I was tempted to make the subject line "HA HA HA HA HA ..."


After 10 months of working with software developers in Bangalore, India,
Bill Wood was ready to call it quits. The local engineers would start a
project, get a few months' experience, and then bolt for greener pastures,
says the U.S.-based executive. Attrition rose to such a high level that
year that Wood's company had to replace its entire staff, some positions
more than once. "It did not work well at all," recalls Wood,
vice-president of engineering at Ping Identity, a maker of Internet
security software for corporations. Frustrated, Wood began searching for a
partner outside India. He scoured 15 companies in 8 different countries,
including Russia, Mexico, Argentina, and Vietnam.

That path is being trod by a lot of executives, eager for new sources of
low-cost, high-tech talent outside India. Many are fed up with the
outsourcing hub of Bangalore, where salaries for info tech staff are
growing at 12% to 14% a year, turnover is increasing, and an influx of
workers is straining city resources."


The story goes on in excruciating detail and without apparent irony on how
expensive and problematic it's become for the poor corporate types to
wring a little more profit margin out of the third world at the expense of
their home country's economy. It's <sob> heartbreaking!

I especially love that they're thinking of moving development of their
security software to Russia. And Marketing, I'm guessing, will go to

Lan Barnes

SCM Analyst              Linux Guy
Tcl/Tk Enthusiast        Biodiesel Brewer


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