I am still undecided about the fuel pump after struggling with it for a 
year.  It is the Facet that has been recommended by several people.

When first installed, I noted that it would nearly flood the engine and 
that an immediate leaning of the mixture was required whenever it was 
turned on.  I solved this one by installing a 5/32" bypass line from the 
pump outlet back to the header tank.  Mixture adjustments from pump on 
to pump off are now minimal.

With the pump off, I can cause the engine to stall at higher RPM by 
setting full rich and waiting.  It seems the free-flow (gravity only) 
rate through the pump is just barely adequate and eventually the 
gascolator empties and the engine stalls.  I can always remedy this by 
turning the pump on for a couple of seconds, so I am convinced it is a 
fuel starvation situation.

I installed a "T" before and after the pump, and made another bypass, 
5/16" diameter with a one-way valve.  With the pump off, the theory is 
that fuel will flow from the header tank through the one-way valve and 
out to the engine.  This effectively creates two flow paths from the 
tank to the engine.  Even with this, I heard the engine stutter a little 
after about 15 minutes with no pump.  Again, just bumping the pump for a 
couple of seconds cleared the situation.

I am very close to reverting to gravity only feed, and am interested in 
who runs gravity only, and what, if any, obstacles they had to 
overcome.  My main concern has been vapor lock, and the pump is very 
effective at clearing situations like this.  However, getting adequate 
fuel flow when the pump isn't running has developed into a real 
challenge.  If I keep the pump, my preference is that it NOT be used for 
normal operations.

What have you that use gravity only encountered in your low fuel 
situations, climbs, etc.?

The entire fuel system has been cleaned and cleaned again, new filters, 
everything.  So it appears that I'm fighting purely a flow situation 
when the pump isn't running, and not some unknown restriction or blockage.

Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated.



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