
I have put my L2TP implementation up as a project on Sourceforge:


I am actively looking for someone to take over maintainership of this
project.  Current status:

- L2TP daemon works on Linux with pppd version 2.4.1 or later
- L2TP daemon can act as a LAC or LNS.
- Interoperability with Cisco routers has been verified.
- Interoperability with http://www.l2tpd.org/ has been verified.
- User interface for creating/tearing down sessions is... uh... primitive.

Why (yet another) implementation?

- There is a kernel-mode implementation at
  http://sourceforge.net/projects/l2tp/  It appears to be stagnant, and the
  code is very complex.

- There is a user-mode implementation at http://www.l2tpd.org/.  The original
  code base suffered from readability problems which (I believe) has slowed
  development significantly.

- A commercial client needed a reliable L2TP implementation in a hurry, and
  the quickest way I could get one was to write it.  I believe rp-l2tp
  is the smallest, simplest and cleanest of the three implementations.  Take
  a look for yourself and decide.



Roaring Penguin Software Inc. | http://www.roaringpenguin.com
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