His Excellency Colin Powell
The Secretary State
State Department
Washington, D.C.

Your Excellency

In the very greater interest of justice and Human Rights
the “Ansar Burney Welfare Trust International” would like
to request for an early response from the United States
about published photographs, showing Taliban and al Quaeda
prisoners on a U.S. base in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, kneeling
and tightly manacled.

The prisoners, regardless of their technical status,
should be treated humanely and in accordance with
customary international laws. According to the reports
during their transportation from Pakistan and Afghanistan,
they were transported in a very horror way, in which the
prisoners were shackled and blindfolded for the long flight
to the camp in Cuba. Destined for 6-foot by 8-foot enclosures
with roofs and floors but only chain-link walls.

Sunday newspapers in Britain carried photographs of such
prisoners in red overalls -- eyes and ears covered, with
their arms tightly shackled -- kneeling behind wire fences.

We have a question; In this situation how America, its
alliances and other human rights champions defend
civilization ?

The treatment does seem to be way below the standards
one could expect in a civilized society in a new century
where every one was expecting peace, justice, supremacy
of law, humanity, human rights and freedom as given in
the charter of the United Nations Human Rights Commission
and Geneva Convention.

Controversy over the conditions in which prisoners from
Pakistan and Afghanistan are being detained at a US Base
in Cuba, and their legal status, is growing, putting the
United States in an embarrassing spot.

The Ansar Burney Welfare Trust International is protesting
not just the detainees' conditions, but their lack of
protection under the Geneva Convention, which outlines
conditions of treatment for Prisoners of War (POWs). Alleged
ill-treatment of prisoners in transit and in Guantanamo Camp,
including reports that they were hooded, shackled, and sedated
during transfer is painful for the organization believes on
Humanity and Human Rights.

Degrading treatment of prisoners is a flagrant violation
of international law which cannot be justified under any

The Ansar Burney Welfare Trust is very concerned about
allegations over the treatment of the prisoners. It is
important at a time of difficulty that human rights and
international humanitarian standards be purely upheld and

The Ansar Burney Welfare Trust believes that the detainees
are being held in violation of even American Constitution,
Charter of the United Nations Human Rights Commission and
Geneva convention.

Ansar Burney Welfare Trust International calls on the United
States to end legal limbo of Guantánamo prisoners.

The America should ensure respect for the Human Rights of all
people who have been or may be transferred from Afghanistan
and Pakistan to a US military base in Guantánamo Bay in Cuba.

The US is placing these people in a legal limbo. Allegedly
they deny that they are Prisoners of War (POWs), while at
the same time failing to provide them with the most basic
protections of any person deprived of their liberty.

The US has obligations under International law to ensure
respect for the Human Rights of all persons in their custody
including the duty to treat them Humanely and ensure that
they have recourse to fair proceedings, regardless of the
nature of the crimes they are suspected of having committed.

If there is any dispute about their status of ‘Prisoners of War’
(POWs), the US must allow a "competent tribunal" comprising on
representatives from the international Human and civil Rights
groups,  International Bar Associations and also representatives
from the countries believes on Peace, Justice, Humanity and
Human Rights to decide their fate, as required by Article 5 of
the Third Geneva Convention.

Any detainee who is suspected of a crime, whether or not they
are POWs, must be charged with a criminal offense and tried
fairly or released. Denying rights of Prisoners Of War,
protected by the Geneva Conventions for a fair trial is
a war crime.

We request access to the prisoners, and expressed  concern
over their ambiguous legal standing. They should be treated
as POWs (Prisoners of War) until a proper procedure, on an
individual basis, can determine their status. The housing
provided at Guantanamo -- small cells with chain link fencing
for walls, concrete floors and wooden roofs is against the
charter of the United Nations Human Rights Commission.
Housing conditions, in cages partly exposed to the elements,
is also contrary to the Geneva Convention.  We have great
concern regarding their treatment in Cuba. There are also
some allegation that beards moustaches and hairs of these
prisoners had been cut down before taking them to Cuba.

Under the circumstances the ”Ansar Burney Welfare Trust
International” would like to request, Your Excellency,
to accord permission to the delegation of the Ansar Burney
Welfare Trust to visit detention camp in Cuba to meet these
prisoners for ascertaining factual position as well as to
know the truth and what facilities are being provided to
these prisoners?

Looking forward with best wishes and regards

Yours in Respect

Ansar Burney Welfare Trust International
(Human and Civil Rights Organisation)
6 Hassan Manzil,
Arambagh Road,

Phone:  + 92 21 2623382, 2623383, 2626155, 2627155
Mobile:  0300 8243459
Fax:      + 92 21 2623384




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