On Sun, Jun 12, 2016 at 12:44 PM, Jean-Baptiste Faure
<jbfa...@libreoffice.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> Given a string to be translated, given its tag (comment), how to find
> where it is used in the UI (in which menu or dialog box)?

Look at the context info in pootle - if it is a dialog, the dialog's
filename will be listed


→ compressgraphicdialog.ui , and as the path to the po shows in svx/uiconfig

you can open that dialog in

That already will give some context and typically is enough to guess
where the function can be accessed from the UI

> The path UI -> the string in Pootle is easy with the keyID, but, to my
> knowledge, there is no easy way to find a keyID in the UI.

Yes, having just a keyID, it is not possible. To find pootle sting in
UI, it is best to go from pootle context/path info.
If it is in sw or scalc projects, you already have an idea it is in
writer or calc for example.

> What is your strategy to find a given string in the UI?

See above. easiest if it is a dialog. If it is not a dialog, look at
surrounding strings, maybe there is something familiar and you can at
least have a rough idea.

* filename of po file → rough idea in what module
* context info/places → more detailed info.

→ if in .ui file → look at the dialog in glade → see string in context

you can also use opengrok http://opengrok.libreoffice.org/ to look
where the string is used, maybe the code then gives you a clear idea
(or course depends on your ability to read a little code).


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