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Peltier: Urgent Action


The House Government Reform Committee is holding hearings on FBI misconduct
relating to wrongful convictions.  The hearings were prompted by the release
of two Boston men who were framed by the FBI and held wrongfully in prison
for more than 32 years.  Their two co-defendants, also innocent, died in
prison.  Congressman Burton, who chairs the committee, ........

Statement of the  German Comunist Party (DKP) Munich Munich under Martial Law

Munich under martial law: thousands defy total ban on democracy and
march against a policy of war

Munich was under martial law at the first weekend of February on the
occasion of the NATO \"Security conference\". Democracy and freedom of
speech were abolished. Every kind of protest was planned to be
suffocated from the very start by bans on demonstrations and meetings,
sending back people at the borders, controlling them on streets and in
trains, placing the organizers under \"preventive\" arrest and arresting
hundreds of demonstrators. Thousands of policemen tried to carry through
a total ban on demonstrations.

But neither on Thursday, nor on Friday .........................


Death Sentences in Iraq  --  Source: Iraq CP

Four Prisoners Die As a Result of Disease and Ill-treatmentPilot Executed for
 Attempting to Flee Iraq 6-2-2002

Iraqi Communist Party sources have reported that the authorities of the
dictatorial regime executed airforce major (pilot) Abdul Mun'im Farhan
Shehab in Abu Ghraib Prison on 2nd January 2002. The sentence was
carried out in accordance with  presidential decree No. 806. He was
charged with attempting to escape from Iraq through Jordan.

Cable Street Beat
Cable street Beat- Strictly Antifascist
A little trip to the fascist march in Bielefeld

Welcome to the real world, fascist arseholes. Yesterday, Saturday
the second of February, some CSB-Skins and antifascist friends gave
some fascist bastards the chance to get a little impression of the real
skinhead world. The fascists planned a big demonstration in
Bielefeld, and we decided to visit them. The day began very funny. Some of
us wanted to buy cigarettes at a petrol station, that happened to be a
meeting point for countryside fascists, who, seeing real skins, flew
at once as fast as they could. Other ones could be convinced, not to
visit the fascist march without having used any aggression! We just
talked to them, but they didn`t believe us. Somehow these patriotic
heroes thought, they would have to die in the very near future, so
they took a little piss without having taken off their camouflage
trousers. Too much fear, no courage, they look for easy victims, but
they canīt stand being confronted with the consequences of their
deeds.  .......

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