
I'm new to the L4 world, so I'll need to learn my way around a little
before I'll be able to do much.  However, I'm writing to ask about an
area that I find important for kernel adoption by application

I am interested in contributing to the L4 project by porting the
microkernel interfaces to run in a simulation mode (i.e. as a regular
application) on top of existing popular OS platforms.  This would
allow applications to migrate to using the L4 interfaces as a library
without having to give up the amenities of their current operating
system.  The point would be to build momentum so that people write
applications that benefit from being run on L4-based systems.

Are there any people out there who are interested in this?


Michael FIG <mich...@fig.org> //\
   http://michael.fig.org/    \//

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