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On 2008-04-27T13:02:52+00:00 Alvaro-aguilera wrote:

Version:           0.6.3 (using 4.0.3 (KDE 4.0.3) "release 19.2", compiled 
Compiler:          gcc
OS:                Linux (x86_64) release

I find Okular's yellow highlighter very useful, something missing
however, is the ability to recognize a layout with columns. Almost every
PDF I read has such format and Okular forces me to highlight line by
line, instead of allowing me to mark the whole paragraph.

Reply at:

On 2008-04-27T13:55:33+00:00 Pino Toscano wrote:

Give a better title, as it's a general "problem".

Reply at:

On 2008-04-28T18:16:14+00:00 Kde2eran wrote:

In the general case this seems to require a layout analysis, such as

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On 2008-05-31T21:33:55+00:00 Pino Toscano wrote:

*** Bug 162957 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2008-06-24T11:46:37+00:00 Bui Arantsson wrote:

This feature indeed needs to be fixed, if okular's highlighter tool is
to become useful for scientific work, seeing as almost all journals use
text-layouts with columns. However, I am not a programmer, and thus have
no idea how it should be implemented, and whether analysis of pdf
layouts is easy or not. If not, another possibility might be to allow
the user to subdivide documents himself. I.e to allow the user to "draw"
borders to which the highlighter will limit itself. Almost like setting
margins in a word editor, although of course purely for internal use.

Reply at:

On 2008-07-16T21:34:13+00:00 Jospoortvliet wrote:

I just bumped into this when trying to do a screencast about Okular (for
a upcoming KDE promo site). I must say it is rather unfortunate, and I
don't think I will demo this feature as it is - it will only make ppl
feel betrayed if they find out it doesn't work as it should. This is no
stab at you guys developing this app - Okular is way cool. It's just
that this issue somehow has to be solved. I have no idea if this even
works properly in for example Adobe acrobat reader, or any other app - I
suspect this is pretty hard to do, given the little I know about layout
stuff in PDF's. Pitty...

Anyway. I hope this can be solved someday - somehow. Meanwhile, keep up
the good work. Okular is really nice, but still has many small issues...

I do wanna say the selection mechanism you guys made (right mouseclick -
select an area - copy text/picture) works SOO GOOD :D

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On 2008-08-30T21:35:01+00:00 Pino Toscano wrote:

*** Bug 170102 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2008-11-17T09:38:06+00:00 Pino Toscano wrote:

*** Bug 175377 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2008-11-17T09:52:44+00:00 James-rivett-carnac wrote:

*** This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. ***

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On 2009-01-09T20:18:07+00:00 Michal Witkowski wrote:

The same can be said about the text select tool. It highlights text from
both columns.

Is there any hope that this might get resolved any time soon?

Reply at:

On 2009-01-10T15:27:04+00:00 Albert Astals Cid wrote:

Pattern recognizion of what is a column and what is not based on
coordinates of each character is something your brain can do very easily
but programming an algorithm that does that is not trivial by far, so i
guess the answer is no

Reply at:

On 2009-01-10T15:46:59+00:00 Michal Witkowski wrote:

Well, the thing is that both Adobe Reader and Foxit Reader are able to
detect columns just fine (text selection, text highlight) so it's
possible for sure. Maybe Okular's PDF backend is limited and doesn't
provide text-layout information and that's what makes it hard. But
saying that it's a hard problem solvable to a computer is just not true.

Reply at:

On 2009-01-10T15:51:21+00:00 Michal Witkowski wrote:

Just as I thought, it's a poppler bug. A similar problem is seen in
evince (gnome pdf viewer)

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On 2009-01-10T16:11:51+00:00 Robert Knight wrote:

> Pattern recognizion of what is a column and what is not based on
> coordinates of each character is something your brain can do very easily
> but programming an algorithm that does that is not trivial by far,
> so i guess the answer is no 

It is certainly possible but not trivial - Ocropus provides a free
software C++ implementation of algorithms to do this if you're
interested.  The basic approach is to try to the largest columns of
whitespace in the page and divide the text into columns based on that.

Reply at:

On 2009-01-10T16:12:59+00:00 Robert Knight wrote:

> The basic approach is to try to the largest columns of whitespace
> in the page and divide the text into columns based on that. 

Sorry, that should read:

The basic approach seems to be finding the largest columns of whitespace
in the page and dividing the text into columns based on that.

Reply at:

On 2009-01-10T16:50:59+00:00 Albert Astals Cid wrote:

Maybe Okular's PDF backend is limited and doesn't provide text-layout
information and that's what makes it hard.

I like when people speak if they knew how PDF works. Please if you know
that PDF provides text-layout go to the poppler project (which by
coincidence i am the maintainer of) and send a patch.

But saying that it's a hard problem solvable to a computer is just not true.

I also like when people decides that something is not hard because
someone else is able of doing it. What about painting the Mona Lisa, it
should not be that difficult, someone did it 500 years ago! How you dare
to say that painting it is something difficult!

Reply at:

On 2009-02-27T10:17:11+00:00 Isaac Puch Rojo wrote:

(In reply to comment #15)

OK, The discussion could be more diplomatic and the comment are not very
constructive. But if you want to work with scientific paper, this bug is
very important.

I only want to ask, if the Okular Team want to work in this problem or
no. I would respect that they don't want.

Thanks for the great Program!

Reply at:

On 2009-05-26T09:53:41+00:00 Pino Toscano wrote:

*** Bug 194120 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2009-09-10T12:01:23+00:00 acrocephalus wrote:

What about adding a text highlight tool (just as the selection tool, but
to highlight instead of selecting)? It may be an easier solution while
looking for a fancier way ...

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On 2009-09-10T12:12:26+00:00 Isaac Puch Rojo wrote:

The solution from Dani Valverde is not perfect, but it will be work. 
I give my virtually vote ;-)

By, Isaac

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On 2009-09-13T12:31:41+00:00 Chosunsk wrote:

This bug is over three years old :(

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On 2009-09-13T21:58:52+00:00 Albert Astals Cid wrote:

Three years don't make it easier to solve, we still welcome people with
knowledge on how to fix it.

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On 2010-02-02T14:34:37+00:00 Pino Toscano wrote:

*** Bug 225267 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2010-02-02T15:24:24+00:00 Ekin-0 wrote:

I agree that three years do not make it easier to solve but it
definitely makes it a must feature that needs to be implemented. By the
way, what do developers do between the releases apart from fixing bugs?

Reply at:

On 2010-02-02T16:03:55+00:00 Michal Witkowski wrote:


"Comment  #45 From Praveen Thirukonda  2009-12-27 00:42:00 PST  -------

it seems this bug now has a working patch and yet there has not been any
activity for the past few weeks.
It would really be great if this is committed soon as this is a really annoying
bug for many. "

It seems that there's hope :)

Reply at:

On 2010-02-02T23:50:07+00:00 Albert Astals Cid wrote:

#23: What do we do? Well, personally i sleep 7 hours a day, work 8 hours
a day, spend 2 eating and preparing things to eat, 1 travelling to and
from work, 1 going to shop things to eat and the rest of the 3 hours i
try to code things for KDE, but then some user demands to know what i do
with my life and that 3 hours become 2.5 hours. You should be happy i
have no friends, otherwise that 2.5 hours would be a 0

Reply at:

On 2010-02-02T23:51:38+00:00 Albert Astals Cid wrote:

#24 This is not going to help okular at all since we do not use poppler
text algorithms since we support text selection for more formats than
just PDF

Reply at:

On 2010-02-04T14:08:22+00:00 Ekin-0 wrote:

I did not mean to be rude when making above statement. I really
appreciate KDE and its applications in terms of the approach they have
taken, i.e. abundant configurability and capability of the application.
If only Okular had this feature.

Reply at:

On 2010-04-27T20:39:55+00:00 Luigi Toscano wrote:

*** Bug 235531 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2010-08-05T11:29:20+00:00 yuval aviel wrote:

(In reply to comment #26)
> #24 This is not going to help okular at all since we do not use poppler text
> algorithms since we support text selection for more formats than just PDF

I guess that 90% of Okular users that also use annotation, use it for
reading PDF files.

Maybe solving this issue with Poppler solution is not such a bad way to

Reply at:

On 2010-08-20T03:22:39+00:00 Chosunsk wrote:

(In reply to comment #29)
> (In reply to comment #26)
> > #24 This is not going to help okular at all since we do not use poppler text
> > algorithms since we support text selection for more formats than just PDF
> I guess that 90% of Okular users that also use annotation, use it for reading
> PDF files.
> Maybe solving this issue with Poppler solution is not such a bad way to go.

Indeed, evince, which uses poppler algorithms, supports column

Reply at:

On 2010-08-20T20:06:14+00:00 Albert Astals Cid wrote:

Indeed, evince does not support text selection in the horde of document
formats that Okular does, our selection might be better or worse but it
is [mostly] consisten among document formats.

But you don't really care, you like bashing developers because you think
that will make them realize that you are right.

Reply at:

On 2010-09-17T00:18:03+00:00 Peter Hedlund wrote:

(In reply to comment #31)
> Indeed, evince does not support text selection in the horde of document 
> formats
> that Okular does, our selection might be better or worse but it is [mostly]
> consisten among document formats.
> But you don't really care, you like bashing developers because you think that
> will make them realize that you are right.

Albert, relax. But still, for many users Okular = pdf and for many users
pdf = two-column scientific papers. Okular uses the poppler backend for
pdf and if the backend now supports column selection, so should Okular.

I am sure there are already some if... then to handle all the formats
you say Okular supports. Please consider making it a priority to add use
of the poppler backend if the format where selection is happening is


Reply at:

On 2010-09-17T00:38:35+00:00 Albert Astals Cid wrote:

Let me tell you a secret: i don't need advanced text selection in
okular, so obviously it's not my priority.

Now let me tell you another secret: Okular is free software! So all you
that need advanced text selection are very welcome to improve okular
text selection algorithm send a patch and then not only pdf text
selection would be better but all the other formats too! For free!

Reply at:

On 2010-09-17T00:49:11+00:00 Peter Hedlund wrote:

(In reply to comment #33)
> Let me tell you a secret: i don't need advanced text selection in okular, so
> obviously it's not my priority.
> Now let me tell you another secret: Okular is free software! So all you that
> need advanced text selection are very welcome to improve okular text selection
> algorithm send a patch and then not only pdf text selection would be better 
> but
> all the other formats too! For free!

Here is my secret: I have never needed anything in the program I
maintain (KWordQuiz), but I think it is fun when people show interest
and tell we about features they would like. If they are reasonable I see
it as a challenge to my limited self-taught programming skills to try to
implement them. That why I use free software.

I have actually looked in to pdf developement as I had some interest in
page manipulation features like adding and removing (pages) so I know it
is no walk in the park. Still it seems someone has already done a
significant part of the work in this (selection) case. Now is the time
to step up to the final challenge or is programming not fun anymore?

Well, back to Adobe Reader...

Reply at:

On 2010-09-17T07:10:19+00:00 Kde2eran wrote:

Does poppler guess the text layout using some generic heuristic
algorithm, or use some explicit information on text ordering embedded in
the PDF format? If it's the latter, then Okular ought to use that
embedded information, via poppler, instead of discarding it and taking a
wild guess instead.

Reply at:

On 2010-09-17T10:46:54+00:00 Alvaro-aguilera wrote:

I like the idea of supporting the multiple file formats but I guess that
99% of the people (myself included) use Okular exclusively as a PDF
reader. It's a pity that the formant independence gets in the way of
implementing features that would be actually useful for the majority of
its users. I'd bet that if someone revamps KPDF people would make the
switch from one day to the other.

Reply at:

On 2010-09-17T11:21:53+00:00 Robert Knight wrote:

> Does poppler guess the text layout using some generic heuristic algorithm, or
> use some explicit information on text ordering embedded in the PDF format?

PDFs do not contain layout information about how text is structured into
paragraphs and columns.  As I understand it, what PDF provides is
essentially a list of commands that say "draw string S at position P
with font F".

I haven't looked into recent versions of Poppler but older versions had
some fairly complex heuristic algorithms to try to piece together the
layout given the input.  These algorithms had some interesting flaws.
If I remember correctly, due to numerical instability the order of
paragraphs in the output text could differ significantly depending on
the processor on which you ran the code.

Reply at:

On 2010-09-17T13:03:37+00:00 Uetsah wrote:

(In reply to comment #31)
> Indeed, evince does not support text selection in the horde of document 
> formats
> that Okular does, our selection might be better or worse but it is [mostly]
> consisten among document formats.

Supporting multiple document formats consistently is great, but won't it
be possible to still allow certain features to only be supported by some
document formats and not others? Or to be implemented differently for
each backend, where it makes sense?

The text selection user interface could still stay the same for every
format, but in the background it could use whatever algorithms each
respective backend provides for reading or guessing text layout

So in case of PDF documents, the backend would use Poppler's heuristic
algorithms. In case of OpenDocument documents, the backend would use the
structural information already available in the document file. And so

Of course there could also be a generic algorithm that guesses the text
structure independently of the document format, but as I understand it,
that would be much more work...

Btw, I personally think that even with this feature missing, Okular is still 
best PDF viewer out there, so thanks for the great work and for giving it away 
for free... :-)
If this feature is not on your priority list, that's of course totally fine, 
but please maybe still consider it for the future, just in case one day you're 
bored and don't know anything else to implement... ;-)

Reply at:

On 2010-11-01T17:16:46+00:00 yves hennequin wrote:

sorry not sure this is the right place for me to comment..
As a user of Okular I would also benefit from the double column recognition for 
annotations, etc...
My work around is to cover text with an inline comment without text and lower 
the opacity or put an ellipse and change it into a rectangle.
With this in mind I would then also be happy if I could set the parameters of 
the annotations (opacity, collors etc...) once for all so that when I place a 
new one, it has already the look I want.
I have no idea how difficult that is to do...

Reply at:

On 2010-11-01T20:39:21+00:00 Albert Astals Cid wrote:

yves, you are asking for something (I would be happy if I could set the
parameters of the annotations) that has nothing to do with this bug.
Please open a separate with issue.

Reply at:

On 2011-03-13T10:59:47+00:00 Pino Toscano wrote:

*** Bug 268334 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2011-06-27T07:36:50+00:00 Albert Astals Cid wrote:

*** Bug 276580 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2011-08-28T20:33:57+00:00 Albert Astals Cid wrote:

This has been implemented in this year GSoC and will be available in
Okular as of KDE 4.8

You can find more info at

You are all encouraged to give a try to the current git master code (if
you know how to compile) and give back constructive feedback.

Reply at:

On 2024-02-26T07:18:15+00:00 Champignoom wrote:

I'm reading a two-column pdf
(, for which the
selection still doesn't work properly.

Okular Version: 23.08.5
KDE Plasma Version: 5.27.10
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.115.0
Qt Version: 5.15.12

Is there any chance to further improve the column recognition algorithm?

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** Changed in: kdegraphics
       Status: Unknown => Confirmed

** Changed in: okular-old
       Status: Fix Released => Confirmed

** Changed in: kdegraphics
   Importance: Unknown => Wishlist

** Bug watch added: Bugzilla #3188

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  highlighting (review tool) transpass columns in double column pdf's

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