The Guardian:  - July 30th, 2013  - 


Bradley Manning Cleared of Aiding The Enemy - But Guilty of Most Other Charges

• Manning Convicted of Multiple Espionage Act Violations
• Acquitted of Most Serious 'Aiding The Enemy' Charge
• Army Private Faces Maximum Jail Sentence of 130 Years

Bradley Manning at Fort Meade

Bradley Manning has already spent 1,157 days in detention since his arrest in 
May 2010. 

Bradley Manning <> , the source 
of the massive WikiLeaks <>  trove of 
secret disclosures, faces a possible maximum sentence of more than 130 years in 
military jail after he was convicted of most charges on which he stood trial.

Colonel Denise Lind, the military judge presiding over the court martial of the 
US soldier, delivered her verdict in curt and pointed language. "Guilty, 
guilty, guilty, guilty," she repeated over and over, as the reality of a 
prolonged prison sentence for Manning – on top of the three years he has 
already spent in detention – dawned.

The one ray of light in an otherwise bleak outcome for Manning was that he was 
found not guilty of the single most serious charge against him – that he 
knowingly "aided the enemy", in practice al-Qaida, by disclosing information to 
the WikiLeaks website that in turn made it accessible to all users including 
enemy groups.

Lind's decision to avoid setting a precedent by applying the swingeing "aiding 
the enemy" charge to an official leaker will invoke a sigh of relief from news 
organisations and civil liberties groups who had feared a guilty verdict would 
send a chill across public interest journalism.

The judge also found Manning not guilty of having leaked an encrypted copy of a 
video of a US air strike in the Farah province of Aghanistan in which many 
civilians died. Manning's defence team had argued vociferously that he was not 
the source of this video, though the soldier did admit to later disclosure of 
an unencrypted version of the video and related documents.

Lind also accepted Manning's version of several of the key dates in the 
WikiLeaks disclosures, and took some of the edge from other less serious 
charges. But the overriding toughness of the verdict remains: the soldier was 
found guilty in their entirety of 17 out of the 22 counts against him, and of 
an amended version of four others.

Manning was also found guilty of "wrongfully and wantonly" causing to be 
published on the internet intelligence belonging to the US, "having knowledge 
that intelligence published on the internet is accesible to the enemy". That 
guilty ruling could still have widest ramifications for news organisations 
working on investigations relating to US national security.

The verdict was condemned by human rights campaigners. Amnesty International's 
senior director of international law and policy, Widney Brown, said: "The 
government's priorities are upside down. The US government has refused to 
investigate credible allegations of torture and other crimes under 
international law despite overwhelming evidence. 

"Yet they decided to prosecute Manning who it seems was trying to do the right 
thing – reveal credible evidence of unlawful behaviour by the government. You 
investigate and prosecute those who destroy the credibility of the government 
by engaging in acts such as torture which are prohibited under the US 
Constitution and in international law."

Ben Wizner, of the American Civil LIberties Union, said: "While we're relieved 
that Mr Manning was acquitted of the most dangerous charge, the ACLU has long 
held the view that leaks to the press in the public interest should not be 
prosecuted under the Espionage Act.

"Since he already pleaded guilty to charges of leaking information – which 
carry significant punishment – it seems clear that the government was seeking 
to intimidate anyone who might consider revealing valuable information in the 

In a statement to the Guardian, Manning's family expressed "deep thanks" to his 
civilian lawyer, David Coombs, who has worked on the case for three years. They 
added: "While we are obviously disappointed in today's verdicts, we are happy 
that Judge Lind agreed with us that Brad never intended to help America's 
enemies in any way. Brad loves his country and was proud to wear its uniform."

Once the counts are added up, the prospects for the Manning are bleak. Barring 
reduction of sentence for mitigation, which becomes the subject of another 
mini-trial dedicated to sentencing that starts tomorrow, Manning will face a 
substantial chunk of his adult life in military custody.

He has already spent 1,157 days in detention since his arrest in May 2010 – 
most recently in Fort Leavenworth in Kansas – which will be deducted from his 
eventual sentence.

A further 112 days will be taken off the sentence 
  as part of a pre-trial ruling in which Lind compensated him for the 
excessively harsh treatment he endured at the Quantico marine base in Virginia 
between July 2010 and April 2011. He was kept on suicide watch for long 
stretches despite expert opinion from military psychiatrists who deemed him to 
be at low risk of self-harm, and at one point was forced to strip naked at 
night in conditions that the UN denounced as a form of torture 

Lind has indicated that she will go straight into the sentencing phase of the 
trial, in which both defence and prosecution lawyers will call new witnesses. 
This is being seen as the critical stage of the trial for Manning's defence: 
the soldier admitted months ago to being the source of the WikiLeaks 
disclosures, and much of the defence strategy has been focused on attempting to 
reduce his sentence through mitigation.

With that in mind, the soldier's main counsel, David Coombs, is likely to 
present evidence during the sentencing phase that Manning was in a fragile 
emotional state at the time he began leaking and was struggling with issues 
over his sexuality. In pre-trial hearings, the defence has argued that despite 
his at times erratic behaviour, the accused was offered very little support or 
counselling from his superiors at Forward Operating Base Hammer outside Baghdad.

The outcome will now be pored over by government agencies, lawyers, journalists 
and civil liberties groups for its implications for whistleblowing, 
investigative reporting and the guarding of state secrets in the digital age. 
By passing to WikiLeaks more than 700,000 documents, Manning became the first 
mass digital leaker in history, opening a whole new chapter in the age-old 
tug-of-war between government secrecy and the public's right to information in 
a democracy.

Among those who will also be closely analysing the verdict are Edward Snowden, 
the former NSA contractor who has disclosed the existence of secret government 
dragnets of the phone records of millions of Americans, who has indicated that 
the treatment of Manning was one reason for his decision to seek asylum in 
another country rather than face similar aggressive prosecution in America. The 
British government will also be dissecting the courtroom results after the 
Guardian disclosed that Manning is a joint British American citizen 
<> .

Another party that will be intimately engaged with the verdict is WikiLeaks, 
and its founder, Julian Assange. They have been the subject of a secret grand 
jury investigation in Virginia that has been looking into whether to prosecute 
them for their role in the Manning disclosures.

WikiLeaks and Assange were mentioned repeatedly during the trial by the US 
government which tried to prove that the anti-secrecy organisation had directly 
steered Manning in his leaking activities, an allegation strongly denied by the 
accused. Prosecutors drew heavily on still classified web conversations between 
Manning and an individual going by the name of "Press Association", whom the 
government alleges was Assange.  -

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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