"This is an urgent, escalating catastrophe that must be addressed  ASAP. The 
costs of financing the containment/cleanup far exceed the 
capabilities of Japan;  the world community has a collective 
responsibility to share the financial burden.  We petition the UN to set up an 
international group, free from conflicts of interest, to manage the ongoing 
disaster. This group would:
1. prepare an innovative remediation plan
2. gather the appropriate and required resources for such remediation, 
drawing without limitation on funding from the entire world
3. streamline the operations at the site, working with Japan
4. provide regularly published progress reports including prevailing 
risks to the worldwide community. Legal Basis: The UN has a fiduciaryduty  to 
act immediately and decisively when  collective human rights, 
basic livelihood, environmental security, and right to know are being 
jeopardized.  Fukushima poses a risk of “omnicide” on a scale beyond our 
historical experience."


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