
I also started a documentation here:



Am 28.02.22 um 22:44 schrieb Andrea Pescetti:

On 27/02/22 Mechtilde wrote:
 > Am 27.02.22 um 19:29 schrieb Keith N. McKenna:
 >> Is there information needed in the code itself to support
 >> a language, and if where in the code would I I look see if
 >> it is already there?

Which language you are looking for?
We have to extract it from the code and input it into pootle

Keith: if you want code pointers:


These are the existing UI languages; some translations are very incomplete; upon request, they are imported into Pootle as Mechtilde wrote; upon reaching 80%, they are released.

See the slides at https://archive.fosdem.org/2018/schedule/event/ode_localization/ for context; while they are a bit old, they still mostly apply.


Mechtilde Stehmann
## Apache OpenOffice
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## Debian Developer
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