News for Wednesday Evening

Great Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Jamahiriya News Agency

English Daily News 

Wednesday 10 Zul Qeada

23 Ayu Annar,2002 


The Leader Made Statement to the Chadian Press

Tripoli/Ayu Annar 23/Jana

The Leader of the Revolution made statement yesterday to the press
delegation accompanying president Idris Debi of Chad during his visit to GT
Jamahiriya,in respect of the peace accord among the brothers in Chad.

He said at the end we do not want any thanks or reward.We have done our duty
towards the African continent and sisterly Chad should have always been the
first. African conflicts and disburbances squander its energies and hamper
the process of the African Union.

Accordingly,our higher interest obliges us to end such conflicts and to pave
the way for the African Union so that it emerges without any obstructions or
hurdles and thus we preserve our energies and resources to build up the
African and counter the enemies of Africa.

In fact,I am grateful to the Chadian people,whether in the government or in
Tebesti because they heeded the interests of Chad and the interests of the
African Union over their internal disputes and now we have made a pledge
like real men for the peace of the brave and all of us are now in one line
and in one trench in Libya and in Chad,from Tripoli to Tebesti to N'Djamena
arms will be dropped and we will forge ahead for development in Tebesti and
reconstruction in Chad,Libya and Africa.We will establish

various projects,agricultural,health and social for our people in Tebesti
because they suffered too long from such wars and conflicts over power.

We re-affirm to everyone that this is not the time for war and it is futile.

As for the situations in the Central African Republic and solving the
problem there the Leader of the Revolution said president Idris Debi is
exerting commendable efforts with his brother president Patatssie and
eventually the regional conference was held in Brazaville and president Debi
was there.He shook hands with president Patassie and they talked and now the
brothers who split from president Patassie and used to

protest against some procedures are present in Libya together with the
president and God willing there will be understanding and a general pardon.
We do not accept that African arms target Africans.This is what we agreed

/Jamahiriya News Agency /


African University Professors Praise the Leader's Efforts

Tripoli/Ayu Annar 23/Jana

A number of African University professors and intellectuals have praised the
efforts exerted by the Leader of the Revolution to achieve the peace accord
between the Chadian government and the National Movement for

Democracy and Justice in Chad.

They confirmed the significances of such an accord which was achieved thanks
to the efforts of the Leader of the Revolution who enjoys appreciation and

The African professors and intellectuals confirmed in radio interviews with
the Voice of Africa as part of the monthly file programme that this peace
accord is significant step towards the restoration of

peace and stability across Africa which is deeply involved in the build up
of its strategic achievement,the African Union.

Those who spoke in interviews with the Voice of African programme included
Dr. Farouq Ahmed Adam,the professor of international law and political
expert,Dr. Moua Saeed professor of human studies in Mali

university,Dr.Abdallah Najib Mohammed specialist in African affairs and the
delegate of the Bank for Development and Investment of Community of
Sahel-Saharan States.

They also included Dr.Ahmed Shougi al Efend,the expert in strategic studies
in Egypt and Dr.Amin Hamadi,the researcher in West African affairs who is
specialised in the general international law in Niger.

/Jamahiryia News Agency /


Cable to the Leader

Tripoli/Ayu Annar 23/Jana

Participant in the civil societies forum in GT Jamahiriya have sent a cable
to the Leader of the Revolution as follows:

Brother,Leader of the Revolution,the Intellectual,the Revolutionary,Colonel
Muammar al Gaddafi:

As we hold our forum amidst international events such as human rights
violations and aggression against countries and nations and stark racial
discimination, we wish to salute you for your constant stand to find

settlements to international conflicts through balanced dialogue on the
basis of faireness,equality and respect for human rights.

You have established the international wisdom committee which aims at
solving international conflicts by peaceful means. This is huge and
significant step towards international justice and finding peaceful

solutions regional disputes in Africa.This continent which had been
suffering for too long unitl the arrival of its faithful son to be an end to
the conflicts that ravage it.

We,the civil societies forum in GT Jamahiriya express our total,absoslute
and firm support for your actions aimed at the consolidation of peace and
stability in the international community to achieve peace and welfare over
the earth. 

/Jamahiriya News Agency /


Civil Societies Forum Concludes

Tripoli/Ayu Annar 23/Jana

The forum of civil societies and various institutions of civil society in GT
Jamahiriya was concluded at the Peoples Hall in Tripoli yesterday.

The forum was held under the theme "Lockerbie and the Absented Truth".The
forum was organised by the Human Rights Association of the Gaddafi
International Foundation for Charity Associations in conjunction with

the lawyers general secretariat,the Libyan Youth Union and the Artists
General Association.

Various speeches were delivered in the forum which praised the African
stance in support of GT Jamahiriya which rejects the

ruling issued against the Libyan National and political hostage,Abdel Basset
al Merghahi. The speakers called for the immediate release of the Libyan
national and upholding the Libyan peoples right to compensation for the
human and material losses incurred.

/Jamahiriya News Agency /


GT Jamahiriya-France Co-operation

Paris/Ayu Annar 23/Jana

Foreign Affairs Secretary at People's General Congress held a meeting
yesterday with Serjie Vincent,the deputy chairman of the French Senate with
whom studied various aspects of co-operation between the People's General
Congress and the French Senate.

The meeting was attended by the chairman of the Libyan-French parliamentary
friendship group,members of the Libyan Peoples Bureau in

France,the general delegate of GT Jamahiriya to UNESCO and the French
Ambassasdor in the GT Jamahiriya.

At the end of the meeting a joint statement was signed in which both parties
expressed their satisfaction for the level achieved in the brotherly and
co-operative relations between the People's General Congress and French

/Jamahiriya News Agency /


GT Jamahiriya and Sudan Co-operation

Tripoli/Ayu Annar 23/Jana

The protocol of co-operation in the oil sector between GT Jamahiriya and
Sudan was signed in Tripoli last night.

The protocol was signed by the deputy chairman of the Libyan international
oil investments group and Awad Ahemd al Jazz,

the minister of energy and mining in Sudan.

It sitpulates collaboration in the areas of exploration, production and
distribution of fuel in Sudan and neighbouring African countries.

/Jamahiriya News Agency /


Iraqi Deputy Chairman Arrives

Tripoli/Ayu Annar 23/Jana

The deputy chairman of the Iraqi national council,Hamid al Rawi,and his
accompanying delegation arrived at Tripoli International Airport last night
on a visit to GT Jamahiriya.

They were received by the secretary of resources and environment affairs at
the general peoples congress.

Hamid al Rawi made a statement to Jana expressing his happiness to visit GT
Jamahiriya and aid that this visit comes within the pattern of consolidating
bilateral co-operation between GT Jamahiriya and


/Jamahiriya News Agency/


Arab Democratic Dialgue Forum Appreciates

Tripoli/Ayu Annar 23/Jana

The Arab Democratic Revolutionary Dialogue Forum paid tribute to the martyrs
lost during the Palestinian Revolution and the Arab nation,Adel Musa (Abu
Tariq, member of the national co-ordination and follow-up

committee in the Arab revolutionary dialogue forums and chairman of the Arab
co-ordination committee and the committee for the rejection of normalisation
and the secretary of the PLO's Fatah.

The commemoration during which the tribute was paid was attended by numerous
arab activists who re-affirmed the need to escalate the glorious Palestinian
uprising and the activation of the resistance against the Zionist terrorist

/Jamahiriya News Agency /


Lockerbie Appeal

Camp Zeist/Ayu Annar 23/Jana

The appeal proceedings raised by the Libyan Political Hostage,Abd Albasset
al Maghrahi today began at the Camp Zeist in the Netherlands.

The appeal request was raised by the defence team dated February,7 and has
been accepted by the court.

Moreover,a number of legal experts and international as well as regional
organizations earlier have comnfirmed that the verdict issued was an illegal
one considering it as a political verdict and all evidences affirm the
innocence of this citizen regarding this case.

Following the opening of the session, the chief of the defense team of the
Libyan started to defend indicating all the evidences and facts which made
it clear that the verdict issued was out of any legal justifications.

The defense team pointed out that the verdict was unfair and facts
accompanied by evidences are to be presented and then the innocence of the
Libyan citizen the political hostage Abd Albasset al Maghrahi would be
acquitted in this case.

/Jamahiriya News Agency//
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