> You don?t need to go to the Laken-Summit, the
> decisions are being made somewhere else!

Where? And why? And where did you get that information? Isn't it strange
that if the summit isn't in Laken, D14 is still not allowed to protest
there? Or am I just mind-dumbingly stupid now?

> Call for action: Wednesday 12th of December 2001
> Hi folks,
> This is a call for a peaceful protest in the days
> before the big EU-summit in Brussels.
> With this action we want to express our concern about
> the way decisions are being made within the European
> Union. The ?proposals? that are being discussed at the
> summit have been set long before and we believe that
> big corporations have too much influence on them. The
> decision-making within the EU is far from transparent
> or democratic. As far as we see, the destruction of
> our beloved planet is rapidly proceeding and the
> construction of a neo-liberal Europe, closely working
> together with the industry, is only aiding to this.
> Are you also sick and tired of men in grey suits
> making decisions for us? Are you also fed up with the
> fact that economical gain is always more important
> than social and ecological arguments?
> Come and join our colourful brigade and help us to
> expose those men in power in a direct and creative
> way! Samba, street-theatre and banners? are a hint to
> the action.
> Bring your sleeping bags, friends, musical instruments
> and your voice!
> We meet on Tuesday (11th of December) at 18.00 pm in
> the evening in Leuven.
> At: ?Villa Squattus Dei?, Schapenstraat 29, Leuven,
> Belgium.
> For more information: e-mail
> (also meetingplace Wednesday morning early...)
> This action is an initiative of an international
> cooperation of radical environmental-activists.
> We are not asking permission by the government or the
> police to do this action, so please behave in a
> responsible and peaceful manner during the protest.
> ((ps: Pink&Green supports this axion))

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All info on http://www.punkpage.net/kraken-be/

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