On Jan 24, 2008, at 4:17 PM, James G. Sack (jim) wrote:

Does anyone feel comfortable comparing (or moderating) KDE vs Gnome?

I don't know that a "vs" setup would be worthwhile, but this tickles an idea I've had in the back of my head for a year or two...

How about a series of presentations that focus not on desktop environment features or comparisons but instead on ways of getting more out of your chosen desktop, as demonstrated by expert users? I'd like to see power users of some of the common desktop environments give a 30-45-minute-ish presentation on what their daily workflow looks like and what features of their desktop they use to their advantage.

Windowmaker, for example, is a common power user desktop used by at least John and Neil. I've tried Windowmaker myself, but found the strange concepts of the clip and dock a little foreign, and wasn't sure how to best take advantage of them. Watching John simply *use* his desktop for 20 minutes would probably teach me more than I could get in four hours of documentation reading.

Common DE's that should definitely be covered (need volunteers!):
 - Gnome
 - KDE
 - Windowmaker

More obscure DE approaches that might be interesting:
 - Ratpoison or one of the other "window-less" window managers
 - Open/Black/Fluxbox
 - Emacs (LOL!)
 - ???

And to be really complete, considering the sheer quantity of OS X users in KPLUG, a Mac desktop demo would probably be of interest. I could also see value in doing a Windows demo showing how to get the most Unix-y experience out of it, considering that Linux guys often get stuck on a Windows machine from time to time.

I could see this actually being a 2-3 meeting series, since we'd want to leave ample room for Q&A.

Joshua Penix                                http://www.binarytribe.com
Binary Tribe           Linux Integration Services & Network Consulting


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