On 03/22/2010 01:39 PM, Ingo Molnar wrote:
Reality is, the server space never was and never will be self-sustaining in
the long run (as Novell has found it out with Netware), it is the desktop that
dictates future markets. This is why i find your views about this naive and

Yet Linux is gaining ground in the server and embedded space while struggling on the desktop. Apple is gaining ground on the desktop but is invisible on the server side (despite having a nice product - Xserve).

It's true Windows achieved server dominance through it's desktop power, but I don't think that's what keeping them there now.

In any case, I'm not going to write a kvm GUI. It doesn't match my skills, interest, or my employer's interest. If you wish to see a kvm GUI you have to write one yourself or convince someone to write it (perhaps convince Red Hat to fund such an effort beyond virt-manager).

error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function

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