>From: Bev Walker <>
>Subject: [lace-chat] Happy Victoria Day 

>To all my Canadian buddies, I hope you're all enjoying the May long
>weekend. ...There will be a parade in Victoria, BC - marching bands, pipe
>and drum corps, clowns, floats, and probably a facsimile Queen -
>sometimes we have a Victoria impostor as well as an Elizabeth II.

Actually, Bev, according to the TV programme I watched last night, the
real things are/were impostors too!! The "real" sovereign of England, it
seems, is a gentleman who lives in Australia and goes by the name of
Michael Hastings!!! Apparently, historians have discovered recently that
Henry VII, who ended the War of the Roses by putting the Tudors on the
throne, was in fact illegitimate, so had no right to the throne at all.
The Plantagenet (who ruled before the Tudors) crown should have gone to a
sister of the last king, and so on, and so on. They've actually traced the
whole descendance of the family and found that the present "king" 
immigrated to Australia in the 60's, I think, and decided to stay here and
raise his family here. He actually has got an English title, but doesn't
use it at all, and Plantagenet is still part of his full family name. And
he's a real republican, thinks Australia should split up! Fascinating.
English BBC, of course, they're the only ones who still make great TV

Yours with a chuckle,
Helene, the froggy from Melbourne.

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