January 28, 2002

Press Statement

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued 
the following statement:

No Appeasement of the VHP

The Vajpayee government has taken another step to appease the Vishwa 
Hindu Parishad, which is going ahead with its illegal moves for 
construction of the temple a the disputed site at Ayodhya. The Prime 
Minister, after a three-hour meeting with the leaders of the Vishwa 
Hindu Parishad has referred their demand for handing over a major 
portion of the acquired land at Ayodhya to the law ministry for 
examination. This is a way of keeping alive the patently disruptive 
demand of the VHP. The only response the government should have given 
is that this is a matter for the courts to decide.

The statement by George Fernandes after the meeting that the VHP has 
agreed that the dispute can be solved only through a court decision or 
a negotiated settlement is also false. At no time have the VHP leaders 
accepted this stand. At the VHP rally held soon after the meeting, the 
self-styled representatives of the Hindu community have announced 
their intention to go ahead with the temple construction after March 
12, even if the government does not clear the legal hurdles. The rally 
was also marked by vicious communal propaganda. 

The BJP-led government is conniving with the disruptive game of the 
VHP and the RSS which has dangerous implications for the country's 
unity and communal harmony.


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