Thank you for your parcel which arrived this morning, as I waited for the
bus picking up my daughter,so we stood on the front lawn and opened it, taking
things out one at a time and talking about it. The card was just lovely, did
you make it?Well I would never have thought of that with the horseshoe, must
admit with an up coming wedding (D.S) I had a couple of other thoughts. I will
take it to lace on Friday and see if anyone can guess, but I will certainly
try it. I have had a look through the cook book, and started to get a few
ideas for tea. The heart I will find something to go in it, the lavender
sachet smells so nice I will put it in my lace cupboard, to keep it nice. the
magnet is terrific, I had one but I think DH took it, he thought it great for
retrieving lost screws while he is doing repairs this I will hide. I will have
to find a project for the threads, and the sweets are very tempting, but I
will share them with my grandchildren on Friday, when I go over for my
grandsons 13th birthday, The badge I will put in my collection. Yes I have
done a few other crafts, and am trying to find time to do some more patchwork
at present, I have done the teddy bears, and am knitting scarf's at present.
So a very big thank you again

Margaret in cold Mt. Eliza

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