We have made the port of the Genode OS Framework to L4ka::Pistachio
publicly available.

Genode is a new OS architecture that leverages a strict organizational
process structure and is thereby able to align dynamic application
workload with low TCB complexity. A high-level overview about the
architecture is provided at our website:


The Genode OS Framework is the reference implementation of Genode. It
is developed by Genode Labs, a small company founded in May this year
by two former members of the TU Dresden OS group.

For a quick test of Genode on Pistachio, we have compiled a small (3MB)
ISO image:


You can try out this image via qemu ('qemu -cdrom genode-2008-12.iso').
It features our default demonstration scenario including several
graphical applications and native device drivers for VESA and PS/2
input. Because our experience with using Pistachio was overly positive
so far, we plan to make the Pistachio support a regular part of the
Genode distribution with the next release scheduled for February.

If you like to look a bit deeper into Genode, the following website
provides you with Pistachio-specific information about building and
starting Genode:


Thank you for your great work on Pistachio!

Best regards
Norman Feske
Genode Labs

http://www.genode-labs.com ยท http://genode.org

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