I haven't participated in Secret Pals so far, but I've been thinking about
the suggestion that some people might be disappointed with the parcels they
receive and that a limit of, say, 10 dollars per parcel might be an idea.
One possibility for making some people feel disappointed if this was
strictly adopted, and they elected to have a secret pal in another country,
is that what 10 dollars will buy in one country migh be quite different in
another. What made me think of it was that there was a discussion on the
radio about the fact that we're losing call centre jobs to India. In the UK
the employees would get about 14,000 pounds but in India they get the
equivalent of 2,000 so our companies save a lot of money by shipping those
jobs there. And a teacher here getting 18,000 would get the equivaent of
1,000 in India so call centre jobs are sought after by graduates. I assume
that things must be a lot cheaper in India than in th UK, and that jobs have
different weighting when it comes to salaries as well. I believe it was said
a while ago that what we pay for a cup of coffee will buy a complete meal in

Just a thought.

Jean in Poole

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