The ironies of the Venezuelan opposition, part
17, 2013 — Sabina Becker

Mario Silva, host of VTV’s popular media-criticism show La Hojilla (The
Razorblade), dissects yet another Venezuelan opposition irony. This time,
it’s the use of a deceased poet and journalist to ridicule a recently
deceased president. <> Only,
as is so often the case with hysterical VenOpIronía, the poet-journalist
with the sharp tongue turns out to be not one of *their* guys, but…

*The family of Venezuelan poet and journalist Aquiles Nazoa indignantly
repudiated the opinion piece published last Friday by the newspaper Tal Cual,
signed by Laureano Márquez, in which the memory of the author was
manipulated with the intent to “ignore and even judge our much-battered
reality of today” after the passing of Comandante Hugo Chávez.*

In an open letter, signed by nine members of the Nazoa family, headed by
Aída and Haydée Nazoa González (sisters of the poet who wrote “Humor and
Love”), rejected the use of Aquiles Nazoa’s work to justify the disrespect
and ridicule felt on the right toward the Venezuelan people, now mourning
the physical departure of Comandante Hugo Chávez Frías.

“We are outraged at the use of Aquiles Nazoa and his work to justify the
ill-feelings of those who stubbornly and, to their own misfortune, insist
on not being part of this colossal moment of our history in which the
infinite love of a man and his infinite struggle has given us our
homeland,” reads the letter.

The Nazoa family pointed out that the decontextualized remembrance of
Aquiles Nazoa’s humoristic works is not even the intention of the “poor
devil who wrote the article, nor the ventriloquist manipulating him from
his hiding-place in the shadows, nor even him who directs this periodical
from the catacombs of the Fourth Republic.”

For the family of the Venezuelan author, it is evident that this
manipulation “is conceived and conducted from way over there, from the same
place from whence came the blows and beatings that killed Leoncio
whom they also used on their front page to cover themselves.”

The family of the writer, who was cited by a right-wing newspaper, recalled
that Nazoa was a “card-carrying revolutionary, a communist without
fissures, a poet of the people’s struggle for justice and sovereignty, a
staunch defender of the heroic Cuban Revolution, an irreducible militant of
popular causes, and a profound connoisseur of the works of José Martí and
his cause.”

For that reason, they expressed their indignation at the disrespect to his
memory and that of the late Comandante Chávez: “An old strategy of cowards
is to use a dead man to point the finger at another dead man, both of the
people, both adored, both revolutionaries.”

*In the letter, they also emphasize that Nazoa was a “portentous
representative of our culture and our identity, most profound and a man of
transparent, luminous and freedom-loving ideas, who taught them to those of
us who were closest to him, and we could see his heart, how his life and
his struggle were one and the same, and that in the Revolution, they
conjoin with immortality.”*

Translation mine.

Some background is on order here to help understand the depth and absurdity
of this bit of irony. Teodoro
the publisher/editor-in-chief of the opposition-aligned right-wing
newspaper *Tal Cual,* is a former Marxist guerrilla. He seems to be one of
that sad generation of turncoat opportunists (the late Christopher Hitchens
who saw more profit in repudiating their early political allegiances (one
can’t really call*them convictions*, since these guys tend not to have any,
beyond “what’s in it for me”) than in sticking with them, going deeper, and
making history.

Petkoff started out in the 1960s, shortly after the last Venezuelan
dictator was deposed and US-style duopoly “democracy” installed, by taking
to the hills with a rifle and a copy of the *Communist Manifesto*. When the
guerrillas disbanded, around the turn of the next decade, he was forced to
take up other means of sustenance, and his revolutionary pretensions began
to slide. By the late 1990s, he was so far gone in the opposite direction
that he was planning minister for the conservative government of Rafael
Caldera, and responsible in no small part for their adoption of financially
disastrous neoliberal policies, as prescribed by the IMF *et al*. He who
had once been gung-ho for Cuban-style communism, was now equally gung-ho,
if not more so, for predatory capitalism.

After Hugo Chávez came to power in 1999, Petkoff began to criticize him
from the blatantly absurd angle that Chávez’s revolution was “bourgeois”,
even though both the soldiers and the civilians who had spearheaded it all
came from the poor and working classes! And he shamelessly used his very
own personal newspaper (founded in 2000, and generously financed with help
from Washington and Bretton Woods) as a mouthpiece for that. He has
repeatedly tried to position himself as an independent thinker, but his
actions say otherwise. He who had worked for an old bourgeois himself (at
the behest of still other bourgeois behind the scenes) could not, even
then, see the irony of his entire body of trenchant social criticism.
Washington said “jump”, and Petkoff didn’t even have to ask how high. He
just did; never mind that it was in ridiculous directions, and that he was
constantly falling on his face like a sad old buffoon while the socialist
revolution he had once fought for and then abandoned went on to victory
without him.

The old and respected Venezuelan Communist Party, the PCV, is still
separate and distinct from the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV)
that Chávez formed out of various other small leftist parties, including
his own Fifth Republic Movement (MVR) and a sizeable slice of Petkoff’s own
former party, the Movement Toward Socialism (MAS), which had grown
disgruntled with Petkoff and disillusioned at the notion of “moving toward
socialism” by embracing foreign imperialism. But the PCV does not vote
against the PSUV; it supports most of the same positions, and it threw its
substantial support squarely behind Chávez all the way. So it is quite
reasonable to assume that Aquiles Nazoa, a Communist himself, would have
approved of this manner of getting things done. And had he lived long
enough, he might well have been an ardent Chavista himself.

That’s why it’s so hilarious to see Petkoff misappropriate the words and
image of a real, unretouched Communist like Aquiles
Nazoa<> for
the op-ed pages of his rag. True, the article was bylined to one Laureano
Márquez, but as editor in chief, Petkoff would have to have signed off on
it for publication. Nothing appears in *Tal Cual* without his express
approval. And Petkoff and Nazoa are both of a generation. So he could not
have been unaware, unless he’d developed a sudden and very selective case
of amnesia, as to who Aquiles Nazoa was.

Is it any wonder, then, that he incurred the wrath of the long-deceased
poet’s family? And is it any wonder that they turned out in force, not only
to defend Nazoa and his personal legacy, but also to support the late
president who embodied in so many ways the ideals that Aquiles Nazoa

No, it isn’t any wonder at all. The only wonder, for me, is that Teodoro
Petkoff hasn’t even got the residual grace left to blush.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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