
does anybody have experience with translation of LO guides from https://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/documentation/?

I've tried to use OmegaT for that, but I've failed, because the xml code is 'polluted' by numerous useless tags (read below) which makes using translation software impossible. Perhaps a 'clean up' tool would help, but I do no know anything like that :(


Explanantion of the problem:
For example, the sentence
*Quickstarter is installed in the Windows system tray and is automatically loaded during system startup.*

is displayed in the document without any formatting, using just the the Default character style

In OmegaT, however, it is displayed like this:

*<f10>Quickstarter is installed in </f10><f11>the Windows system tray**</f11><f12>and is automatically loaded </f12><f13>during system startup.**
(<fxx> are tag replacements and should not be touched.)

This suggests that there are some tags inside this sentence, in spite
the fact that I do not see any. Really, in the content.xml file inside
the document we can see them:

*<text:span text:style-name="T65">Quickstarter is installed in**
**</text:span><text:span text:style-name="T21">the Windows system tray**
**</text:span><text:span text:style-name="T65">and is automatically loaded**
**</text:span><text:span text:style-name="T21">during system startup.**
These tags in fact do not mean anything meaningful:

*<style:style style:name="T21"**style:family="text"><style:text-properties fo:language="en"**fo:country="GB"/></style:style>***

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