Ecosocialist Conference 2013 - Los Angeles 
Saturday, September 21st - 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM 

Registration/Refreshments - 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM 
At The Mayme Clayton Library & Museum  

4130 Overland Avenue, Culver City 90230
$15 Early Registration: www.escla2013.brown 
<>  - $20 at Door.
$5 Students/Unemployed/Retired. No one turned away for lack of funds.


9:00 AM         Registration/Refreshments
10:00 AM       Opening Plenary: Capitalism is Killing the Planet - David Klein, 
Lisa Lubow
11:00 AM       Session 1 Workshops:
                        - Food Justice, Local and Global - Luis Rivas, Miguel 
Diaz, Cheri Rae
                        - Environmental Racism & Indigenous Resistance - 
Kimberly King, Ragina Johnson, Lydia Ponce
                        - Fracking, KeystoneXL, Tar Sands - Lauren Steiner, 
Jack Eliot, TBA
1:00 PM         Large Marge Lunch
1:50 PM         Session 2 Workshops:
                        - Art, Consciousness, and Protest  - Carol Wells, Nadia 
                  - Both Red & Green: A History of the Green Left - Scott 
Tucker, Mike Powelson
                  - Sustainability and Technology - Eric Rehder, Gene Warren
4:00 PM        Session 3 Workshops:
                        - A Debate on Electoral Politics - Mike Feinstein, 
Kwazi Nkrumah, Craig Toennies
                  - Natural Allies: Labor and Climate Justice - Andrea 
Nicholls, TBA
                  - Effects of Capitalism: Alienation & Liberation - Ben 
Manski, Mark Lipman, Alan Peck
6:00 PM       Dinner Break
6:45 PM     Coordinating Committee Penultimate Theatre
7:00 PM       Closing Plenary: What is Ecosocialism and How Might We Get There 
                    Jill Stein, Richard Larios, Chris Williams
Socialist Party USA, Socialist Party USA-Los Angeles Local, International 
Socialist Organization-Los 
Angeles Branch, Democratic Socialists of America-Los Angeles Chapter, Valley 
College Socialists, 
Occupy Los Angeles Freedom School, News and Letters-Los Angeles Branch, News 
and Letters-San 
Francisco Branch, Cal State Northridge Greens, San Fernando Valley Greens, 
Solidarity-Los Angeles 
Branch, Green Shadow Cabinet of the United States, Large Marge Sustainables. 

*   To Endorse Contact: 
** More Information: 

System Change, Not Climate Change!
Statement from the Ecosocialist Contingent for the Forward on Climate
February 17, 2013 

Tens of thousands of activists, including students, indigenous leaders, 
religious groups, and community 
organizations will assemble in DC on February 17 for one of the largest climate 
and environmental justice 
demonstrations ever. The climate extremes of 2012 have shifted public opinion 
in favor of change, 
despite Obama’s electoral silence. The rise of Idle No More has further 
energized the movement and 
internationalized perspectives. February 17th should mark the beginning of a 
more united, grassroots  
climate movement with no illusions in the free market or the Democratic Party. 
We ecosocialists are 
honored to stand with so many and say no to the Keystone XL!  No to extreme 
Ecosocialists believe capitalism is killing the planet. The drive to increase 
profits assumes endless growth 
on a finite planet. Capitalism depends on cheap oil and gas, and shuns energy 
conservation and a swift 
switch to renewables as unprofitable.
The US war machine has devastated the Middle East in the service of ExxonMobil. 
Fossil Fuel 
corporations continue to scour the planet for ever-more oil, gas, coal and 
profit. This must change. We 
must bring human society back into balance with nature. Politicians such as 
President Obama are 
beholden to corporate interests and refuse to do what’s necessary to avert 
ecological catastrophe. Only 
the self-organization of the 99% can turn society around.
Mobilizations like those of the First Nations people, farmers, and towns who 
are blocking pipeline 
construction through their lands offer a way out of the crisis. Progressives, 
radicals, the labor movement, 
and First Nations must unite. We demand President Obama reject the Keystone XL 
permit. We demand 
a massive public works campaign, green jobs and cuts to defense spending. We 
support broad action 
campaigns for free and publicly-owned mass transit, public ownership of 
renewable energy, as well as an 
end to racism, sexism, homophobia, and oppression.
The capitalist system is in fundamental conflict with the climate system.  
Capitalist exploitation of nature is 
the flip side to the exploitation of human labor.  Ultimately therefore, to 
solve the ecological and social 
crisis, we need a revolutionary movement that creates a new society free of 
exploitation, oppression, and 
the profit motive.  A society which measures the quality of life not through 
the competitive acquisition of 
things, but by our relationship to each other and nature, that acts to protect 
and restore our planet for 
future generations.
■No to the Keystone XL Pipeline, fracking, mountaintop removal, nuclear power 
and extreme energy
■Respect indigenous rights
■Tax the polluters!  Build a renewable infrastructure with union labor
■Another World is Possible! For a society based on human need, not profit.
Initiated by Solidarity and the International Socialist Organization. 
To endorse, please contact:  <>
Endorsing Organizations and Individuals:
Editorial board, New Politics
Chicago Socialist Party
West Queens Green Party, NYC
Green Party Manhattan Local
Bronx Green Party
Bronx County Green Party
Ecosocialist Horizons
International Socialists (Canada)
Shut Down Indian Point Now!
Socialist Action
Red Wedge Magazine
Mike Davis, Professor, Creative Writing, UC Riverside; author of Planet of 
Slums, In Praise of 
Barbarians, Late Victorian Holocausts
Ian Angus, Editor, 
Toronto Bolivia Solidarity
Sherry Wolf, Author, Sexuality & Socialism
Sharon Smith, Author, Subterranean Fire: A History of Working Class Radicalism 
in the United States
Phil Gasper, Associate Editor, International Socialist Review
Bhaskar Sunkara, editor & publisher of Jacobin magazine, senior editor In These 
Tarak Kauff, Board of Directors, Veterans for Peace
Lance Selfa, Author, The Democrats: A Critical History
Sam Gindin
Victor Wallace, Managing Editor, Socialism & Democracy
Chris Williams, Professor, Pace University; author, educator, activist
Paul LeBlanc, La Roche College; author, Marx, Lenin, and Revolutionary 
Experience; activist
Scott McLemee, New Politics editorial board
Michele Bollinger, co-editor of 101 Changemakers
Patrick Bond, Director, Center for Civil Society at the University of 
KwaZulu-Natal, Durban
Deepa Kumar, Professor, Rutgers University, activist, author, Islamophobia and 
the Politics of Empire
Michael Lowy, Member, editorial board of Ecologie Politique, Paris, France
Gregg Shotwell, author of Autoworkers Under the Gun
Joanne Landy, Co-Director, Campaign for Peace & Democracy; editorial board 
member, New Politics
John Riddell, Canadian socialist and environmental activist
Alan Wald, editorial board, Against the Current
Subhankar Banarjee, photographer, writer, and activist
John Stachel, *Director, Center for Einstein Studies, Boston University
Kevin Hengehold
David Schwartzman, Professor Emeritus, Biogeochemistry, Howard University; and
Lois Wilcken, La Troupe Makandal, Inc
Ernest Boyd, Asheville, North Carolina
Rory Short, Quaker/Yogi/Buddhist/Environmentalist
John Sharkey
Lance Newman, Associate Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences
Professor of English and Environmental Studies. Westminster College
Sue Udry, *Executive Director, Defending Dissent Foundation
David Barsamian, Director, Alternative Radio
Mark A. Lause, Professor of History, University of Cincinnati
Ann Montague, Co-Chair, Lavender Caucus,SEIU 503 (Oregon)
Greg Albo, Professor of Political Economy, York University
Ellis Boal
Dana Bisignani, Women’s Studies Instructor, Poet, Graduate Student, Purdue 
Michael Friedman, Biologist, member Professional Staff Congress (CUNY), AFT 
local 2334
Michael Rubin, State Coordinating Committee, Green Party of California
Howie Hawkins, Teamsters local 317, 2010 Green party candidate for NY Governor
Sandy Boyer, Radio Free Eireann
Ron Lare, UAW Local 600 member, retired, former Executive Board member
Cindy Moeckel, Professor Emeritus, Arizona State University
Elizabeth Carroll, Associate Professor, Writing Center Director, Appalachian 
State University
Donna Cartwright, *Pride at Work, CWA local 31003 member, retired
Kamran Nayeri, Political Economist emeritus, University of California, 
Berkeley, editor of Our Place in 
the World: A Journal of Ecosocialism
Monthly Review, independent socialist magazine
Fred Magdoff, author and professor emeritus of plant and soil science at the 
University of Vermont
Robert “Gabe” Gabrielsky, NJ 2000 Green Party candidate for Congress
Cecile Lawrence, NY 2010 Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate
Jim Fleming, editor and publisher, Autonomedia
Al Weinrub, Coordinator of the Local Clean Energy Alliance and author of 
Community Power: 
Decentralized Renewable Energy in California
Bolivarian Circle Alberto Lovera NYC
Laurens R. Hunt
Freedom Socialist Party
The Green Party of the State of New York
The Young Democratic Socialists
Socialist Project (Canada)
Centre for Social Justice (Toronto)
The National Lawyers Guild
The Democratic Socialists of America
CUNY Divest
Artists for Equality
NY News & Letters Committee
* affiliation noted for identification purposes only.




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