Dear All,
Greetings from Makassar,

As the partners of IHS Makassar has informed their confirmation of accepting
candidates at their hotels in the United Kingdom it is recommended to:

1.      SMKN 3 Pangkal Pinang
2.      SMKN 1 Palu
To send their candidates names and proposal to the IHS Makassar before March
15th. 2002 for joining the Europe Industrial Attachment Training.
The preparation training will be in May 2002

Other institutions that are willing to follow this program can contact Ms.
Siti Saenab for detailed information call: (0411) 854374 or through e-mail

Total placement for this year is 20 students. Projected: SMKN 1 Palu 2
students; SMKN Pangkal Pinang 2 students, SMKN 6 Makassar: 2 students; SMKN
8 Makassar 12 students; other institutions: 2 students

Candidates who want to know the actual working condition in Europe can
contact Mr. Muhammad Munir on every Tuesday at 00.30 a.m. (GMT) during the
Long distance learning program of IHS Makassar.

>From the MTTP (Makassar Tourism Training Project) I have received 1  set
English for Hospitality Industry based on the International Standard of
Competence for SMKN 1 Palu; will request also for SMKN 3 Pangkal Pinang.

We are also preparing the next batch for Paris, which is starts in October

Best Regards,
Thank you

Sekolah Menengah Kejuran Internasional
Indonesian International Vocational School

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