Dear Friends,

I've been reading the Memorial Day postings and waiting and waiting for either a Brit or Oz to mention that for years May 24th was our wonderful celebration called Empire Day!!!!!!! Wasn't it perhaps Queen Victoria's real birthday?

I know in the 50s and 60s it was the only other night of the year (apart from Novemebr 5th) when we had fabulous bonfires and fireworks - till all were banned. How we loved watching Dad being chased by the Jumping Jack; and remember the day when he finally "allowed" us to light the Catherine Wheels. Boy did I cop it when I set off a whole string of Tom Thumbs at once and threw them at my "dear" sister Christine. The Roman Candles were always tied to the clothes line and set off a few at a time.
Next morning we would hunt the back yard and next door's paddock for the "fizzers" and light them all over again. Thank God Mum never found out about the incredibly powerful "cracker guns" that we used to make to blow up letter boxes and milk bottles and shoot sparrows :) :) :)
David in Ballarat

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