Hello Carol,
I tried taking a picture of the label but it was not very readable.If you would like we will send you the label or a bottle of our supplaments @ no charge to try.Please reply to our email address directly with your contact info.In the meantime the ingredients are as follows;
Each Tablet Contains; Mg.
Borage seed Oil 250
Fish Oil 125
Oil of Evening
Primrose 75
Virgin Olive oil 25
Vitamin E
(d-alphatocopherol 10 I.U.

Other Ingredients;microcrystaline cellulose,chicken flavoring,vegtable sterate,and silicon sterate.These are to keep the tablet in tablet form and to aid in digestion.
Hope this helps for info and good luck with Boodles.

Paul & Lillian Buccilli
1-866-WavyDog (toll free)

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

Subject : Re: [RE][labradoodles] Need Advice on Dry Skin

Date : Fri, 1 Dec 2006 10:46:31 -0800 (PST)

From : Carol Dean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To : labradoodles@yahoogroups.com

What are the ingredients in this suppliment?

no list on the link.........I like to see actual dosages if possible.


"St. Clair Kennels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Kristen,

First,try not to bath him as often in the winter months.Be sure to use a very mild natural shampoo there are many available.Be sure to rule out diet or disease,many dogs have allergic reactions to grain fillers.Be sure the first ingredient listed on the bag is a meat product not grain.In some cases a food with lamb,and rice for the filler is better for them.

If all else fails it could be an inherited tendency.If this is the case we ask you visit our own supplament page as we have had these problems before and created an Omega 6,all natural mineral supplament for our dogs and use it daily.Start your Boodles with 2 teblets daily the first week and to maintain the coat you should be able to reduce it to 1 tablet depending on his weight.it's chicken flavored and dogs love them.Hope this helps answer your problem.


---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

Subject : [labradoodles] Need Advice on Dry Skin

Date : Fri, 01 Dec 2006 16:48:38 -0000

From : "Kristan"

To : labradoodles@yahoogroups.com

Boodles skin is flaking when I pet / scratch him. I wash him about

once every two weeks so I think it's the dry, cold weather. Any

advice on how to moisturize his skin without making him greasy?

Thank you,



Paul Lillian Buccilli



1-866-WavyDog (toll free)

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