

No U.S. Military Intervention in Syria!






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Veterans For Peace strongly opposes U.S. military intervention, whether direct 
or indirect, in the war that is currently raging in Syria. 

U.S. military aid to rebels in Syria only deepens the suffering and increases 
the casualties among the Syrian people. It destabilizes the region and risks 
escalating the conflict into a regional war. It violates the U.N. Charter and 
international law.

There should be no U.S. military intervention in any form, including a 
so-called “no-fly zone,” which would be a direct act of military aggression. 
Only the Syrian people can decide who should govern Syria.

Veterans For Peace calls for an escalation of diplomacy, not war. We call for a 
ceasefire from all combatants in Syria. We call for urgent diplomacy to stop 
the bloodshed and address the humanitarian crises in Syria and among Syrian 
refugees in neighboring countries.

Please take action and make your voice heard! Let’s stop a US attack in Syria 
before it starts. 

·         Sign  
 this petition and help spread it through social media!  

*       Call the White House at 202-456-1111 or  the Switchboard at 202-456-1414

*       Call your elected Representatives and Senators in their State or 
District offices (they are on recess) – Demand NO military intervention in 
Syria. Use  
this link to find the phone number: 

*       Organize a peaceful protest, march, vigil at your local communities 
(city hall, federal building, etc.) anytime this week, call for "NO attacks on 

*       If the U.S. attacks Syria, organize local actions, after the attack 
begins, either 6PM on same day if the attacks begin during U.S. day time (local 
Syria evening time), or 5PM the next day if the attacks begin during U.S. 
evening time (local Syria day time) 

·         Distribute VFP brochure:   
11 Reasons Why the U.S. Must Not Attack Syria




Please Visit Our Website at:  www.veteransforpeace.org 




[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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