On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 3:09 PM, Jan Stoess <sto...@kit.edu> wrote:
>> If yes, is the only way to generate BSD-licensed stubs to implement an IDL4
>> replacement from scratch?
> I guess so, but honestly, I don't know. Also, note that there are other IDL 
> solutions for L4-based systems, from Dresden and NICTA, for example. I don't 
> know if they have GPL or BSD style licenses, but it might not be necessary to 
> start from scratch.

Thank you, I'll have a look.

Of course, the easiest solution would be if the IDL4 authors BSD-licensed
the generated stubs (no need to change licensing on the compiler itself,
of course), but that's entirely up to them. Maybe all hope is not lost, and
we could see this improvement in a later version of IDL4? *nudge-nudge* ;-)

Anyway, I'm trying to grok L4 API(s) now...; that's much more rewarding
than dealing with those boring licensing issues. Thank you for providing
L4Ka::Pistachio: it's really amazing!

Thanks again for your help.

> -Jan
> --
> Dr. Jan Stoess
> KIT/UKa System Architecture Group
> Phone: +49 (721) 608 4056
> Fax: +49 (721) 608 7664
> http://os.ibds.kit.edu/stoess


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