When trying to translate into basque some help content I have found the 
following strings:
ki kibi 1024
Mi mebi 1048576
Gi gibi 1073741824
Ti tebi 1099511627776
Pi pebi 1125899906842620
Ei exbi 1152921504606850000
Zi zebi 1180591620717410000000
Yi yobi 1208925819614630000000000
I think that, in order to read them more easily, it would be better to insert 
the thousand separator.
But, if it exists, this is not the error. I think that from the fifth item on 
the values are not correct. 
Those values are the ones that we get when multiplying directly in CALC the 
previous value by 1.024, because we cannot get directly in CALC exact numbers 
with more than 15 digits.

Using the exact values, the strings should be:
ki kibi 1.024
Mi Mebi 1.048.576
Gi Gibi 1.073.741.824
Ti Tebi 1.099.511.627.776
Pi Pebi 1.125.899.906.842.624
Ei Exbi 1.152.921.504.606.846.976
Zi Zebi 1.180.591.620.717.411.303.424
Yi Yobi 1.208.925.819.614.629.174.706.176
Any way, perhaps those values are used in some functions and, not being 
possible to work with numbers of more than 15 digits, the values already on the 
help files are the ones that must appear. I have not got enough time to check 
how the CONVERT_ADD function works because still there is a lot of things that 
must be translated.


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