Hi Aivaras!

Some answers:

- 'Why not to take a simpler route (I guess I'm just being lazy)?'
- Being lazy doesn't help others. :) (But I know you work a lot on this project.)
- 'The emails from l10n@openoffice.apache.org already contain a footer with:
To unsubscribe, e-mail: l10n-unsubscr...@openoffice.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: l10n-h...@openoffice.apache.org'
- Yes, I know, I always start with it. But, as you mentioned, it's not written always. And what if the problems I mentioned previously are exist on someone's system? One of the persons, who asked for help wanted to quit since 2013 fall. Yes, three years of unwanted messages. And probably there are 'older' ones too.

- 'So perhaps forcing all email going through l10n@openoffice.apache.org to include the aforementioned footer would be enough?' - I guess through the three years there were a lot of correctly undersigned l10n mail to notice it, Maybe it would not be enough.

So, dear all, it was just a suggestion to help somehow. I did the English html file - written in my previous mail - and will do all the html work if needed.

And one more thing to press this thing: right after your response, I asked for help in unsubscription from l10n-help. I got an automated answer, so I went on and asked for help again, but this time from l10n-owner. Approximately two weeks gone. No answer. No anything. This is the official way.

Regards to all,

On 2016-09-21 12:56, Aivaras Stepukonis wrote:

Thanks for the proposal and the thought you've put into it.

Why not to take a simpler route (I guess I'm just being lazy)? The emails from l10n@openoffice.apache.org already contain a footer with:

To unsubscribe, e-mail: l10n-unsubscr...@openoffice.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: l10n-h...@openoffice.apache.org

I'd think this is the most widespread way of unsubscribing from mailing lists overall: the no-longer-solicited message includes a line on how to stop getting it in the future.

The problem is that some of the emails from l10n@openoffice.apache.org do not have the footer. I haven't traced the cause for this, yet. It looks like it got to do with forwarding and/or partial quoting.

So perhaps forcing all email going through l10n@openoffice.apache.org to include the aforementioned footer would be enough?


2016-09-19 17:27, Kádár Csaba - YoheY [OpenOffice] rašė:
Dear All,
who want to help those who do not want to be disturbed by the mailing lists anymore...

I would like to suggest to set up a subpage under Support or some other section, to assist somehow the unsubscribing process.

Why is it good/needed?
- those, who are not interested anymore in the mailing list, probably do not read the mails - maybe the mails are banned, marked as spam or treated somehow to be unable to read - if someone needs help, the info will be searchable through search engines and will be available without emails
- outgoing mails may be banned to unsubscribe
- some users may need some technical help
- misread or misunderstanding something
- anything else, which we cannot forsee

Those, who are registered on the mailing list, once tried to help the project somehow. The minimum we can give back is to ensure the free leave... and help it, if it's necessary. Then these people will remember AOO as a helpful team, not as a catch unable to get rid of.

Formerly I tried to help in private mails, but I only know the result when I got feedback. Without it, I do not know, if
- they did not received my mail
- they do not understand what to do
- they don't care at all
- they succeeded

So, here is the page I imagined. If you find it useful, please someone load it up. Localization would be very useful, I guess it would be much more easier to understand the process in someone's native language. CSS styling will be done later. Any ideas ans personal contact list subscriptions are welcomed. English language should be revised.


the page

<title>Apache OpenOffice support - unsubsribing from the mailing list</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf8" />
    @import url(/support/print.css);
<h1 class="welcometitle">Apache OpenOffice support - unsubscribing from the mailing list</h1>

<p><b>First of all, thank you for your contribution to OpenOffice!</b><br> If you receive emails from any OpenOffice mailing list, it means you - or someone else - registered your email address to one of our servers, to support our work somehow or get info from us.<br> Since you are here, you probably receive emails from us - from our other contributors through the mailing list - which are unnecessary for you anymore,<br>
        Here are the steps to unsubscribe from the mailing list.
Identify the email address which receives emails from OpenOffice mailing list.<br> You may have more than one email address or use a certain service, - like gmail - to gather your emails from other addresses too.<br> Later you should use to unsubscribe exactly the SAME email address you specify here.<br> If you send your request mail from other address, you won't be unsubscribed, since that other address is not registered on the mailing list.
Send an empty mail to ***-unsubscr...@openoffice.apache.org from the specified email address above.<br> Replace *** with the actual list name you receive emails from, such as 'l10n', 'dev', 'qa' or other.<br>
            Don't stop here!<br>
It's only the half of the job, you won't be unsubscribed if you stop here.
In a few minutes, you'll receive an automatic response from ***-h...@openoffice.apache.org.<br> *** stands for the listname you sent your request mail in the previous step.<br> For those, who use free email servers, please note, that a few minutes may extend to few hours or even a day to show up our automatic response mail.
If you can't find our automatic response mail, look for it in your SPAM and TRASH folder too.<br> Check if your antivius software has a folder in your email software and look in that folder too.<br>
            Check if you did not block our email address.<br>
Check your email filters if our message is not deleted instantly or labeled somehow not to show amongst other emails.
If you received our automatic response mail, check this part:<br>
            "To confirm that you would like<br>
removed from the *** mailing list, please send a short reply<br>
            to this address:<br>
            Now click on the 'Reply' button to confirm your will.<br>
            Do not ask or tell anything in your message, it's automated.
            Send the mail.
            You've done it.
If you get stuck, read the instructions in our previously received automatic response mail - mentioned above - and act as described there.
            For more info on mailing lists, please visit
<a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html#localization-mailing-list-public"; target="_blank"> http://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html#localization-mailing-list-public
            In case of trouble, you may need some personal contact.<br>
            Please feel free to ask for help from the list below:<br>
Do not forget to look for the answer mail in the places mentioned in step 4.<br> Note, that our volunteers need some time to help you, they do it in their free time.
        <table border='1' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='10'>
                <td>Spoken language:</td>
                <td>Kádár Csaba</td>
                <td>English, Hungarian</td>
            Good luck and thank you for your contribution!

On 2016-08-11 17:16, Kádár Csaba - YoheY [OpenOffice] wrote:
Dear All,
who may not succeeded in unsubscribing from this list and tied to OpenOffice for eternity.

Today I helped in such a case in private mail and I feel it would be useful to share it with the silent ones too.

So, unsubscribing is very easy, let's try it again:
At the end of every mailing list letter there is a line 'To unsubscribe, e-mail: l10n-unsubscr...@openoffice.apache.org'.
Please check it.

You don't have to write anything, it's automatic, just send a mail - even empty - to this address. In a few minutes, you'll receive an automatic response from l10n-h...@openoffice.apache.org.

Check this part:
"To confirm that you would like


removed from the l10n mailing list, please send a short reply
to this address:


Short reply might be a simple click of 'reply' button, without anything to ask or tell in your message.

In case of trouble, read the instructions in the letter and act as described there. If you can't find this letter, look for it in your SPAM and TRASH folder too and check your email filters!

Good luck, best regards,

To unsubscribe, e-mail: l10n-unsubscr...@openoffice.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: l10n-h...@openoffice.apache.org

To unsubscribe, e-mail: l10n-unsubscr...@openoffice.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: l10n-h...@openoffice.apache.org

To unsubscribe, e-mail: l10n-unsubscr...@openoffice.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: l10n-h...@openoffice.apache.org

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