Adan Chavez, who is the governor of Barinas, likewise spoke of the need to
continue his brother’s political project.

“The people can be sure that due to the instructions of our *Comandante*,
we won’t fail him,” he said.

In what was an emotive speech, he added, “We’ll construct Bolivarian
socialism and we’ll arrive at the point of no return. Nothing and no-one
will stop it”.

   1. [image: Hands Off Venezuela]*Hands Off Venezuela*

   Venezuelan president in charge and Bolivarian candidate
@*nicolasmaduro*<>is now on Twitter

   2. 9h <>[image:
   Hands Off Venezuela]*Hands Off Venezuela*

   US Sec of State R Jacobson supports
   says Venezuelan elections "too quick" to be fully democratic http://  <>
   *Expand* <>
   3. **
   16 Mar <>[image:
   Hands Off Venezuela]*Hands Off Venezuela*

   Chavez to final resting place accompanied by the people PICs: http://
    … <> VIDEO:
   kEL5Q&feature=player_embedded … <> <>


[Audio]: Succesful meeting with Alan Woods on Hugo Chavez and the Venezuela
Written by UCLU MarxistsFriday, 15 March 2013

The huge response from ordinary people to the death of Hugo Chavez has
highlighted the massive impact that the Venezuelan Revolution has had on
millions of people worldwide. Never has the Venezuelan Revolution been more
relevant than today. This explains why over 70 people came to see Alan
Woods - editor and founder of the Hands Off
- speak at the UCLU Marxist (University College London) society on the
legacy of Chavez and the tasks of the Venezuelan Revolution now that its
leader has passed away.

[See the end of this report for an audio of Alan's opening speech]**

There is a phrase that says ‘nothing can stop an idea whose time has come.’
That not only explains the influence and respect Chavez was able to
command, but also the widely noted influence that Alan Woods and the
International Marxist Tendency had on Chavez. Marxist ideas are the only
ones which can really explain revolutions and give a consistent, clear
revolutionary programme with which to transform society. That is why Chavez
recognised the value of Alan’s analysis of Venezuela and why the BBC and
Daily Telegraph have featured
their coverage of Chavez’ death.

[image: alan - chavez]The meeting was started by Alan pointing out the
cynical irony with which leaders of Western capitalist nations have
attacked Chavez. They have accused him of ‘irresponsibility’ and
‘recklessness’ with Venezuela’s oil reserves for daring to spend them on
social programmes which have halved poverty, ended illiteracy and massively
increased healthcare provision. Clearly it is far better to fritter away
state finances on bailing out banks! Now there’s a vision of sound economic
management if ever there was one! In the past, as Alan pointed out,
Venezuelan oil wealth went straight into the pockets of American and
European multinationals and a few Venezuelan oligarchs, whilst chronic
poverty went untouched. The Western press never complained then.

Alan then summed up the experience of the Venezuelan Revolution, from the
defeated rightwing coup of 2002 to the movement for workers’ control. The
lesson of the Venezuelan Revolution is not the charisma, honesty and
boldness of Chavez, although, as Alan pointed out in response to a question
as to why the revolution happened in Venezuela and not, say, Chile, that
has been vital. No, the real lesson is the heroism, sacrifice and militancy
of the Venezuelan working class, which has rescued and driven forth the
revolution time and again.

This force is also the key to the future for the revolution. The Venezuelan
masses can only rely upon themselves. Alan spent some time explaining the
difficulties and dangers for the revolution, in particular from inside the
revolution, that is, from the Bolivarian bureaucracy, which often sabotages
and holds back the process. Alan gave the example of where bureaucrats have
blocked orders from Chavez to nationalise factories under workers control.

[image: alan - chavez 2]The meeting finished on the note that we need to
build a revolutionary organisation in all countries, so that when and where
revolutions break out, we have the structures and organisation to make sure
that bureaucrats do not successfully sabotage the only solution to the
crisis of capitalism the world over - that is, the expropriation of
capitalism under workers control.

Viva la revolucion!

* *

Venezuela’s Chavez Moved to New Resting Place amid Tributes

Mar 15th 2013, by Ewan Robertson
[image: The funeral process toward the 4th February Museum today (AVN)]

The funeral process toward the 4th February Museum today (AVN)

Mérida, 15th March ( – The body of late Venezuelan
president Hugo Chavez was today moved in a formal procession to a new
resting place, amid tributes from national and international figures.

Following his death last Tuesday 5 March after a prolonged battle with
cancer, Chavez’s body had been resting in the Fuerte Tiuna Military Academy
in Caracas, where millions from around the country queued for days to pass
by and leave a final message.

Today Chavez’s body was transferred in a formal procession to the 4th February
Museum of Military History, where it will remain for the time being.
Thousands accompanied the procession through the streets of Caracas.

The 4th February Museum, also known as the Barracks on the Mountain, is the
site from which Chavez launched the 4 February 1992 civil-military
rebellion against the neoliberal government of Carlos Andres Perez. It is
located within a district of the city known for its high level of
grassroots organisation, called 23 de Enero.

Earlier this week, acting president Nicolas Maduro confirmed that it is
“highly unlikely” that Chavez’s body will be embalmed as originally
considered, as the proper preparations have not been done and too much time
has now passed since Chavez’s death.

Many Venezuelans would like Chavez’s body to eventually be interred in the
National Pantheon, reserved for national heroes such as the country’s
founder, Simon Bolivar.


In a formal ceremony in the 4th February Museum, which was broadcast to the
country, national and international figures paid tribute to the life of
Hugo Chavez.

Bolivian president Evo Morales said that Chavez “has left us a great task,
a great mission, a marked path…the goal is the liberation of our peoples”.

“Brother Hugo, don’t abandon us; of course you won’t abandon us, you will
continue being a source of inspiration as you have been up to now,” he

Meanwhile Nicolas Maduro, who is Chavez’s chosen successor to replace him
as president, praised Chavez’s legacy and qualities.

“Mission accomplished *Comandante*! Fully accomplished: with pain, with
sacrifice, not even sickness stopping him. Nothing stopped him, and no-one
is going to stop our people,” he said.

Maduro, who will contest a snap presidential election against the
opposition’s Henrique Capriles on 14 April, also spoke of the importance of
continuing the Bolivarian project which Chavez led.

“Fellow men and women, now it’s up to us…let’s construct socialism, which
is the kingdom of Christ, [a kingdom] of equality and truth, on earth,” he

Chavez’s brother Adan and daughter Maria Gabriela also spoke. Adan Chavez,
who is the governor of Barinas, likewise spoke of the need to continue his
brother’s political project.

“The people can be sure that due to the instructions of our *Comandante*,
we won’t fail him,” he said.

In what was an emotive speech, he added, “We’ll construct Bolivarian
socialism and we’ll arrive at the point of no return. Nothing and no-one
will stop it”.
*Source URL (retrieved on 16/03/2013 - 11:12pm):*

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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