Hi all,

I'm using a KVM/Qemu nested SVM setup to debug another hypervisor (Jailhouse) I contribute to. IOW, the scheme is: AMD64 Linux host running [paravirtualized] AMD64 Linux guest (the same kernel as the host) running Jailhouse.

Jailhouse, in turn, uses Nested Paging to virtualize xAPIC: APIC page (0xfee00000, no APIC remapping) is mapped read-only into Jailhouse's guests. This of course implies that APIC page appears to Jailhouse guests as uncacheable (UC).

Is it achievable in the setup I described, or do I need to run my code on a real hardware to make the APIC page accesses in Jailhouse guests uncacheable?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Valentine Sinitsyn
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