Subject: [L-I] [Lebanese Issues] ahmad saadat free (fwd)

jean el-cheikh schrieb:
> Free Comrade Ahmad Sa'adat
> The General Secretary of the
> Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
> Submitting to the pressures of the Israeli racist
> occupiers and their USA Imperialist backers, the
> Palestinian "National" Authority arrested yesterday
> (January 15, 2002) comrade Sa'adat, the general
> secretary of the PFLP. This is a dangerous and
> unprecedented step in the long history of struggle of
> the Palestinian people. The PFLP is the main party of
> the Palestinian left and the backbone of the
> opposition within the Palestinian Liberation
> Organization. The PFLP and all the left and democratic
> Palestinian opposition where united beyond Comrade
> Sa'adat after the assassination of the former general
> secretary of the PFLP, comrade Abu-'Ali Mustafa, by
> the Israeli-American missile attack. By arresting
> comrade Sa'adat the Palestinian authority is playing
> into the hand of the enemies of the Palestinian people
> that want to draw us into internal conflict, crash the
> people's Intifada and secure eternal rule of racist
> Apartheid, ethnic cleansing and occupation.
> The political detention of comrade Sa'adat, together
> with previous arrests and oppressive steps against the
> militants and organizations that resist the Israeli
> occupation, are a very dangerous blow to the hopes and
> the struggle of the Palestinian people. By oppressing
> the resistance to the occupation, the Palestinian
> Authority is submitting to the occupiers' logic that
> claims resistance to the occupation to be "terrorist
> violence". At the same time the occupiers themselves
> are free to kill, uproot, destroy, siege, humiliate
> and devastate the Palestinian people in the name of
> their racist "laws" and the immunity from
> international law supplied by their USA backers.
> The PFLP, under the leadership of comrade Sa'adat, is
> not only a dedicated force in the struggle against the
> occupation, for self- determination and for the right
> of return of all Palestinian refugees. It is also the
> voice of the poor people of Palestine, struggling
> against corruption and arbitrary rule by the
> Palestinian Authority, for democratic institutions in
> the Palestinian society and for social justice. In
> spite of being the target of constant ruthless Israeli
> brutality, the PFLP continues to advocate a democratic
> solution to the Palestinian problem that will include
> Jews in Palestine as equal citizens in a secular
> democratic Palestine. It is not by chance that the
> Israeli occupiers are most interested to silence the
> voice of the Palestinian Mandelas, first by
> assassinating comrade Abu-'Ali Mustafa and now by
> demanding and forcing the arrest of comrade Sa'adat.
> The struggle of the Palestinian people is the heart of
> the struggle of the Arab masses to free themselves
> from Imperialist domination and from the fate of
> poverty, ignorance and despotism that it spells.
> Resisting the libeling of the Arab freedom fighters as
> terrorist is the first and vital step for stopping the
> current Imperialist drive to victimize the oppressed
> masses everywhere. A campaign of solidarity with the
> Palestinian freedom fighters is the immediate and
> urgent duty of all democratic and progressive forces
> in the Arab world. It is the same cause everywhere, in
> all the poor third world countries, as all of them
> face similar exploitation and victimization. This
> international solidarity campaign is the duty of all
> progressive forces and all really democratic and peace
> loving people all over the world.
> For an International Solidarity Campaign:
>   a.. Free Comrade Ahmad Sa'adat!
>   b.. Free all political prisoners and anti-occupation
> resistance militants!
>   c.. Unite to topple the Israeli occupation!
>   Together on the road - Ma'an 'Ala edDarb
>   Sons of the Country Movement - Abnaa elBalad
>   Letters of protest may be sent to:
>   d.. Palestinian National Authority: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   e.. Palestinian Ministry of Information:
>   f.. Palestinian Legislative Council:
>   g.. Letters to the presidential office of the PNA
> can be sent from:
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