Hey Bjoern,

12/02/2014 22:19, sgrìobh Bjoern Michaelsen:
There is not reason to get aggressive here.;)
I was mostly exasperated, sorry if it came over aggressive, it wasn't meant to be.

The decentral nature of open source software may be part of its strength but for localizers, especially those of a small to tiny locale and/or team with loads of translation expertise but little in the way of developer skills, it's like trying to navigate a heavily mined swamp semi-blindfolded in deep fog. You start off with the (reasonable to my mind) assumption that you translate and then 'stuff happens'. So you knuckle down and translate.

But you then suddently find out everything is not as it seems. Like finding out the Launchpad doesn't coordinate with upstream or that it's not possible to purge bad translations or globally block rogue translators. That you don't just have to translate the WordPress po files but also have to build your own packs. Or in this case here, that assuming that since LO is bundled with Ubuntu, that it would also come up in the language of choice - and once we got past that point, that even a 100% complete localization does not necessarily result in an automatic inclusion because you are supposed to know (how, I'm not sure) you have to coordinate with Debian somehow. How many other locales are similarly excluded I wonder?

In a sense I'm not surprised we get so many dormant projects for lesser-resourced locales - or indeed a complete lack of l10n efforts from certain corners. The lack of l10n coordination is a real problem and with the proliferation of platforms, it's probably going to get a lot worse. That's why I was kind of throwing my hands up in despair.


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