
Argentine Parliamentary Leaders Meet Chinese Official.

The vice president of the Argentine Senate, Lopez Arias, and the vice
president of the Chamber of Deputies, Olardo Britos, on Wednesday met
visiting Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) Vice
Chairman Wang Zhaoguo.

The vice president of the Argentine Senate, Lopez Arias, and the vice
president of the Chamber of Deputies, Olardo Britos, on Wednesday met
visiting Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) Vice
Chairman Wang Zhaoguo.
The two vice presidents welcomed Wang's visit at such a difficult time in
their country. Britos said the Argentine government and parliament always
attach great importance to developing friendly relations with China. The
Argentine people thanked China for supporting Argentina's legal demand for
the restoration of sovereignty over the Malvinas islands.
Wang said this year was the 30th anniversary of the establishment of
diplomatic relations between China and Argentina. Under the tendency for
globalization and multipolarization, the smooth development of
Sino-Argentina ties has profound significance.
He expressed his firm belief that the Argentine government and people could
overcome the current crisis and walk forward on the road of development.
Wang thanked Argentina for its unmistakably stand on human rights and on the
Taiwan issue. 
The two sides also exchanged views on strengthening economic and trade ties
and cooperation between the CPPCC and the National People's Congress of
China and the Argentine parliament.


Arafat Sends Letter to Chinese President Over Worsening Mideast Situation.

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has appealed to China to use its influence,
working together with the international community, to press ahead with
efforts to stop the worsening of the situation in the Middle East and
salvage the region's peace process.

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has appealed to China to use its influence,
working together with the international community, to press ahead with
efforts to stop the worsening of the situation in the Middle East and
salvage the region's peace process.
In a letter to Chinese President Jiang Zemin, Arafat said China is a major
power commanding great influence in international affairs and that the
Palestinian side has highly appreciated China's efforts towards the cause of
peace in the Middle East.
In the letter which was dated January 22 and handed to Wu Jiuhong, director
of China's office in Palestine during a meeting between the two on Tuesday
night, Arafat also briefed the Chinese president on the current situation in
Actions by Israeli troops in Palestinian territory have crossed all "red
lines" and the situation in Palestine is deteriorating and in danger of
getting out of control, to which people cannot stand with their eyes closed,
Arafat said. 
Arafat also said that the Palestinian side, in the best interests of the
Palestinian people and security and stability in the Middle East, would
continue to honor their commitment to the ceasefire, despite the fact
Israeli tanks and armored cars are just around him.


Palestinians: Cease-Fire Can't Be Enforced Because of Israeli Raids.

Islamic militants threatened "all-out war" Wednesday to avenge the killing
of a Hamas commander in the West Bank, and Yasser Arafat's Palestinian
Authority said it can no longer be expected to enforce a truce with Israel.

Islamic militants threatened "all-out war" Wednesday to avenge the killing
of a Hamas commander in the West Bank, and Yasser Arafat's Palestinian
Authority said it can no longer be expected to enforce a truce with Israel.

With tensions and violence rising, Secretary of State Colin Powell
telephoned Arafat on Wednesday to urge him to curb attacks on Israel. The
U.S. ambassador to Israel called on Israelis and Palestinians to urge their
governments to work for peace.

Palestinian militants and mainstream activists marched together in a funeral
procession in Nablus, burying the dead from Israel's raid on a bomb factory
a day earlier. Four Hamas activists were killed, including West Bank
militant leader Yousef Soragji, 42, mastermind of several suicide bombings.

The Israeli army commander in the West Bank said it was the biggest bomb
factory ever uncovered, and the military displayed the range of explosives
and timing devices found in the Nablus apartment.

More than 15,000 people marched in the funeral, led by activists from Hamas
and the Al Aqsa Brigades, a militia linked to Arafat's Fatah movement.

Hamas pledged an "all-out war" against Israel in retaliation, and
Palestinian Cabinet secretary Ahmed Abdel Rahman said the Palestinian
Authority could not enforce a cease-fire under the circumstances.

"The Israeli guns are being pointed to our heads," he told The Associated
Press. "We are not able to implement any of our commitments."

Iraq's Aziz Visits Moscow for Sanctions Talks.

Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz arrived in Moscow on Wednesday to
seek Russia's help in easing UN trade sanctions imposed on Baghdad after its
1990 invasion of Kuwait.

Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz arrived in Moscow on Wednesday to
seek Russia's help in easing UN trade sanctions imposed on Baghdad after its
1990 invasion of Kuwait.

Russia, Iraq's main trade partner and close ally in the UN Security Council,
has demanded that the United Nations pursue "a comprehensive settlement" of
the sanctions issue -- a final decision to lift the sanctions.

But the United States   supports "smart sanctions," which would cut the list
of goods requiring UN approval before reaching Iraq, while tightening
controls over imports deemed usable for military purposes.

Iraq strongly opposes any revision of the sanctions.

But some Iraqis fear that Moscow is pressing Baghdad to accept a resolution
under which the trade sanctions would be suspended if Iraq allowed UN arms
inspectors back into the country.

Iraq opposes the return of the UN inspectors, calling them U.S. spies. The
inspectors left the country ahead of U.S.-British strikes on Iraq in 1998
and Baghdad has refused to allow them back in.

The sanctions cannot be lifted unless the UN inspectors verify that Baghdad
has dismantled its weapons of mass destruction.

Aziz is expected to spend three days in Moscow, where he is due to meet with
officials from the Foreign and Defense ministries.

He was also expected to discuss concerns that the United States may extend
its anti-terrorist campaign into Iraq.

Russia has warned that such an action could divide the anti-terrorist
coalition and argued that no evidence exists of Iraqi involvement in the
Sept. 11 terror attacks on the United States.

During the Iraqi official's visit, the Kremlin is also expected to reiterate
its demand that the United States and Britain stop airstrikes on Iraq.

After leaving Russia, Aziz will travel to China, which like Moscow has veto
power on the Security Council and maintains significant trade relations with


Chinese, Egyptian Presidents Hold Talks in Beijing
Chinese President Jiang Zemin started talks with Egyptian President Muhammed
Hosni Mubarak Wednesday afternoon, saying he believes that Mubarak's current
visit to China is bound to further the existing strategic cooperative
relations between the two countries and promote bilateral cooperation in
various fields. 

Chinese President Jiang Zemin started talks with Egyptian President Muhammed
Hosni Mubarak Wednesday afternoon, saying he believes that Mubarak's current
visit to China is bound to further the existing strategic cooperative
relations between the two countries and promote bilateral cooperation in
various fields. 
Jiang extended his welcome to Mubarak at the beginning of the talks, calling
Mubarak as his "old friend", and said this is their fifth meeting.
Mubarak also said Jiang is his old friend, and expressed his thanks for
Jiang's efforts for the development of bilateral cooperation.
Mubarak recalled his first visit to China in 1976 and said bilateral
cooperation has continued to develop since then, adding that bilateral
relations at present are stronger.
Before the talks, Jiang presided over a welcoming ceremony at the Great Hall
of the People for Mubarak who is on his eighth visit to China.
Mubarak arrived here earlier Wednesday for a state visit to China as Jiang's


South Korean President Faces Protests Over Arrested Union Leaders.
International protests are to be targeted at South Korean President Kim
Dae-Jung on Tuesday over the arrest of leading labour leaders.

International protests are to be targeted at South Korean President Kim
Dae-Jung on Tuesday over the arrest of leading labour leaders.
Thousands of unionists will launch protest rallies in front of South Korean
diplomatic missions at 22 cities in 15 countries on Tuesday calling for the
release of two arrested leaders, the Korean Confederation of Trade Union
(KCTU) said. 
The KCTU, South Korea's second largest labor confederation with 650,000
members, has demanded the government free its chief Dan Byung-Ho and Korean
metal workers' federation head Mun Sung-Hyun.
They were arrested last year and are eing tried for what the government
calls illegal union activites.
Backing the KCTU campaign, the Geneva-based International Metalworkers
Federation (IMF) has organized protests for January 22.
"The IMF wants all trade unionists out of jail and the counry to return to
democracy before the World Cup takes places," said Marcello Malentacchi, its
general secretary, in a statement.
"President Kim Dae-Jung. Shame on you! Release Korean unionists," said a
poster released by the IMF and the KCTU for the so-called "day of
The poster carries the photos of Kim, the 2000 Nobel Peace Prize winner,
smiling, and the two union leaders and other workers arrested by Korean
Kim took office in 1998 on the strength of wide support from workers, but
trade unions began to lose faith in him as economic reforms required
lay-offs and pay cuts.
In a letter to the KCTU, the IMF said member unionists in 15 countries,
including 1,300 in Russia and up to 1,000 in South Africa, were ready to
rally in front of South Korean embassies.


China to Play 'Significant' Role in Afghanistan's Reconstruction.

China has made marked economic achievements and can play a "significant"
role in the reconstruction of Afghanistan, Foreign Minister Dr. Abdullah
Abdullah of the Afghan Interim Government said

China has made marked economic achievements and can play a "significant"
role in the reconstruction of Afghanistan, Foreign Minister Dr. Abdullah
Abdullah of the Afghan Interim Government said Wednesday evening in Beijing.
At a press conference held at the Afghan embassy, Abdullah said that during
the meeting between Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji and Afghan Interim Government
Chairman Hamid Karzai, both sides extended willingness to cooperate in
Afghanistan's reconstruction work.
Earlier, Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan and Abdullah signed two
documents on the Chinese government's provision to the Afghan Interim
Government of one million U.S. dollars as initiating fund and 30 million
yuan-worth (over 3.6 million U.S. dollars) of emergency assistance in the
form of goods. 
Abdullah said many Chinese products and technological items are urgently
needed in the reconstruction of Afghanistan, including in the fields of
medical equipment, road construction, high technology, communication
equipment and landmine clearance.
"The trade relations between the two can start at any time," he added.
On the anti-terrorism issue, he said that his government will " take every
measure to make sure that no terrorist can act inside Afghanistan, live in
Afghanistan or use the soil of Afghanistan against other countries."
"Our position is firm and clear," he stressed, adding that his government
will "extend full cooperation" with China on the issue.


Lockerbie Appeal Challenges Judges.

Lawyers for the man convicted of the 1988 Lockerbie bombing challenged on
Wednesday the verdict of the judges in the original trial.

Lawyers for the man convicted of the 1988 Lockerbie bombing challenged on
Wednesday the verdict of the judges in the original trial.
Defense lawyer William Taylor QC claimed that no "reasonable" jury would
have found Abdelbaset ali Mohmed al-Megrahi guilty of the Pan Am Flight 103
bombing, in which 270 people died.
The appeal, which began on Wednesday, is being heard at the same venue as
the trial, a specially built court at Camp Zeist in the Netherlands, the BBC
The hearing is creating history by becoming the first British court
proceedings to be televised live and streamed live on the Internet.
At the start of the hearing, the defense team issued a nine- page submission
detailing their grounds for appeal.
Taylor told the five appeal judges he intended to show that the trial judges
had effectively misdirected themselves as jurors and led to a miscarriage of
He said he would be questioning the validity of parts of the written opinion
and intended to bring fresh evidence which cast doubt on the conviction.
Al-Megrahi was sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum of 20 years
when the trial ended on January 31, 2001.
His co-accused, Al Amin Khalifa Fhimah, a former station manager for Libyan
Arab Airlines, was acquitted after the judges ruled there was no evidence he
had helped plant the bomb.
The panel of five judges hearing the appeal is headed by Lord Cullen, the
Lord Justice General, who has presided over several high-profile public
Taylor said he would argue that the verdict reached by the original court
was not one that a reasonable jury in an ordinary trial could have reached
if it was given proper directions by the judge.
According to the prosecution's version of events, which was accepted by the
three trial judges, the suitcase carrying the bomb which blew up the plane
was loaded onto a plane in Malta. From there it was transported via
Frankfurt to Heathrow, where it was loaded onto Pan Am flight 103.
Al-Megrahi's defense team has always insisted the bomb suitcase was more
likely to have been placed on board the plane at Heathrow and wants to
introduce new evidence to support that claim.
It wants to hear fresh testimony from security guard Ray Manly who has
claimed there was a break-in at the baggage build up area at Heathrow
Airport on 21 December 1988, the same day Pan Am Flight 103 took off from
there bound for America.
The defense will also launch a fresh attack on the evidence of Tony Gauci, a
Maltese shopkeeper who identified al-Megrahi as a man who had bought
clothing at his store a few weeks before the bombing.


Norway to Help DPRK Develop Hydroelectric Power Industry.

Norwegian Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik said Thursday that his country
will help develop hydroelectric power in the Democratic People's Republic of
Korea (DPRK). 

Norwegian Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik said Thursday that his country
will help develop hydroelectric power in the Democratic People's Republic of
Korea (DPRK). 
At a news conference following his meeting with South PresidentKim Dae-jung,
Bondevik said he hopes to consult with the South Korean government on the
issue, adding that his government will send a fact-finding delegation to
Pyongyang to study hydroelectricpower plant program.
At their meeting, Kim and Bondevik discussed the latest political situation
on the Korean Peninsula and ways to enhance bilateral cooperation.
They agreed to further cooperative relationship in fisheries, energy,
shipbuilding, information technology and scientific studies on the Arctic
Circle as well as in international organizations like the World Trade
Organization (WTO), according to a press release by the South Korean
Presidential Office.
The two nations have signed accords for closer cooperation in the fisheries
and information technology fields, including establishment of a ultra-high
speed communication network, cooperation in wireless mobile communications,
the exchange of experts in the communications field and the establishment of
related training programs.
Bondevik, who arrived here Wednesday for a three-day visit, is the first
Norwegian prime minister to come to Seoul since the diplomatic normalization
between the two countries in 1959. Norwayand the DPRK established diplomatic
ties in 1973. 

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