Sent by Maureen Cruise:


You Are Invited to a Special Screening of

THE HEALTHCARE MOVIE - Narrated by Kiefer Sutherland -

Sunday, September 29th - Noon to 1:30 PM

At THE CHURCH IN OCEAN PARK - A Diverse Interfaith Community Dedicated to
Social Justice

235 Hill Street, Santa Monica 90405 - (310) 399-1631 -

Interfaith Service

Sunday, September 29th

9:05 AM - Singing Group

10:15 AM - Interfaith Service with Guest Speaker Paul Song MD

Noon-1:30 PM - Movie Screening & Panel Discussion

Church in Ocean Park


With Special Guest Speaker Dr. Paul Song, Discussing Healthcare:


Paul Song, MD, is a board-certified radiation oncologist and a board member
of Physicians for a National Health Program California (PNHP). He is on the
faculty at the Samuel Oschin Cancer Center at Cedars Sinai Medical Center.
Dr. Song was recently named the first visiting fellow in the Office of the
Insurance Commissioner in the California Department of Insurance working on
health policy.


Service will be followed by a potluck lunch, and a screening of "The
Healthcare Movie", a look at the Canadian Struggle for universal healthcare
and the parallels with the American Health Care System.


Guest Panel of Speakers to Follow the Movie:








Dr. Bill Honigman, is a full-time practicing "ER doc" from Orange County, CA
for over 30 years, husband and father of two grown sons. Twice elected
President of the South Orange County Democratic Club, has been a
long-standing elected and re-elected member and former officer of the Orange
County Democratic Central Committee, a former elected delegate and appointed
Rules Committee member of the Democratic National Convention, and now the
Orange County Chapter Leader and a California State Coordinator of the
national grassroots organization Progressive Democrats of America (PDA), and
is currently serving as PDA's Healthcare for All Issue Organizing Team (IOT)


Anita Anderson, is a Canadian now living in America, a patient advocate and
a recent emergency room trauma technician, a surgical consultant, a back
office nurse who specialized in oncology, cardiology and reconstructive
surgery. Now, a member of IATSE local 767, Anita is currently working as a
set medic (first aid for the television and film industry). Anita has been a
witness to hundreds if not thousands of victims of the private health care


Maureen Cruise RN, is a former clinic nurse with the LA County Dept. Health
Services and is the new director of Healthcare for All- Los Angeles Chapter.
Her other healthcare involvements include the All Care Alliance, ,
Physicians for a National Health Program, National Nurses United. Maureen
volunteered with Common Ground Clinic for Hurricane Katrina Relief, visited
Venezuelan Healthcare Missions with the Global Exchange delegation to the
2006 World Social Forum. She is a past member of the state strategy
healthcare team for the progressive caucus and was the Progressive Democrats
of LA Healthcare Liaison participating in community forums, cable TV, radio
and workshops to educate people about single payer universal healthcare.


Coordinated by Michelle Heally, MD

Physicians for a National Health Program -Los Angeles




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