taiwan Basic Law is
being drawn up. Some extremists have even begun a campaign which calls for
the establishment of the so-called "Republic of Taiwan," and eliminating the
word "China" from the names of all the businesses and organisations on the
This year, the Taiwan authorities will add the word "Taiwan" to tourist
passports, which the authorities say is "to distinguish Taiwan residents
from others." 
The decision of the passport change was said at the Taipei Assembly of the
Taiwanese Public Affairs Conference to be the "best present" for the 20th
anniversary of the establishment of the organization, which strongly
advocates "Taiwan independence."
Obviously, these alterations are neither for the interest of the Taiwan
people, nor a simple administrative decision. They constitute a meaningful
political strategy -- a strong movement towards "Taiwan Independence."
In fact, it is another intrigue for making "Two Chinas" or "One China, One
Taiwan", and another manoeuvre by the Taiwan authorities to isolate Taiwan
from the motherland. It is a dangerous step towards "Taiwan Independence."
The Taiwan authorities are carrying out premeditated and systematic moves to
try to achieve "Taiwan independence".
Although the Taiwan leaders said they will not announce the "independence of
Taiwan" when they came into power, the facts over the past two years have
shown that they are working for the "independence of Taiwan," rather than
abandoning it. 
The media in Taiwan has made it clear. It has said that the Taiwan
authorities are taking steps to realise their ambition -- "Taiwan
independence", and even a fool knows this.
The activities for "gradual independence of Taiwan" have been condemned by
the people of all walks of life in Taiwan. The Taiwan media point out that
the disguised "Taiwan independence" measures will not only cause
cross-straits tensions and conflicts, but also label the Taiwan leaders as
"trouble makers" internationally.
Any form of "Taiwan independence" is doomed to failure, as Taiwan is an
inalienable part of China. The Chinese government's determination and
ability to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity are
beyond doubt. 


Taiwan will Open its Service Trade to Chinese Mainland in Two phases.
According to the news of January 17 from Taiwan, the Island province
"Executive Yuan" has approved a list of 58 business items in detail to be
opened for investment from China's mainland.

According to the news of January 17 from Taiwan, the Island province
"Executive Yuan" has approved a list of 58 business items in detail to be
opened for investment from China's mainland.
Taiwan will at the initial stage open for indirect investment, and the
second stage will see the direct investment opened for the capital from
China's mainland to Taiwan. And this is to be followed with the evaluation
and planning in future for the capital from China's mainland to invest in
Taiwan's securities and bonds market in view of the run of opportunities and
According to the Taiwan media, the detailed list includes the international
express delivery on land, minicab-rental for passenger transportation, sales
of sports and games and other amusement services, air-transportation,
advertisement, hotel business and foodstuff and so on. As to the particular
time of opening, it is going to be decided when the "Legislative Yuan"
completes the considerations of the "Regulations of the People's Relations
Across the Strait" and the "Amendment for Regulations of the Relations with
Hong Kong and Macau".
This is the first time for Taiwan to open its service trade to China's
mainland, said Tsai Ing-wen, chief of the Taiwan "Mainland Affairs Council".
In the negotiation for Taiwan's entry into the WTO it didn't make any
commitment for opening all its service items and the opening to the capital
from the Chinese mainland is also based on this commitment. Taking all its
service items into account Taiwan has promised to open a total of 108 items
to the WTO member countries and regions. The first batch to be opened to
China's mainland comes to 58 items, being over half of the total. And later
on, the Taiwan units concerned will make a periodic checkup on them every
six months and also accept the application of manufacturers and industrial
groups for a non-periodic checkup.
In line with the scope of its special service trade as committed by Taiwan
at its accession to the WTO, Taiwan will divide its service trade into three
categories, pointed out Tsai Ing-wen. The first category includes those to
be first opened to the capital from China's mainland after both sides of the
strait enter into the WTO, the second being those trades to be considered
according to the development of the situation and the third those not to be
considered for capital investment from the Chinese mainland.
Based on the classification, the Taiwan "Mainland Affairs Council" worked
out three principles for the opening. First, the profit-making trades will
have the priority to be opened to investment from China's mainland while
non-profitable trades like educational service, health service (such as
medical and healthcare) are to be planned in accordance with the educational
and medical policies. Secondly, the corporate services will enjoy the
priority to be opened first while the other service trades as offered in the
form of a natural person, such as lawyer, accountant, architect and other
professional technicians will be planned in line with the development policy
for professional services, the examination policy for special technicians
and other rules and regulations for certificates and licenses. Thirdly, the
other trades which have the priority to be opened are those that do not
constitute monopoly in economy, or incite any sensitiveness in political,
social and cultural aspects nor will they cause any instability in its
economic development or influence the financial stability in Taiwan.
The regulated scope for the capital from China's mainland to be invested in
Taiwan includes: first, the direct investment by natural persons, legal
persona, economic groups and other institutions from the Chinese mainland to
invest in Taiwan; secondly: the indirect investment by natural persons,
legal persona and groups or other institutions that are to hold certain
proportion (one third for the time being) or some influential companies in
foreign lands or any from the third areas to invest in Taiwan.


Premier Zhu's Visit Promotes Sino-Indian Trust: Vice Foreign Minister.

Premier Zhu Rongji Friday concluded his five-day official visit to India and
left Bangalore for China.
The just-concluded visit to India by Chinese Premier succeeded in promoting
greater trust and understanding between China and India, the world's two
largest developing nations, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Wang Yi said.

Zhu Rongji Holds Talks with Vajpayee.
Premier Zhu Rongji Friday concluded his five-day official visit to India and
left Bangalore for China. Senior officials of the Ministry of External
Affairs and the Karnataka State Government as well as Chinese Ambassador to
India Hua Junduo saw him off at the airport.
The just-concluded visit to India by Chinese Premier succeeded in promoting
greater trust and understanding between China and India, the world's two
largest developing nations, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Wang Yi said
Friday in Bangalore.
Commenting on the five-day visit Wang said the healthy and steady
development of relations between China and India are beneficial to Asia and
the world as a whole.

Friendly ties stressed
During his stay here, Zhu Rongji held talks with Indian Prime Minister Atal
Bihari Vajpayee on bilateral relations as well as international and region
situation. Both sides agreed that China and India have much more consensus
than disagreement, much more common interests than differences.
Both sides stressed that any disputes between them will not affect the
normal development of bilateral ties and they should resort to friendly
consultation to resolve such disputes.

Position on India-Pakistan issue repeated
On relations between India and Pakistan, Zhu repeated China's position on
the issue, noting that as a friendly neighbor of both countries, China
sincerely hopes both sides can resolve their disputes through consultation
and other peaceful methods.
Echoing Zhu's remarks, Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee said China
does not pose any threat to India, nor does India believe that China regards
India as a threat. 
The two countries are neighbors and friends, and both are facing the arduous
tasks of boosting economic growth and nation building, which requires peace,
stability and cooperation, Vajpayee noted.
Indian President Kocheril Raman Narayanan and Foreign Minister Jaswant Singh
shared the same view, saying that the existing problems between the two
nations should not hinder the development of India-China ties.

Five-point proposal on bilateral relations
 Wang said Premier Zhu made a five-point proposal on the full development of
bilateral relations: maintaining high-level exchanges between the two
nations and exchanges in all fields, strengthening mutually beneficial
cooperation in economy and trade, promote exchange and cooperation in
science and technology, pushing forward regional economic cooperation and
properly handling problems that exist between the two countries.
Zhu called for efforts to promote mutual understanding of the two peoples,
especially their respective current situations.
There could be no lasting and steady cooperation between the two sides
without mutual understanding and trust, Wang quoted Zhu as saying.
To help achieve those goals, Zhu announced the opening of direct flights
between China and India by the end of March.

Broad prospects for cooperation
 Wang also noted that the two countries have reached the consensus that they
should learn from each other since both have the largest potential markets
in the world and competitive edge in their economies, which are
complementary to each other.
There are broad prospects for trade and economic cooperation as both
countries are in the process of deepening economic restructuring, he said
While exchanging views on the issues of the international campaign against
terrorism and the developments in the current situation in South Asia, Zhu
reiterated China's firm stance on terrorism. China and India agreed to set
up a consultation mechanism on the fight against terrorism, Wang said.
On the current situation in South Asia, Zhu said China sincerely hopes India
and Pakistan, as China's two neighbors, could peacefully resolve their
disputes through dialogue and consultation.


Palestinian Representative Says Help Needed to End Mideast Crisis.

It is now quite clear that Palestinians and Israelis cannot put an end to
the Middle East crisis on their own, Nemer Hammad, the Palestine National
Authority's representative to Rome, said Friday.

It is now quite clear that Palestinians and Israel  is cannot put an end to
the Middle East crisis on their own, Nemer Hammad, the Palestine National
Authority's representative to Rome, said Friday.

The latest violence "clearly shows" that there are no prospects of resuming
peace negotiations between Palestinians and Israelis unless the U.S., Europe
and the international community step in,  he said.

The current situation is "about to destroy the peace process that was so
carefully worked out by both sides in the past," Hammad said.

"It's clear at this point that neither Palestinians nor Israelis can end the
violence by themselves," he said.

According to Hammad, Italian President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi's recent appeal
for the immediate deployment of international observers is "the best way of
putting an end to this dramatic situation."

"Left on their own, Palestinians and Israelis will never make it," Hammad


Arafat Expresses Desire to Attend Arab Summit.
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat expressed desire to participate in the
upcoming Arab League (AL) summit to be held in Beirut in March, the official
NNA news agency reported on Friday.

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat expressed desire to participate in the
upcoming Arab League (AL) summit to be held in Beirut in March, the official
NNA news agency reported on Friday.

Arafat said in a letter to Lebanese President Emile Lahoud, which was
delivered by Palestinian Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Nabil Amro on
Friday, that the critical situation in the region "needs more external
interference and pressure on Israel."

Arafat briefed Lahoud on the latest development in the region and called for
"urgent Arab operation to face such sensitive situation."

He reiterated his committment to peace process, while denying again any
linkage of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) with the weapons boat
seized two weeks ago by Israel in the Red Sea.

Amro told President Lahoud that Palestinians look forward to a vitalized
pan-Arab support action that would break the traditional routine.

"We have no excessive demands for political and financial support. The
Palestinian leadership wants only what is possible for the Arabs to offer,
not the impossible," he noted.

Israel is currently blockading Arafat in the West Bank city of Ramallah,
preventing him from traveling in Palestinian territories or abroad.

The Jewish state vowed to keep Arafat confined to Ramallah until the PNA
hands over the assassins of Israeli Tourism Minister Rahavam Zeevi to
Israeli police. 

If Arafat shows up at the summit, it will be the first time for him to
return to Beirut,his one-time main Middle East power base, since 1982.

Arafat was evacuated with 8,000 guerrillas from Beirut in 1982, after
Israeli invasion to Lebanon  to rout out the Palestinian Liberation
Organization (PLO). Current Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was then
Israeli Defense Minister.


Palestinians Will Not Renounce Resistance Choice: Minister.
A senior Palestinian official said on Friday that the Palestinian people
will not renounce the choice of resistance against the Israeli occupation
under any circumstances.

A senior Palestinian official said on Friday that the Palestinian people
will not renounce the choice of resistance against the Israeli occupation
under any circumstances.

"A failure to achieve peace and restore the rights of the Palestinian people
would explode the whole region," Palestinian Minister of Labor Rafiq Natshe
said in a statement, quoted by the Cairo-based Voice of Arabs radio.

"All world governments and leaders know well that the Palestinian people are
facing all forms of terrorism," he said, urging them to take concrete
actions to protect the Palestinians.

On Friday, at least three Palestinians were killed and 50 others injured in
an Israeli reprisal for an earlier Palestinian attack in the northern
Israeli city of Hadera, during which six Israelis were killed and 30 others

The deadly Friday marked an upswing of the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli
violence, which has left more than 1,100 people dead, most of them
Palestinians, since its outbreak in late September 2000.

The Palestinian minister also called for the adoption of a mechanism at an
Arab summit, due in the Lebanese capital of Beirut in March, to help stop
Israel's aggression against the Palestinians.

"The coming summit should not use sloganeering languages, but translate
resolutions to be adopted into reality," he stressed.


SCO Best Choice in Fighting Region's Terrorism: Kyrgyz President.

Kyrgyz President Askar Akayev on Thursday praised the Shanghai Cooperation
Organization (SCO) as a pragmatic regional organization capable of
maintaining security and stability in the region it covers.

Kyrgyz President Askar Akayev on Thursday praised the Shanghai  Cooperation
Organization (SCO) as a pragmatic regional organization capable of
maintaining security and stability in the region it covers.

The SCO is a "pragmatic" body that can ensure peace, security and stability
in the region through effective joint efforts against terrorism, separatism
and extremism, which pose a real security threat to the region, Akayev said
during talks with visiting Chinese State Councilor Ismail Amat.

In the long run, countries in the region should rely on themselves in
cracking down on the terrorist, separatist and extremist forces, Akayev
said, adding that the SCO is the best choice in the endeavor.

The SCO was launched in June 2001, grouping China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

President Akayev also reiterated his country's support for China's stand
against the "East Turkistan" terrorist forces, which, trained, armed and
financed by international terrorist organizations, are responsible for a
series of terrorist acts within and outside China.

On his part, Amat expressed the hope for closer ties between China and the
central Asian country. He said combating terrorism is in the interests of
both countries and called for closer cooperation in the effort.

Amat is on a tour of Central Asia to attend celebrations in the region's
five countries marking the 10th anniversary of the establishment of their
diplomatic relations with China.

He arrived here Wednesday after paying a three-day visit to Kazakhstan at
the head of a Chinese government delegation. He left Beijing  on January 13
and the tour will also take him to Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

In Kazakhstan, which is China's second largest trading partner within the
Commonwealth of Independent States, Amat held talks with Kazakh Prime
Minister Kasymzhomart Tokayev which focused on ways to expand bilateral
trade and economic cooperation.

The two pledged their countries' efforts to enhance cooperation within the
framework of the SCO in fighting terrorism.

The two sides also agreed to keep contact and continue to exchange views on
the situation in Central Asia and on the Afghan issue.


Pakistan Does Not Want War With India: Musharraf.

Pakistani President General Pervez Musharraf has said that Pakistan does not
want war with India and does not takes some initiatives also.

Pakistani President General Pervez Musharraf has said that Pakistan does not
want war with India   and does not takes some initiatives also.

The remarks were made by Musharraf during an interview with a foreign media
early Saturday morning, according to the Associated Press of Pakistan.

On relations with India, he said, "there has to be a desire from the Indian
side for dialogue. I can't say for sure, but since I went to Agra and I met
Indian leadership. I met Prime Minister Vajpayee, my reading, which I still
hold, is that there is a desire in Prime Minister Vajpayee, I think, on
moving forward on dialogue, having a dialogue with Pakistan. And, also
addressing all issues, including Kashmir."

About his speech of January 12, Musharraf said, at first the Indian response
was very guarded, very cautious. "I don't see much of a change in their
response to my speech," he added.

"But, however, I would like to comment that the comments from their side
that they are judging what we are doing, and that I have to show more action
after this speech. I don't have to show anything to them, really. I take
strong exception to these statements. We are not being judged by them. And I
am not doing anything to show them. I am doing something for Pakistan," he

In response to a question on the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden, Musharraf
said, "he (Osama) had been kidney patient, living on dialysis. I do not know
where he is, but possibility is that he is dead."

On relations with Afghanistan, Musharraf said, "Pakistan and Afghanistan
have to be friendly, because Afghanistan is a land-locked country. It has to
interact with Pakistan and we would like to interact with them. We have
similar history, geography, religion and culture. This is a temporary phase.
And I'm sure reality will dawn on them and we would certainly like to have
relations with them. Let me also say that the situation is improving with
every passing day."

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