On Jan 25, 2004, at 22:41, Helen Bell wrote:

I have just spent my "Australia Day" on Australian time, shoveling about
5-6" of snow from my side of the driveway, so I don't have to do it
tomorrow morning in 10F temps :-)

That is most unfair; I am most aggrieved... You can't expect anything else in *Denver*, but it has snowed for 13 hrs *here*, and the only reason the accumulation is 3-4" (rather than 5 or 6) is that for the last 3hrs of it the snow was pretty much frozen, and tamped down the earlier efforts. It's 12F outside now and dropping...

We laid in the necessary supplies (smokes and books, in my case; don't know what Severn thought was "sine qua non", but he, too, went out yesterday <g>), neither of us is going to *stir* tomorrow, so we've decided to let nature do what she will with the driveway (and I didn't even try to dig my car -- parked in the open -- from under)

But *we* are *in the South* (supposedly)... That kind of weather-behaviour is *unseemly* (and not the first time this winter, either); I put up with the heat and the humidity every summer, I'm not supposed to be putting up with this kind of mischief in winter as well.

Grumble, grumble, bitch,
Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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