Subject: [R-G] South Africa Strongly Condemns Israeli Operations

Palestine Media Center-PMC               January 22, 2002

South Africa Strongly Condemns Israeli Operations

The South African Government strongly condemned "the senseless
retaliatory operations of the Israeli [Occupation] Forces against the
Palestinian [National] Authority over the past few days".

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Aziz Pahad stressed: "Sending in tanks to

Palestinian towns and surrounding President Arafat's complex, confining him
to Ramallah, using war planes to destroy another PNA government complex
in Tulkarem in which a Palestinian policeman was killed and 61 people
injured, and blowing up the Palestinian Broadcasting center in Ramallah
serve only to fuel extremism and run contrary to seeking a peaceful
resolution to the conflict."

"At the same time the South African Government equally condemns without
equivocation and in the strongest possible terms the atrocious attacks
carried out by Palestinian gunmen- who opened fire on guests at a Bat
Mitzvah in an Israeli banquet hall on Thursday 17th January", the Deputy
Minister added.

He further emphasized that the South African Government will continue to
"provide all support necessary to assist President Arafat to stop these
of terrorists operating in Palestine and to push perpetrators of such
inhumane acts".

The Presidential Retreat hosted by President Mbeki at Spier Estate, Cape
Town, 9th to 11th January, at which senior Israeli and Palestinian
delegations met together in the interests of restarting the peace process,
exemplified the South African Government view that the only solution to the
Middle East conflict is through dialogue, leading to negotiations in good

"South Africa has consistently maintained that there is no military solution

to the conflict… The three Party Spier Communiqué adopted at the end of
the retreat articulates the desires of both the Israeli and Palestinian
camp and to end the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory and find a
just and peaceful resolution to the conflict based on the Tenet Plan, the
Mitchell Report and UN resolutions 242 and 338", Mr. Pahad asserted.

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