On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 11:10:24AM -0300, Targino SIlveira wrote:
> I have an server with only one NIC, this NIC has a Public IP, this
> server is locate in a data center, I can't have more than one, but I
> can have many IP's, so I would like to know if I can redirect
> packages from virtual interface for my VM's?
> Examples:
> eth0:1 xxx.xx.xxx.xxx redirec all trafic to
> eth0:2 xxx.xx.xxx.xxy redirec all trafic to
> eth0:3 xxx.xx.xxx.xxz redirec all trafic to
> I'm using /etc/libvirt/hooks/qemu to write iptables rules.

Yes, look at NAT.  A lot of material probably covers NAT behind one
public IP, in this case you actually need to map public addresses onto
private addresses 1:1.

A web search for "linux nat" should turn up howtos.  Or check on
libvirt.org if there is libvirt configuration that automatically sets
this up for you.

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