Kafka in Bagram
Posted by Eric Lewis

Amanatullah is my client. For more than nine years, he has been held without 
charge by the United States military in a vast prison complex at Bagram Air 
Force Base, in Afghanistan.  I have never met him.
September 17th, I will try to convince a federal appeals court that some 
American court should review his case.  The problem is that the United 
States government will not say why he was captured or what he is alleged to 
have done—only that he is detained because he meets the “criteria 
for detainability.” We also know that the government has cleared him for 
release.  It just will not release him. The government will not say why he is 
cleared for release or why he has not been released.  What it 
will say is that a United States court has no jurisdiction to undertake 
these inquiries.
Photo: Alixandra Fazzina.
What do we know about Amanatullah?  We know that he is a 
Pakistani citizen,  a rice merchant, from a village outside Faisalabad. 
In 2004, he went on a business trip to Iran (which imports rice from 
Pakistan) and crossed into Iraq to visit Shia shrines.  We know that he 
disappeared and was not heard from for ten months, when his family 
learned that he had been detained by British forces in Iraq, handed over to 
American troops, and then flown to Afghanistan and jailed at Bagram. We know 
that he was registered originally under the wrong name, 
suggesting that this may be a case of mistaken identity.  We know that, 
for nine years, he has been prohibited from speaking to a lawyer and 
permitted only a few telephone calls from his family. He has five 
children who have not seen him for nine years.
Why was Amanatullah brought to Afghanistan?  Rendition of a prisoner 
from his place of capture to a third country is a grave breach of the 
Geneva Conventions, as is rendering someone to a war zone. Surely, there were 
plenty of places to detain him in Iraq. And there was a well-worn 
route for prisoners to be sent to Guantánamo Bay. Again, the government 
will not say.
We have succeeded in obtaining affidavits from two top-level Bush-era 
officials, the chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell and a 
senior C.I.A. official, both of whom have sworn that decisions as to 
where to detain prisoners were frequently driven by policy judgments 
about where they would have the fewest rights.  And Amanatullah was sent to 
Bagram after the United States Supreme Court had decided in Rasul v. Bush that 
detainees at Guantánamo Bay had the right to bring habeas 
corpus proceedings in a United States court.  The effort to create a 
complete legal black hole at Guantánamo had failed, and Bagram remained, in the 
government’s view, a last, best chance for holding detainees 
indefinitely without trial or judicial review. 
Why won’t the government allow Amanatullah to have a habeas hearing?  
Because he is in a war zone, the government argued—the one to which it 
brought him.  Because it could interfere with the war effort and divert 
military resources.  Because a court telling the military what to do 
could diminish the prestige of the military in Afghanistan and bring aid and 
comfort to the enemy. 
By any rational analysis, these are slogans rather than arguments based 
on facts. The military complex at Bagram is a huge fortress city, where 
Afghan detainees are being tried every day under the supervision and 
guidance of the U.S. military.  Amanatullah, however, is not an Afghan, 
so he is maintained in a new, separately built facility for 
third-country nationals.  If Amanatullah were given a habeas hearing, it would 
not divert the war effort; one could argue that if there’s a 
distraction, it’s his detention. Bagram is run not by combat units but 
by a joint task force, whose job it is to run the prison and court 
complex.  And a habeas hearing would focus on what Amanatullah allegedly did in 
Iraq, information presumably known to the British troops in Iraq who detained 
him and kept on a Pentagon system database. 
Will the prestige of the military be diminished if a United States court 
accords basic human rights and dignity to a rice merchant from 
Pakistan? Will the freeing of an innocent man through the Great Writ 
give aid and comfort to the enemy?  I would suggest that providing 
Amanatullah with his day in a United States court, even at this late 
date, would achieve just the opposite. 


Thanks to Thomas Barton of Military Resistance for this article.


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