By David Bacon
TruthOut  (4/15/13)

        In San Diego, California, nine activists 
completed six days of a hunger strike outside the 
Mission Valley Hilton Hotel on April 10 -- the 
day demonstrations took place across the U.S. 
demanding immigration reform.  Hunger strikers 
were protesting the firing of 14 of the hotel's 
workers, after Evolution Hospitality, the company 
operating the Hilton franchise, told them that it 
had used the government's E-Verify database to 
determine that they didn't have legal immigration 
        "The company says that E-Verify is making 
them do this, even though many of the workers 
have been working here for years," said Sara 
Garcia, a supporter and hunger striker from House 
of Organized Neighbors, a local community 
organization.  "But they started firing them when 
the workers were organizing a union."
        "I clean 16 to 18 rooms a day, and they 
pay me $8.65 an hour.  No one can live on that," 
explained Leticia Nava, a fired worker.  " I'm a 
widow with three children who depend on me.  What 
is happening is not just.  We are immigrant 
workers, and the only thing we're asking is to 
work.  That's not hurting anyone."
        Garcia and Nava accuse the company of 
using the government system for immigration 
enforcement in the workplace, a database called 
E-Verify, in order to retaliate against 14 women 
for their union support.  But they also say that 
the E-Verify system is used much more 
extensively, to fire workers even where no union 
organizing is taking place. 

San Francisco demonstrators call for an end to immigration-based firings.

        "Many companies are doing the same thing. 
They're manipulating the system because what 
they're really interested in is low wages," Nava 
charged.  "This isn't the first time this 
happened to me.  I was fired the same way two 
years ago.  Now my children are all scared 
because they see it's harder for me every day. 
Tomorrow I'll have to go out and find another 
job, and E-Verify makes that more and more 
difficult.  The impact on us is not just money - 
it affects all aspects of my life." 
        Nava and Garcia joined the tens of 
thousands of immigrants and immigrant rights 
activists who demonstrated on April 10, calling 
for the reform of U.S. immigration laws.  Yet on 
the same day, legislators drafting reform 
proposals in the U.S. Senate proposed changes 
that would make Nava's experience more widespread 
than ever, which were then contained in a bill 
they introduced a week later.
        Both Garcia and Nava agreed that getting 
rid of E-Verify should be part of immigration 
reform.  "This part of the law is inhumane and 
unjust," Garcia says.  "It has economic, 
psychological and even moral effects.  Instead of 
children worrying about schoolwork they're 
worried about how they'll survive or even just 
eat."  Nava declared simply, "This part of the 
law should be eliminated."
        Congress, however, proposes to exact a 
price for the legalization of undocumented 
immigrants.   The "Gang of Eight" Senators 
drafting the reform bill announced they intend to 
expand the E-Verify system to cover all 
employers, and make its use mandatory.  This was 
only one of a number of measures that would 
increase the severity of many of the 
anti-immigrant measures already part of U.S. law.

Lorena Reyes, who was fired from her job as a 
housekeeper at the San Jose Hyatt Hotel because 
she supports the union and protested sexual 
harassment, marched for immigrant rights.

        The Hilton workers and their supporters, 
as well as the union helping them, UniteHere, all 
believe that immigration reform should include a 
legalization process.  They want one that would 
give the 11-12 million undocumented people living 
in the United States a quick and accessible way 
to gain legal status.  That demand ran through 
all of the hundreds of demonstrations around the 
country, from the 30,000 people on the mall in 
front of the Capitol Building in Washington DC to 
the thousand marchers in downtown San Francisco. 
It was a demand voiced by hundreds of janitors 
and security guards in Silicon Valley, and by 
teachers and elementary school students in 
Berkeley, California. 
        The Senators, however, are proposing a 
plan that would require undocumented people to 
spend a decade in a provisional status before 
even being able to apply for permanent legal 
residence.  Then they would have to maintain that 
status for another three years before they could 
apply to become citizens, and gain basic 
political rights.  The citizenship process is so 
overloaded that processing applications now takes 
months, even years. And instead of anticipating 
the logistical bottleneck of millions of people 
applying for citizenship at the same time, the 
Senators declared that legalization applicants 
would get no dedicated process.
        People seeking legal status would have to 
"get in the back of the line" - their visa 
applications would be processed only after all 
other pending applications. That could have 
people waiting even more years.  Today the 
government is still processing visa applications 
for some relatives of U.S. citizens and residents 
that were filed over two decades ago.  The 
undocumented would only become eligible for 
residence if they learned English, and were 
continuously employed for 10 years, or were 
family members of someone who was. 

Silicon Valley janitors and security guards marching for immigrant rights.

        The Senators further announced they would 
charge each applicant a penalty of $500 to file 
an application, another $500 six years later, and 
a further $1000 before they could apply for 
residence, on top of fees to cover the costs of 
the program.  Leticia Nava, for instance, would 
have to raise $2000 right away for herself and 
her children, and would acquire an additional 
obligation of $6000 plus fees.  At $8.65 an hour, 
paying it would be hard.  The idea of long 
waiting periods and obstacles was criticized by 
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, who warned, 
"Families, including siblings and children must 
not pay the price of our broken policies." 
        An even greater shift in U.S. immigration 
policy is in the works, however.  The Senators 
chipped away at the family preference system 
itself.  They announced that there would no 
longer be a category allowing visa applications 
for the brothers and sisters of U.S. citizens. 
At the same time their bill would create a new 
program eventually giving 120,000 visas a year to 
people with the work skills demanded by U.S. 
employers, rated on a point system.  The 
undocumented could apply for these "merit-based" 
visas, but would compete against others. 
        This moves U.S. immigration policy 
backwards in time.  Through the cold war it was 
structured to allow employers to bring workers, 
called braceros, to labor on the railroads and in 
the fields.  At the same time, ferocious 
immigration enforcement led to the deportation of 
as many as a million immigrants a year -- called 
"wetbacks" -- who tried to work outside of that 
guest worker program.  The civil rights movement 
abolished the bracero program, and with the 1965 
Immigration and Naturalization Act, a family 
based system replaced it. 

A Silicon Valley student in the April 10 demonstration.

        "Even before the braceros we had contract 
labor, like the system that brought my ancestors, 
Chinese farmers, to build the railroads and set 
up irrigated agriculture here," explained Rev. 
Deborah Lee of the Interfaith Coalition for 
Immigrant Rights in Oakland, California. "Whether 
we were Chinese migrants or braceros, we were 
just labor.  Companies could spit you out and 
send you back home.  They still can - we still 
have programs like that.  We need to recognize 
the humanity of people.  We're not just workers 
-- we're human beings.  We need a system in which 
we can create families, have our spouses come, 
raise our children and be part of society.  So 
the Senators are really changing the definition." 
        Even more direct labor supply schemes 
will be part of the Senators' bill.  Currently 
the three main official guest worker visa 
programs, H1B, H2A and H2B, allow employers to 
recruit about 250,000 workers outside the country 
every year, and bring them with visas that 
require them to work in order to stay.  Some 
allow workers to change jobs (H1B), while others 
require them to remain with the employer who 
contracted them (H2A and H2B).  Some, but not 
all, visa programs require employers to recruit 
locally first (H2A), and allow workers to 
eventually apply for residence (H1B). 
        In parallel with the Senators' 
deliberations, the AFL-CIO and the U.S. Chamber 
of Commerce announced agreement on yet another 
such program, called the W visa.  It would allow 
employers to recruit workers to fill labor 
shortages documented by a new Federal 
commissioner, require them to recruit locally 
first, and peg wages of guest workers to an 
employer's existing wage scale or to prevailing 
wages in the industry in which they're recruited. 
Workers would be able to change jobs, but could 
not remain out of work for longer than 60 days or 
they'd have to leave the country.
        Ana AvendaƱo, assistant to AFL-CIO 
President Trumka and director of immigration and 
community action for the AFL-CIO, wrote that 
under this proposal  "employers have the comfort 
of knowing that, as the economy picks up, 
workers-foreign or domestic-will be available to 
fill jobs that will fuel economic growth. 
Workers have the comfort of knowing that local 
workers will have the chance to apply for those 

In San Francisco, the march included activists 
from the Chinese and Filipino communities.

        Making a deal on a new guest worker 
program is a means to win over Republican 
Senators and Representatives who respond to 
employer lobbying.    In its mobilization efforts 
around the country, the AFL-CIO and other 
Washington DC-based lobbying groups have 
announced their central priority is a "pathway to 
citizenship" - that is, a legalization program 
for the undocumented.
        This goal is painted in broad strokes. 
"There is absolutely no distinction," said 
President Trumka at an event kicking off an April 
10 rally, "between workers who were born in this 
country and those who came here to build a better 
life.  We're all in the same boat, every one of 
us who works for a living. We rise or fall 
        Other organizations, however, have been 
critical of those aspects of the Senators' plan 
that will increase enforcement and expand labor 
supply programs.  Communications Workers of 
America President Larry Cohen warned "CWA will 
monitor any proposed changes to visa programs 
like the H-1B visa, which are sought after by 
business but have cost U.S. technicians and other 
workers tens of thousands of jobs."  The Senate 
bill would raise the numerical limit on those 
visas.  Columbia professor and former labor 
organizer Mae Ngai noted in the New York Times 
"From the agricultural 'Bracero Program' of the 
1940s and '50s to the current H-2 visa for 
temporary unskilled labor, these programs are 
notorious for employer abuse."
        In Washington State, Rosalinda Guillen, 
director of Community2Community, a farm worker 
group that organizes cooperatives and advocates 
for immigrant rights, worried that once 
undocumented agricultural laborers gained legal 
status they would face competition from guest 
workers brought into the country by growers.  She 
noted that the state's agricultural lobby is 
pushing intensely for guest workers.  The Senate 
bill transforms the existing H2A agricultural 
guest worker program into two new ones -- W2 and 
W3, and sets up a special legalization process 
for farm workers in exhcange for making the 
programs more attractive to groweres.

The San Francisco marchers included a contingent 
from the Progressive Workers Alliance, a group of 
organizing projects among low wage workers.

        "Farm workers deserve an opportunity to 
begin building healthy sustainable careers in the 
food system," she explained.  "As long as 
corporate agriculture is allowed to legally bring 
in an exploitable workforce our food system will 
continue to decline and farm worker families will 
continue to be the lowest paid workers in the 
country, working one of the most dangerous jobs, 
so consumers can eat cheap food and corporations 
can continue to get richer!"
        Many of the April 10 rallies highlighted 
other problems with U.S. immigration law.  In 
Berkeley, California, a group organized by 
teachers and the Alameda Central Labor Council 
lined a pedestrian bridge across the freeway. 
They were led by children from Jefferson 
Elementary School, who spoke to the crowd.  One, 
Kyle Kuwahara, read a letter he'd written to 
President Barack Obama, protesting the decision 
by U.S. immigration authorities to refuse to 
allow fourth-grade student Rodrigo Mendoza, along 
with his family, to return home to Berkeley after 
a vacation in Mexico. 
        "He has been in our school for five years 
and he is a friend of mine," Kuwahara wrote. 
"Rodrigo is not free to come back.  In school we 
are learning about all these important people 
like Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks who fought 
for people's civil rights and freedom. So what 
about Rodrigo's freedom? Who is fighting for his 
        The Mendoza family's crisis higlighted 
the massive enforcement wave of the last four 
years, in which over 2 million people have been 
detained and deported.  Almost all the April 10 
rallies demanded a moratorium on mass 
deportations while Congress debates reform 
proposals.  Some even demanded that the huge 
system of privately run immigrant detention 
centers be dismantled.

Jefferson Elementary School students called on 
President Obama to allow the Mendoza family to 
come back to Berkeley.

        Many in the Berkeley crowd had also 
engaged in a long fight to save the jobs workers 
at a local foundry, Pacific Steel Castings.  In 
December and January a year ago, 214 undocumented 
workers were fired after the Immigration and 
Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency examined company 
records in a process called an I-9 audit.  After 
identifying workers who had no legal immigration 
status, or "work authorization," ICE then sent 
the company a letter demanding it fire them.  The 
same process has led to the firing of hundreds of 
thousand of workers across the country during the 
Obama administration.
        City councils throughout the East Bay 
sent letters to DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano 
pointing out that the firings would not only be a 
disaster for the families involved, but would 
damage local communities.  Political pressure 
succeeded in delaying the firings, but couldn't 
stop them.  Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin 
accused ICE of undermining her city's 
already-devastated economy in the middle of a 
recession.  "Their firing is a violation of their 
human rights," she said at the time. "When they 
say that [immigration] raids are targeting 
criminals, it's not true. People who are just 
trying to make a living are being targeted big 
        The company and the workers' union, 
Molders Union Local 164, released a joint 
statement, in which Pacific Steel declared, 
"These terminations were not only devastating to 
the workers and their families, but also to the 
workforce at PSC ... [We] implore the protestors 
to direct their attention to the Department of 
Homeland Security and federal policy makers." 
The union also criticized "the broken and unfair 
laws used by the government to disrupt and 
destroy the lives of many of our friends and 
        A month before the April 10 
demonstrations, one union even went on strike 
against the firing of three workers in an 
E-Verify check.  The workers lost their jobs when 
Waste Management, Inc., fired them for lacking 
"work authorization."  The company sent them the 
notice in the middle of a bitter conflict over 
the union contract with Local 6 of the 
International Longshore and Warehouse Union.

Berkeley teachers and the Alameda County Labor 
Council organized the students to come to the 
immigrant rights demonstration.

        "I believe the company is trying to 
intimidate workers," said ILWU organizer Agustin 
Ramirez.  "For a long time workers didn't fight 
with this company.  But recently they decided to 
terminate the contract, which expired years ago. 
The company was threatening their jobs, and by 
terminating the contract they could go on strike. 
So WMI used this way to try to stop them.  It was 
like WMI was telling the workers, 'since you dare 
to question what we do, then we'll question your 
        The ILWU filed an unfair labor practice 
charge, accusing the company of "unilaterally 
implementing the E-Verify employment eligibility 
verification program" and "terminating employees 
for alleged lack of authorization to work in the 
United States," among other charges.  Then the 
workers struck for a day over the company's legal 
        "While the company is using immigration 
law for retaliation," Ramirez said, "the real 
problem is the law itself, because it makes 
firing the punishment for lacking legal status. 
The reality is that all the workers have families 
here, and are trying to stabilize their 
situation.  One even came to the U.S. when she 
was only three, and has an application for the 
Dream Act program [which defers deportation for 
students for two years and gives them work 
authorization].  The company fired her anyway."
        Fights against the use of E-Verify have 
grown over the last two years -- at Hilton and 
Waste Management, at the Mi Pueblo Supermarkets 
and at many other worksites.  Immigrant workers 
have organized marches and demonstrations against 
the I-9 audits, which have hit not only union 
molders at Pacific Steel, but union janitors in 
Los Angeles, Sacramento, Minneapolis, Seattle and 
other cities, and non-union workers at Chipotle 
restaurants and the American Apparel clothing 

San Francisco marchers.

        In the 1990s a similar wave of firings 
directed against unions and organizing drives 
gave political weight to immigrant activists 
inside the AFL-CIO, as they fought for a 
pro-immigrant policy.  They argued that "employer 
sanctions," the law that provides the legal basis 
for E-Verify and I-9 audits, was an inherent 
violation of workers' rights - to organize, and 
to work and support their families.  At the 
AFL-CIO convention in 1999, they were able to 
convince the federation to call for repealing the 
        In 2009, however, the AFL-CIO Executive 
Council adopted "The Labor Movement's Principles 
for Comprehensive Immigration Reform." Point two 
calls for "A secure and effective worker 
authorization mechanism."  Yet the massive wave 
of immigration-related firings is the way work 
authorization is actually enforced.  Local fights 
against firings inevitably question support for 
sanctions in Washington DC.  They suggest that 
instead of treating increased enforcement as 
something to be traded for legalization, that 
ending it should be part of labor's immigration 
reform program.
        Rev. Deborah Lee of the Interfaith 
Coalition predicts that unions and immigrant 
rights organizations may eventually be divided 
over whether to support Congressional reform 
proposals, since they call for vastly increased 
enforcement.  "A lot of families are suffering 
now because of earlier immigration deals trading 
legalization for enforcement.  We need to think 
long term -- if the deals today are going to 
create more problems for families in the future."
        In some communities anger against 
previous tradeoff deals is palpable.  The 
Coalicion de Derechos Humanos in Tucson called 
comprehensive immigration reform "primarily a 
vague promise used to attract immigrant and 
Latino voters, [while] border communities have 
suffered the costs of irresponsible and brutal 
enforcement policies, resulting in death and 
violence."  Increased border enforcement was part 
of the tradeoff for immigration amnesty in 1986, 
and was beefed up again in the Clinton 
administration immigration reform package of 1996.

A member of United Service Workers West in the Silicon Valley march.

        A recent study found the federal 
government spends more on border and immigration 
enforcement than on all other law enforcement 
agencies combined.  The bill drafted by the 
Senate "Gang of Eight" would spend at least 
another $3.5 billion immediately on border 
enforcement,, with the possibility of $2 billion 
more later.  It would include building more 
walls, and using drones and other means of 
electronic surveillance.  Moving forward with 
some aspects of legalization would only come 
after the government made plans for the 
surveillance and cutting down undocumented 
migration, and showed efforts to implement them. 
The special court in Tucson that tries 70 young 
migrants, brought before judges in chains and 
sentenced to time in a federal lockup for border 
crossing, would be expanded to process 210 per 
        Derechos Humanos also called for the 
repeal of employer sanctions and the E-Verify 
system.  It advocates ending guest worker 
programs because they increase job competition 
and pit resident workers against those brought to 
the U.S. by employers.  Instead "job creation and 
training programs should be implemented for all 
unemployed workers, ensuring a healthy and robust 
workforce," according to a recent statement 
responding to the Gang of Eight proposal.
        Rising demands for a more rights-based 
reform than the one on the table in Washington 
will certainly make negotiations more difficult. 
In the past, those calling for one have been 
accused of undermining efforts to achieve what's 
"politically possible," at least according to the 
beltway calculations.  But these voices won't be 
easily shut out of the national debate.
        Jon Pedigo, a priest at Our Lady of 
Guadalupe Church in San Jose, organized a 
breakfast for people of faith as part of the 
April 10 actions in the heart of Silicon Valley. 
In his homily the Sunday before, he told 
parishioners, "The authorities will try to 
silence these voices by dismissing them as 
irrelevant. We have learned through these 50 
years of organizing campesinos, low wage workers, 
and immigrant families that you cannot shut down 
the conversation. You cannot SILENCE the truth of 
our woundedness. We must confront authorities 
with stories of children's fearing that their 
parents might be taken away from them and 
deported. The voices of mothers whose children 
have been torn from their arms cannot be ignored."

Coming in 2013 from Beacon Press:
THE RIGHT TO STAY HOME:  Ending Forced Migration 
and the Criminalization of Immigrants

for the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation on the 
political economy of immigration

Radio interview with Leticia Nava, fired Hilton 
worker, and Sara Garcia, Casa de Vecinos 
Organizados, about the impact of E-Verify firings 
and immigration reform
With Solange Echevarria of KWMR about growers 
push for guest worker programs. Advance to 88 
minutes for the interview.

See also Illegal People -- How Globalization 
Creates Migration and Criminalizes Immigrants 
(Beacon Press, 2008)
Recipient: C.L.R. James Award, best book of 2007-2008

See also the photodocumentary on indigenous migration to the US
Communities Without Borders (Cornell University/ILR Press, 2006)

See also The Children of NAFTA, Labor Wars on the 
U.S./Mexico Border (University of California, 

Entrevista con activistas de #yosoy132 en UNAM
Interview by activists of #yosoy132 at UNAM (in Spanish)

Two lectures on the political economy of migration

For more articles and images, see


David Bacon, Photographs and Stories


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